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  • Geschichte der Heilerpflanzen | Maren's Kunst

    Our earth has existed for about 4.6 billion years. Plants are among the oldest inhabitants of our planet and have been living on it for around 475 million years. If we assume that Homo Erectus - the first species of people who knew how to use fire and hunted it, then we can say that the history of medicinal plants began here, that is, 1.9 million years ago. The plants were certainly mainly used for food, but they could certainly be useful for maintaining and restoring health through their effect as food and through experience. The first descriptions of the use of plants as medicines come from China. The emperor "Shennung", also known as "the divine farmer", who ruled there about 3000 years before our era, is said to have transmitted the knowledge and the use of 240 herbal drugs orally or in writing. The Indians were also very knowledgeable about herbs and so in the "teaching of long life" , of Ayur-Veda (approx. 1500-800 years BC in the first Vedic period), from very many medicinal plants reported. The Physician Susruta already knew 750 medicinal plants and made the first anatomical and surgical drawings. Besides that the Indians already knew that poison with one antidote to fight is (Principle der Homeopathy). Through the rain Trade exchanges between the cultures of antiquity also brought new knowledge about the medicinal uses of plants from culture to culture. The highly developed empire of the Egyptians was a pioneer due to its high level of knowledge in the fields of medicine, hygiene and the art of pharmacy. Papyrus scrolls and the information that can be found in old buildings (pyramids) tell about this. The doctrine of signatures written by Paracelsus originally comes from the Old Kingdom of Egypt. ​ The signature theory: ​ Pekana Lexicon: The god of medicine Thoth was depicted on a Nile ship as Ph-ar-maki (Lender of Security.) Lender of security = pharmaceutics. ​ The great Greek physician Hippocrates of Kos (460-377 BC) is not only the founder of the doctrine of the four humors (blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile) and the founder of medical ethics (Hippocratic life, Hippocratic oath), but also reports in his writings about 240 medicinal plants. He was also already aware of the weather and site conditions influencing the effect. The most important about the healing power of plants In the 1st century he was a man of knowledge and pharmacology living physician Pedanios Dioscorides. As a military doctor under the emperors Claudius and Nero he had on the army trains the possibility much knowledge about pharmacology and to collect medicinal plants and hence his research to complete. Dioscurides already reports more than 800 medicinal plants. The most impressive Work on Medicine in the Antiquity is his 5 books comprehensive work "De Materia Medica" ​ Pedanios Dioscorides "De Materia Medica" ​ From the time of the European Middle Ages naturally Saint Hildegard von Bingen and Albert Magnus named and also named here the brave ones Midwives and herbalists who because of blasphemous denials and the medieval Thesis "Salvation could only come from come from God, from the devil but sin and sickness" end up at the stake had to. The clergy underwent the healing. ​ Kaiser Shennung already knew about the medicinal properties of Chinese rhubarb roots The Queen holds to the King the fruit of the mandragora (mandrake) & a lotus flower hin "Walk in the Garden" (New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, around 1350-1340 BC BC) Pedanios Dioscurides (c. AD 50) TEXT

  • Meine Heilersteine | Maren's Kunst

    The zircon (hyacinth) - the brother of the diamond Zircon is one of the oldest precious stones on Earth and on the Moon. It wards off evil, heals energetic damage to the subtle body Antiquity: Zircon was often found in insane asylums, where it was used as a healing stone against insanity. H.Brusius: Protects against evil and unhealthy things in the world According to St. Hildegard, the stone should be applied to people suffering from eye problems. It helps with heart ailments and fever. and in driving out evil. Photo: Rob Lavinsky The Emerald The emerald has a very powerful character. Powerful in the sense of a wise diplomat. It creates balance and equilibrium. It connects body and mind and releases its peaceful, soothing and loving powers in the event of disharmony, thereby creating contentment and joy. The Greek name Smaragdos means "Green Goddess of all Stones". It vitalizes and strengthens the heart, our power plant (heart muscles, heart valves, arrhythmias) The sapphire The sapphire is a healing stone with a high frequency and strong energy. The sapphire therefore penetrates very deeply into our entire body, mind and soul and creates a connection between the bodies, which normally only occurs at the highest level most relaxed and balanced people can be found. The sapphire helps us to approach desires, needs and goals with more determination. People who are prone to anger and overreactions should wear an amulet made of sapphire around their necks, as this protects them from violent emotional outbursts. It gives its wearer calm nerves and more concentration of thought. Blue sapphire causes serenity and equanimity, it slows down what is going too fast. Saphir helps to learn from mistakes and to notice faster what is actually not good for you or goes against your own beliefs. He is able to align the imagination and the will so that ideas actually become reality and desires come true. Fortunately, it also helps to live a consciously positive life and, above all, to be mindful of your thoughts and postulates. Sapphire helps to shape your own life in a self-determined, disciplined and responsible manner._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ It promotes virtues such as fidelity, friendship, love and hope. Physically, sapphire strengthens the vegetative and central nervous system. It helps against many mental illnesses, it promotes the will to recover and the self-healing powers. physical effect "Sapphire is the most serene of all gems the color of heaven. It frees the spirit and gladdens the sorrowful heart. Even the ancient Greeks revered this gemstone as the stone of wisdom, loyalty, prudence and reason. The smoky quartz - The adult rock crystal The smoky quartz supports and helps people in grief, with depression and people who also suffer from alcohol addiction. It leads to weaning and strengthens the will to stay abstinent. image source; silver+silver The Black Tourmaline for me this wonderful stone is the ideal companion for HSPs and empaths Black tourmaline has always been the stone of self-confidence and perseverance. Like a lightning rod, it helps give neg. energies, radiation (e.g. computers) and also against black magic and evil. Negative thoughts of our fellow human beings, such as distrust, greed, envy, infidelity and jealousy have power and can put a heavy strain on us energetically and cause us pain and suffering. Black tourmalines are the strongest protective stones for the body and our soul. Photo: Colourbox Rose Quartz The stone of love, heart and beauty The rose quartz is truly a stone of the heart. It helps to open our heart and to promote our need for love - within us. It soothes the pain of disappointed love and helps overcome fears of being disappointed again. Also physically its healing power is mainly dedicated to the heart. It alleviates diseases of the cardiovascular system, prevents thrombosis and heart attacks and strengthens the heart valves and heart muscles. Photo:Jeff Scovil Larimar - Atlantis Stone In ancient Greece, people were known to come across the sea in small boats and speak with blue stones, hence its nickname, the Atlantis Stone. The Larimar gives inner peace and clarity with its luminous and loving energy. It helps us with anxiety and depression. It alleviates both physical and mental growth symptoms. The gentle Larimar lovingly helps to increase self-confidence and self-realization. Nonetheless, it is a highly effective protective stone, for its light is so pure it cannot be dimmed chrysoprase Chrysoprase - my great cleanser - provides energetic "fresh air" Psychic Effect Chrysoprase is the stone of purification and detoxification for body and mind. Bad dreams, depression and irritability are things of the past with him. It resolves inner contradictions, helps to increase self-confidence and increases inner contentment. It promotes an undisturbed night's sleep - especially for children. Helps with jealousy, lovesickness and problems in the sexual area, has a detoxifying effect on the soul and body. Thanks to its calming effect on the circulatory system, chrysoprase gives more peace and balance. Among lovers, he conveys continued fidelity. Chrysoprase serves as a stone of hope and renewal. New tasks in life are mastered better and more far-sightedly with chrysoprase. Physical Effect As indicated above, chrysoprase is a stone of purification and detoxification for body and mind. These intensive cleaning properties also have a positive effect on the heart. Blood and circulatory system noticeable. diamond The name comes from Greeken: adámas = the indomitable; because of the high hardness. He is a "true master healer" and is also called "fragment of eternity". He is the guardian of the spirit and always helps us to think clearly and independently. For clarity, knowledge, against fear, depression, stinginess, jealousy. It gives balance, independence, self-respect; purifies helps to better control jealousy; reduces insecurity in dealing with the partner; teaches invincibility; draws attention to errors. The diamond promotes logical thinking and forces us to look for the right path in life, to find it and gives us the strength to walk it - without compromise. Diamond makes decisive and uncompromising, therefore he is a good teacher. If you make a mistake, you are immediately and directly confronted with the consequences. The diamond is the stone of unbreakable truth, of fidelity to the overarching principle. He helps to implement and represent what has been recognized as right and important in a consistent and disciplined manner, whereby he is not concerned with personal advantage, but with objective necessities. It gives wisdom and insight, but also instills esteem and respect. Anyone who wears a diamond has chosen a strict but fair teacher who will not tolerate abuse of their own power Physical Effect Kyanite-Cyanite Disthene For calm, serenity Acts mainly on the nervous system and speech center. Freed from heavy burdens and constraints. It is a constructive stone and gives the wearer relaxed nerves, clear, confident speech and an increased ability to concentrate. Photo: amethyst The amethyst is very suitable for re-supplying (recharging) other healing stones. A palm-sized piece of amethyst with many crystals is sufficient. Medicines or jewelery items can be supplied with positive energy on this piece just as well. An amethyst druse, a cavity lined with amethyst crystals, offers the best conditions. Amethyst druses or larger pieces of amethyst are also excellent for influencing rooms positively. This stone increases concentration and is excellent for meditation. He strengthens the will, donates Torst and encourages. It encourages intuition. It is good for resting and ensures a good night's sleep. The amethyst is one of the healing stones that are most often needed in our time, as many diseases and ailments are caused by restlessness, nervousness, stress, hectic and imbalance. The amethyst makes us calmer, more relaxed and frees us from mental stress and fears. It also promotes self-confidence and helps us to switch off from everyday life more easily. Likewise, the amethyst increases perception and allows us to understand the environment better. physical effect Probably because of its wine-like color, it is a remedy that is used against drunkenness (see origin of the name). Against stress, nervousness, fear, anger, headaches (migraines), anger, restlessness, varicose veins, addiction, sleep disorders, mental stress. The amethyst is a good helper for headaches and pain in general. For headaches and migraines, it is advisable to massage the painful area with an amethyst crystal. In the case of varicose veins, it is best to apply the stone directly. To avoid nervousness, you should carry an amethyst with you or wear it as a pendant. If you are very nervous, it is advisable to pick up an amethyst and work with it consciously. The same procedure can be used to avoid or eliminate stress, hectic pace and inner unrest. The amethyst also helps very well against stomach pains caused by stress, anger or nervousness. In the case of sleep disorders caused by waking up and not going back to sleep (often due to too many thoughts in your head), it is advisable to take an amethyst crystal in your hand or put it under your pillow. A very good effect is achieved with children by combining the amethyst with the rose quartz . In the case of severe acne, neurodermatitis and skin allergies caused by energy blockages , you can place an amethyst (amethyst crystal) on the affected area or massage it carefully with the amethyst crystal. Otherwise, the combination with aventurine is very helpful for skin allergies, acne, etc. Openly set up or worn openly, the amethyst also offers a certain "protection" against negative influences. To reduce addiction and addiction-like effects, such as smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol, one should always carry an amethyst with oneself and pick up the stone at every stimulus. "Saying" "Whoever goes to war should wear an amethyst around his neck on a silk cord, he will then be protected by powerful spirits and no enemy can get at him."

  • Meine Heilöle | Maren's Kunst

    HEU & PETRIFIED WOOD (sunflower oil as base oil) I made the Heuöl from alpine hay with about 50 different meadow plants and herbs. It has a very calming effect and helps to fall asleep before bedtime. Relieves withdrawal symptoms ​ Petrified Wood calms anger and overreaction, helps to see one's own mistakes and learn from them. Strengthens resistance to addictive substances (alcohol, drugs...) alleviates withdrawal symptoms ​ Dedicated with love to Pedanios Dioscorides ST. JOHN'S WORT☀ RED Oil At DIOSCURIDES, St. John's wort is also available as called Hartheu. Otherwise names like Herrgottsblut, Fuga Daemonum (Devil's flight) are known to me. The name St. John's wort can be traced back to St. John the Baptist. PARACELSUS calls it a gift from God, the royal medicine and the image of the sun. DIOSCURIDES, as the emperor's doctor and companion on many campaigns, uses the plant primarily for its WOUND HEALING and PAIN RELIEF effects, for sciatica and burns. The following can be found in his MATERIA MEDICA: ​ ...Preferably she heals Sciatica, but you have to drink water after cleaning. Also The herb heals burns as a cataplasm, finally it stills the blood... ​ Otherwise, St. John's wort helps with the following symptoms: gout, rheumatism PAIN RELIEF after sprains, neck tension, nerve pain, shingles and cervical spine syndrome sunburn, burns neurodermatitis Only PARACELSUS, whose favorite plant is St. John's wort, researches its excellent properties on the psyche. He speaks of 4 forces that make the plant a universal remedy: Against PHANTASMATA, Against wounds Against worms As a balm PHANTASMATA would nowadays be called mental illnesses or disorders such as depression, personality disorders, psychoses and the like. (From THE HERBAL KNOWLEDGE OF PARACELSUS by Olaf Rippe: There are diseases that force people to kill themselves (III/630)). So diseases (if you already knew the person before) where you have the feeling that the person is animated by another spirit. As its likeness, JOHANNISWORT should be taken in accordance with the course of the sun, i.e. in the morning (not at night and in the afternoon). So it is still prescribed, administered or recommended by knowledgeable people administering it today. IMPORTANT to know: Cattle, horses and sheep mostly avoid St. John's Wort. Because they are light-skinned and sensitive to light. The KUH is not as STUPID as it is often called. ST. JOHN'S WORT produces, if you and other light types and races (including HUMAN BEINGS) eat it, high photosensitivity, swelling, sunburn up to necrosis. It is true that the lighter the complexion, the more sensitive the intake of JOHANNISKRAUT. This is not a freak of nature. PARACELSUS calls the herb "God's gift" to man, since its light and sunny energy has the power to banish darkness. What is meant by this is the strongly positive healing power of St. John's wort on the psyche (especially in the darker half of the year). KUDZU & KUNZIT (sunflower oil as base oil) Kudzu - an East Asian plant has been used for 1000 years against alcohol cravings. Alcohol is broken down very slowly in the body, which means that you are drunk after just a few glasses and have no desire to continue drinking. In addition, kudzu produces nausea and dizziness when combined with alcohol Kunzite is a specialist when it comes to alcohol and drugs. Whoever has the desire and the will to work on their problems and their symptomatic ailments: Depressionen, Sucht, Ängste usw zu arbeiten, findet im Kunzit, neben dem Rauchquarz, den besten Begleiter , supporter and strong-willed. ​ Dedicated with love to my father and brave friends & comrades ​ HEIL💞 ALLIANCE Psyche No.I Heiloil Psyche No.I ​ (DEPRESSIONS, restlessness, sleep disorders, fears, etc.) ​ The healing components of the plants are differently soluble in different media (oil, alcohol, glycerin, etc.). In order to achieve a holistic use of all components and their healing powers, I have prepared individual extracts with oil (base oil is my hay oil) and individual extracts with vegetable organic glycerine from all plants involved here and then combined them accordingly. Jedoch sind sowohl das HeilÖl Psyche als auch die HeilTinktur Psyche alleine auch sehr wirksam. The plants: hop : sleep-promoting, calming, analgesic Damiana : Relieves Depression, Calms, Helps with Memory Problems, Helps with Mental Fatigue, Antispasmodic, Appetite Stimulant Tall Skullcap : calming, for fears Melissa: calming, helps against nervousness, relaxing, analgesic, with irritability, Real valerian : sleep-inducing, relaxing, for anxiety, calming, concentration-enhancing, antispasmodic, Johannis herbs : in depression, Common evening primrose : calming, with disturbed libido Catuaba : with disturbed libido, relieves depression wild lettuce: calming, pain relieving The oil. as well as the tincture are additionally charged with the healing stones black tourmaline and smoky quartz. HERZGESPANN 💞Healing oil Leonurus cardiaca ​ The HEART SPANN is, as the Latin name (Leonurus for lion & Cadiacas for heart) already suggests, a lion heart on a mental and physical level. It has a relaxing effect on both levels Unlike other soothing plants, motherwort does NOT make you TIRED when dealing with everyday life. Again, it helps with falling asleep again. HEARTSPANN helps: as a FIRST AID plant (like emergency drops from Bach flowers) in case of shock, accident, test anxiety, grief, events that throw us off balance. ​ as lady's herb: (Best in combination with lady's mantle and sheep's gift) under birth menopause thyroid herb Prostate disease and also prostate cancer (best in combination with propolis) gall and liver diseases HERZGESPANN supports the MERCURY PRINCIPLE (rhythmic system: all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep/growth, breathing, metabolism). Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with a distinctive leaf and stem system have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system (Mercury principle): ​ HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow ST. JOHN'S WORT meets BLACK TURMALINE According to many studies, ST. JOHN'S WORT works better but slower than chemical antidepressants, since these often only act on the serotonin receptors. The hyperforin and other ingredients in ST. JOHN'S WORT ensure that important neurotransmitters, messenger substances and hormones are better metabolized and are therefore increasingly available to the brain. Thus, it helps to eliminate the causes of depression more sustainably. ST. JOHN'S WORT supports the root and sacral chakra. ​ BLACK TOURMALINE (Schörl) is one of the strongest protective and healing stones. For me it is an ideal companion for HSPs and empaths, as it acts as a protective shield against negative influences (e.g. computer radiation). Because of its mineral wealth (sodium, silicon, iron, manganese, calcium, etc.), tourmaline is a dynamic, uplifting, and invigorating healing stone. Its wealth of iron has a strong stimulating effect on the flow of energy. Mentally, Schorl enables you to adopt a relaxed, neutral attitude. It reduces negative thoughts and helps with stress and strain BLACK TOURMALINE supports the root chakra. ​ GÄNSEBLÜMCHEN LARIMAR ÖL (sunflower oil as base oil) The daisy makes you lovely and tender and it delights the heart. It enchants with smiles and comforts with sadness. It is carefree and innocent like a child. Also helps with morning fatigue ​ The gentle Larimar lovingly helps to increase self-confidence and self-realization. Nonetheless, it is a highly effective protective stone, for its light is so pure it cannot be dimmed. Dedicated with love to Mr ​ HOPFEN & OPALITH (hay oil as base oil) Hopfen calming, relaxing, concentration-enhancing, antispasmodic, sleep-inducing, Can be used in all states of nervousness, insomnia, anxiety (exam anxiety) and many psychosomatic illnesses. Ingredients: Essential oils, valerenic acid, valerianic acid, sesquiterpenes, arnica flavone, hydrophilic lignans, bitter substances, tannins, resin, alkaloids Plant parts used: roots (flowers ​ opalite helps with sleep disorders of all kinds and can even eliminate them completely, since it has a direct effect on the sleep center and thus influence the sleep rhythm can. It counteracts the symptoms of depression, as well as the effects of stress, noise, shift work. ​ ​

  • HeilSteine-Wirkung auf seelischer Ebene | Maren's Kunst

    Red Jasper The jasper gives self-confidence and stamina with its powerful and sublime energy. It helps to endure fears and alleviates escape behavior, apathy, lack of memory, nervousness, jumpiness and stress. It counteracts aimlessness and recklessness and promotes our steadfastness (calms the fickle mind). It acts calmly against negative vibrations and cramps in our body, which are caused by old and used values - which we are about to let go of. This is how it cleans our life energy and helps to reduce addictive behavior, anger and rage. The red jasper was already consulted in antiquity for diagnosis. Often, and especially in Judaism, it is considered the oldest stone of creation and the cornerstone of the city of Jerusalem. smoky quartz - The Greeks gave it the name "adult rock crystal" The smoky quartz helps grieving people in particular and provides new strength and more zest for life. He gives the knowledge that a new beginning is always worthwhile. Smoky quartz embodies conscientiousness, tenacious perseverance and patience when progress is slow. It helps to stand firmly in life with both feet, gives a sense of reality (cost-benefit factor), but it helps against it Attachment to material values. Smoky quartz supports and helps people with depression and people who also suffer from alcohol addiction. It leads to weaning and strengthens the will to stay abstinent. black tourmaline This wonderful stone is the ideal companion for HSPs and empaths Black tourmaline has always been the stone of self-confidence and perseverance. Like a lightning rod, it helps give neg. energies, radiation (e.g. computers) and also against black magic and evil. Negative thoughts of our fellow human beings, such as distrust, greed, envy, infidelity and jealousy have power and can put a heavy strain on us energetically and cause us pain and suffering. Black tourmalines are the strongest protective stones for the body and our soul. Photo: Colourbox hematite Hematite gives us more spontaneity, willpower and energy. It helps us to be more independent again. He builds up a protective field around us, which enables us to live more courageously, light-heartedly and purposefully. Envy is broken at our willpower. Mental cramps, which also affect the functioning of the organs, are alleviated with its help, especially with hematite roses. Thanks to its radiating effect, it also dissolves magnetic blockages around us. It protects against harmful rays, even if they are caused by black magic. As the Greek name for blood "Haima" suggests, hematite has a very supportive effect on the circulatory system, blood purification, cell and blood structure, iron balance and liver. It heals wounds faster and reduces bleeding. Stoned wood ​ Petrified Wood calms overreactions and tantrums. People prone to substance abuse (alcohol, pills, etc.). are strengthened in their resilience to resist. It relieves withdrawal symptoms. Petrified wood gives the power not only to see other people's mistakes, but also to recognize your own mistakes. It awakens modesty in us, a natural sense of beauty, love of home, love of the familiar. Petrified wood gives us both energy and relaxation. It connects to earth. orange calcite Due to its strong color, the orange calcite penetrates us as a warming energy stone. Its soothing effect under the pillow at night soothes nightmares and moonlight. During the day, however, the orange calcite lets us react brightly and quickly, intuitively recognize situations and ward off intrigues. ​ ​ rock crystal - The All Seeing & loving healer promotes personality development on the one hand and sharpens the external perception on the other hand donates strength and energy in a gentle way. It is a (healing) stone that gives us good thoughts and gentle power. It affects the entire body and harmoniously dissolves blockages in all areas. The rock crystal conveys clear and calm thinking and therefore brings us relaxation from stress and hectic. Last but not least, it also causes more attention and sensitivity to develop in the partnership. Rock crystal is the stone of clear reason. Much has already been written about him. It supports decision-making, it helps to act consciously instead of reacting involuntarily, it shows one's own weaknesses and unmasks one's own projections. He can draw off excess energy and revitalize inanimate areas. When it comes to emotions, it helps to be sober and, if necessary, to jump over one's own shadow, or to objectively insist on one's own rights. Rock crystal can confidently be described as universal, they give the body what it needs at the moment and already clear the energy at cell level. They help with cold spots, but you can also drain excess energy with them. Deaf regions are made aware, but overly sensitive areas are strengthened and protected. The aura is stabilized overall. The spiritual effects are many, and these are what rock crystal has in common with chalcedony: objectivity in assessing the inner and outer world and their relationship, improved intuition and perception, self-confidence. It relaxes, soothes, makes you calm but awake. Worn during the day, it makes it easier to fall asleep at night and easier to get up in the morning. Rock crystal leads to very clear dreams, but it does not make it easier for everyone to fall asleep. Best of Spirit ​ beet number magnetite The magnetite strengthens the nerves and is particularly helpful when conflicts between imagination and reality throw us off course due to a lack of connection to the earth. Hildegard von Bingen already mentioned the healing effect of magnetite against delusions and confusion. Magnetite restores ground contact. Magnetite helps to distinguish what is good for you and what is not. We do not experience the present as threatening or frightening and no longer hold on to the past and norms. magnesite Brings inner peace, conveys serenity and relaxation, promotes self-love, patience and devotion. Against nervousness, irritability, anger, helps with depression, nervous tension, excitability, fear and hypersensitivity. Makes balanced and strengthens the ability to express yourself. Er entgiftet den Körper, hilft uns bei Depressionen Überempfindlichkeit und emotional aufgestauten Verspannungen, welche ihren Ursprung im psychischen_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_haben. Wir lernen ausgeglichener und zufriedener zu leben und erlangen_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_dadurch a higher spirituality. Rose Quartz Stone of love, heart and beauty The rose quartz is truly a stone of the heart. It helps to open our heart and to promote our need for love - within us. It soothes the pain of disappointed love and helps overcome fears of being disappointed again. Also physically its healing power is mainly dedicated to the heart. It alleviates diseases of the cardiovascular system, prevents thrombosis and heart attacks and strengthens the heart valves and heart muscles. Photo:Jeff Scovil emerald The emerald has a very powerful character. Powerful in the sense of a wise diplomat. It creates balance and equilibrium. It connects body and mind and releases its peaceful, soothing and loving powers in the event of disharmony, thereby creating contentment and joy. The Greek name Smaragdos means "Green Goddess of all Stones". It vitalizes and strengthens the heart, our power plant (heart muscles, heart valves, arrhythmia) It alleviates and heals dysfunctions in the physical area (especially: musculoskeletal system, endocrine glands, nerve plexuses) as well as disorders and diseases of the brain (migraine: unilateral, bilateral, psychotic or paranoid attacks - delusions, paranoia, etc.)_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ ​ Kyanite-Cyanite Disthene For calm, serenity Acts mainly on the nervous system and speech center. Freed from heavy burdens and constraints. It is a constructive stone and gives the wearer relaxed nerves, clear, confident speech and an increased ability to concentrate. Photo: Chrysocolla Chrysocolla gently helps its wearer to be more self-centered and draws attention to their own body and mind. The decision what and how much we want to receive from our environment can be made more consciously because it is a creates a loving relationship with ourselves and through this we find a space of calm within us and we like to stay within ourselves. By "staying with us" he protects us from emotional injuries, hatred and anger. In his presence we become aware that anger, anger, jealousy, hatred and resentment tend to harm us the most. Chrysocolla has the power to alleviate or dissolve these feelings in us. It also helps us in stressful and restless situations, when we are over-excited and over-excited. Larimar - Atlantis Stone In ancient Greece, people were known to come across the sea in small boats and speak with blue stones, hence its nickname, the Atlantis Stone. The Larimar gives inner peace and clarity with its luminous and loving energy. It helps us with anxiety and depression. It alleviates both physical and mental growth symptoms. The gentle Larimar lovingly helps to increase self-confidence and self-realization. Nonetheless, it is a highly effective protective stone, for its light is so pure it cannot be dimmed ​ The zircon (hyacinth) - Diamond's brother The zircon is one of the oldest gemstones on our earth and on the moon. It wards off evil, heals energetic damage to the subtle body Antiquity: Zircon was often found in insane asylums, where it was used as a healing stone against insanity. H.Brusius: Protects against evil and unhealthy in the world. According to St. Hildegard, the stone should be applied to people suffering from eye problems. It helps with heart ailments and fever. and in driving out evil.

  • Der Gesandte | Maren's Kunst

    "The Messenger" In a world far away from ours, because something like this would never happen here, a few thousand years ago a high envoy of creation was born and mingled with the Yushoite people. The events of that time made his appearance necessary and so the envoy made it his task to teach the people living there, to heal and to remind them to trust in the omnipresent creation. The people there lived in many places unhappily in anger and strife, they had lost faith and trust. Striving for power and earthly abundance, their rulers had averted their gaze from the vastness of infinity and longed only to make their reflection appear magnificent and to decorate their territory splendidly without regard for others. ​ The Messenger came as a humble man and reminded people of the guidance, splendor and glory of creation, showed them so that they remembered them again, healed the sick and taught those hungry for knowledge with wisdom and patience. He was praised in many places and people followed him and took new courage and entrusted themselves again to the omnipresent creation, which created them and guided them from time immemorial. More and more people now accompanied the pilgrimage of the Messenger. They turned away from the blinded rulers and made known the words of the envoy. Of course, this did not go unheard and seen, and so the jealous rulers had the envoy pursued. But this was not the only evil. Also among those who followed him were people who were of high minds and morals, but instead of trustingly and gratefully following the Messenger and learning and growing from him, which they mostly did, they envied his wisdom and unconditional kindness. The Messenger sensed this and recognized the danger. He had to learn cruelly what mischief envious and resentful confidants can cause. He was betrayed by them and delivered to the cross, albeit with sadness and shame. He only claimed to be an envoy of creation with the task of directing people's gaze away from the worldly confusion and deception, up to the infinite fullness of creativity. But the rulers, full of envy and anger because of the fleeing herd of people, just called him a liar and a charlatan. With lies and deceit they made speeches before the Yushoite people. The man seduced the people and led them astray. The ambassador was tortured and humiliated in dark vaults. His skin was torn and covered in blood he lay on the ground and was desecrated with scorn and kicks. Led past his former followers, who were now spitting, shouting and throwing dirt at him, he was finally nailed to a piece of wood so that everyone present could laugh and soil him again. When the cruel ordeal finally ended, the Messenger was handed over to those who stayed with him with love and loyalty to the end. They laid out the defiled man, anointed his bruised body, and covered the cruel disgrace of men and his deep wounds with a white cloth. ​ After three days, those who were loyal to him went back to that place to bury him. They were accompanied by envoys of the rulers and curious people. But there on his bier was just the white cloth, folded neatly without a stain. The faithful, weeping, gently took the cloth and gratefully knelt in front of the bier, the curious ones froze with open mouths and the emissaries of the rulers sweat ran from their foreheads and they cowardly retreated from this place and ran to their masters to be frightened to cancel. The news of the disappearance of the envoy who had been believed dead spread like wildfire. Those who betrayed him impiously thought they were doing penance by committing suicide out of their own unpardonability or by begging for forgiveness in lonely places. The Yushoite people were divided into two. Many suppressed their guilt and forgave themselves, saying to themselves: "Others had finally turned away from him and threw stones at him". But many felt ashamed of their guilt and of being blinded by the ruler's hate speech and turning away from him. They treated him with shame and sadness. Only now that he was no longer there were they grateful for each of his loving words and each of his healing deeds. However, a small group, including many of the rulers, did not want to see their guilt and they cunningly devised another plan that not only won them the hearing and obedience of the people, but also promised them power and wealth. They planned behind closed doors and on to proclaim on a table with golden dishes that the Messenger was only on earth to show people their trespasses but, as it were, forgave them in generosity and kindness and that his only purpose was to die for the sins of people. But what they did not know was that the Messenger was sitting at this table in an immaterial form and what they did not hear was that he got up in shock and sadness and left the table and the room with the words: "No, gentlemen, they did and still do wrong! I was born, to live just like you." The plan worked. With sentimental expressions, the clever gentlemen threw themselves on soft cushions on the ground and proclaimed the holiness of the Messenger, who had only come to die for the sins of the people. And people finally followed them again, be it out of a guilty conscience or with the hope of a wiser rulership. For decades, centuries and a few millennia, the envoy appeared again and again in this world in the most diverse and mostly inconspicuous forms to see what the people made of his inheritance. His anger and resentment grew bigger and bigger. Peaceful and wise peoples were forced to believe in him and their own idols were bloodily shattered. The Reglision - that's how the clever gentlemen called the community, what they made from the presence and the wisdom of the envoy for themselves wealth and power, grew and grew. With humility unknown to themselves, they forced or bought the faith of the masses, and the masses, relieved for the dearly paid absolutions of their misdeeds, quickly forgot the real message of the Messenger. All the time the Messenger had to watch and endure that in his name murder, desecration, lied and acts in disregard for creation were being done. Anger turned to anger and that anger grew and grew in him. He no longer understood his task at the time and wondered why he was so cruelly persecuted and desecrated. The misinterpretation of his appearance haunted him like the most macabre mockery. WHY did he ask himself, why have I shown them how to heal with love and given them wise advice if they devise nothing else but to incite hatred, the gift of creation - to destroy life and make people stupid? One may understand it or not, a few millennia after its first appearance it came back. As in the past, he came back in inhospitable times as an inconspicuous man and mingled with the Germand people. But now he knew how to reach a people in poverty and hunger, namely with lies and clever rhetoric. At first he was ridiculed for his powerful visions that promised the people to be something better. It just has to follow him and subjugate the unfortunate rest of the people living in this world. In his visions, dominion over all men was only an accessory to his mission. Because everything in him was aimed at a single people - the people of the Yushoites. The people who had betrayed, desecrated and killed him and abused and used his teachings and created so much shame and suffering in his name over the millennia that even he, as a high envoy, froze his heart. And so he did. Now no longer an inconspicuous figure, but ruler over the Germand people, he took cruel revenge on the Yuschoite people, had them persecuted and died cruelly. He tempered his anger, but his seemingly dormant essence was not asleep. She had made herself very small and hid in his frozen heart and was crying. The rest of the world rebelled and opposed him. But they shouldn't judge him, he did that himself... Burdened with grave shame, he withdrew. Here and there he reappeared in this world and in unspeakable, cruel and sad incarnations delivered himself to the knife. How could he become such a beast? Yes, how could he become such a beast? If we now go back to the beginning of the story, we know the answer. It is so simple that it is difficult to comprehend the millennia of carnage. It all started with a lie seeded with envy, resentment, hatred and betrayal. The envoy wanted to appear in this world one last time and hope for the truth and an honest ask for forgiveness. So he gave birth again and managed to appeal to the head of the Reglision. In an impassioned speech he told the pontiff his whole story, from all his incarnations as a wise healer persecuted, humiliated and desecrated by men to a genocidal and vengeful beast to which crowds of people cried "wellness" in awe and faithfully obeyed him. He admitted that all facets that a being can carry within itself also filled his being, from light-filled wise healing to the very deepest darkness, destruction and madness. The pontiff's face swelled over his stiff and tightened collar. It turned blood red and his breath panted. He sprang from his jeweled throne, raised a trembling arm and pointed a finger at the envoy. He yelled as best he could, the stiff collar really getting in the way: "Wake up, get that maniac out. His words desecrate the face of the saint. This is blasphemy! Out with him!” The envoy slowly got up and took a deep breath. With a lost smile, his eyes once again roamed the hall, which was richly decorated up to the ceiling. Sadly his gaze stopped at the nailed image of himself, immortalized in the most beautiful, finest and most expensive white marble. "It's okay, I'm going. You don't have to throw me out. My words are the truth and the truth does not desecrate my face. If you would speak them, and that is all I asked of you today, my face would heal. The truth is that I was born to live. You must die with your sins alone or you courageously set to work to change your destiny, to confess your guilt, to accept your responsibility and not to accuse the gods of every misdeed and mishap. Only your face is blasphemous here. Look at your expensive robe and your golden scepter! A true member of the Council of Creation would not wear such a thing, but would pawn it at the pawnbroker and give the money to those who are sick and starving." He turned and left and never came back to this world. And with him went all the envoys who had come with him to remind people, whether large or small, of the true leadership and providence. And from now on, fate lay solely with the people of this world. Will they remember? Will they again submit to the true laws and the order of what created them and will they draw the right lesson from the fate of the envoy and finally understand that creativity does not grant a statute of limitations? Because it calls for truth and healing. Life gave to EVERYONE and whoever destroys this gift must repent and heal it again. And sincere repentance requires the truth. Author: Maren Art

  • Hermetik

    HERMETIK is the secret doctrine and the explanation of a holistic understanding of life. Considered and explained through the experiences and insights on all being and being levels (on the small as well as on the large, as well as above and below). The term HERMETICS can be traced back to the Egyptian scholar and seer HERMES Trismegistus. The Greeks called Hermes the thrice greatest Hermes, the thrice great Thoth. The comparison with Thoth the Egyptian god of wisdom and the Greek messenger of the gods Hermes reflects the appreciation and reverence for the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus). Unfortunately, the Hermetic teaching is not considered in the natural sciences. It is considered to be the teaching of the superordinate laws of nature. Due to their knowing spirit, hermetics are convinced that the laws of the natural sciences (quantum physics, Darwinian teachings, etc.) only provide half the truth and do not represent and take into account the whole. Hermes Trismegistus has his teachings on theEmerald Tablet (Tabula Smaragdina), the source of the Hermetic teachings and alchemy, passed on to the Corpus Hermeticum and in many other writings. His spiritual guide was Zarastrus; his teacher in another incarnation. The "Thrice Greater Hermes" - The "Thrice in Wisdom" The number THREE is related to the three spheres of existence_ soul - body - spirit In alchemy they are the principles: Sulphur - the burning - soul Sal - the solid - body Mercury - the volatile - spirit ​ Hermes can see in the three times: Past Present Future ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Hermes thinking is dialectical: ​ THESIS: Constructed sentence or assertion ANTITHESIS: counterclaim or opposition for the posted sentence SYNTHESIS: Composition,. Summary. Cancellation of the objection of thesis and antithesis ​ Hermes knows the three states of human existence youth, maturity, old age & he knows the path of the healer Sickness as purification and initiation, which is synonymous with the process of dying and death Illness - Healing - Health In my understanding, the cycle of incarnation of spirit and soul and its growth is vividly reflected in the course of illness, healing and health: Illness as dying and death Healing as Change of state and transformation Health as birth and life ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Heilkunst

    It is often said that Zen offers "NOTHING": no teaching, no mystery, no answers. In a koan, the Zen master Ikkyū Sōjun speaks to a despairing man: "I would like to offer anything to help you, but in Zen we have NOTHING at all." ​ It means living life - in all its fullness. However, direct access to this simplest thing of all is blocked to the intellectual being - it seems as if the never-silent voice of thoughts blocks it with stubborn ideas and judgmental imaginations. Attachment to the illusion of an individual's 'I' only causes new suffering (dukkha) over and over again. Zen can resolve this confusion - eventually one can even eat when hungry and sleep when tired. Zen is nothing special. It has no goal. ​ ZEN Buddhism or Zen (Chinese Chan, Korean Seon, Vietnamese Thiền - SINKING) is a current or lineage of MAHAYANA Buddhism that emerged in China from around the 5th century of the Christian era, which essentially derives from the DAOISM (Taoism) was influenced. The Chinese term CHAN, loosely translated, means something like "state of meditative immersion", which refers to the basic characteristics of this Buddhist current, which is therefore also sometimes referred to as meditation Buddhism. ZEN Buddhism was spread in Southeast Asia by monks. From the 12th century, Chan also came to Japan and received a new form there as Zen, which in modern times came to the West in a new interpretation. The Zen terms used in Europe and the USA mostly come from Japanese. However, Korean, Vietnamese and Chinese schools have also recently gained influence in Western culture. Zen Buddhism can be characterized by the following lines: ​ ​ "A special tradition outside the scriptures, regardless of words and characters: show the human heart directly, look at (your own) nature and become a Buddha. ​ The four verses were written together as a stanza for the first time108 attributed to Bodhidharma in the work Zǔtíng Shìyuàn by Mùān Shànqīng. The lines appeared individually or in various combinations earlier in Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. The attribution to the legendary founding figure is seen today as a definition of the self-image after a phase of dispute over direction. The characterization that Zen offers "NOTHING" is often expressed by Zen masters to their students in order to dispel the illusion that Zen offers acquireable knowledge or can be something "useful". On another level, however, the opposite is also claimed: Zen offers the "whole universe" since it includes the abolition of the separation of the inner and outer world, i.e. "EVERYTHING". ​ Zen eludes "reason" and is often perceived as "irrational", also because it fundamentally resists any conceptual definition. The seeming mystery of Zen, however, stems solely from the paradoxes that attempting to speak about Zen produces. Zen always aims at experiencing and doing in the present moment, and thus includes feeling, thinking, feeling, etc. But Zen also has philosophical-religious aspects and historically grown teachings, for example in the Sōtō or Rinzai direction. These can of course be described in words, even if they are not absolutely necessary for the subjective experience of Zen. ​ In Sōtō-Zen, the experience of enlightenment takes a back seat. The central concept of Zen practice becomes shikantaza, "just sitting," ie, the unintentional, nonselective attention of the mind in zazen, without following or repressing a thought. In Sōtō, zazen is not understood as a means to the end of the search for enlightenment, but is itself the goal and end point, which does not mean that no state of enlightenment can or may occur during zazen or other activities. The great koan of Sōtō-Zen is the zazen posture itself. Hishiryō, non-thinking, ie going beyond ordinary, categorizing thinking, is central to the realization of this aimless sitting. Dōgen writes the following passage in the Shōbōgenzō Genjokoan: “To study the way is to study oneself, to study oneself is to forget oneself. Forgetting yourself means becoming one with all existences.” Objects of Zen practice (selection) The keisaku (Japanese警策) is a stick that Zen practitioners use to hit their shoulder muscles two to three times during longer periods of sitting in order to stay awake. Zen as we know it today has been influenced and enriched by many cultures over a millennium and a half. According to legend, after Bodhidharma brought the teachings of meditation Buddhism to China in the 6th century AD, where when it became Chan Buddhism, elements of Daoism and Confucianism/Neo-Confucianism were incorporated. Many elements of the teaching that are typical of Zen originated in China. A large number of writings containing poems, instructions, talks and koans date from this period. For this reason, many terms and personal names can be found today in both Chinese and Japanese pronunciation. The transmission of the teachings to Japan by Eisai and Dōgen in the 12th and 13th centuries in turn contributed to the transformation of Zen, through general Japanese influences, but also mikkyō and local religions. In the 19th and especially in the 20th century, the Zen schools in Japan underwent rapid changes. A new form of Zen was founded by lay people. This reached Europe and America and was also inculturated and expanded. Since the 20th century, even some Christian monks and laypeople have turned to meditation and Zen, which, partly supported by authorized Zen teachers who remained connected to Christianity, has given rise to what is known as “Christian Zen”. ​ origin According to legend, after the famous sermon on the Geierberg, the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama gathered a crowd of disciples who wanted to hear his exposition of the Dharma. Instead of speaking, he silently held up a flower. Only his disciple Mahakashyapa immediately understood this gesture as the central point of the Buddha's teaching and smiled. He suddenly became enlightened. This is said to be the first transmission of the wordless teaching from heart-mind to heart-mind (Jap. Ishin Denshin).[4] Since this insight of Kāshyapa cannot be recorded in writing, it has since been transmitted personally from teacher to student. One speaks of so-called Dharma lines (ie roughly: teaching directions). ​ ENSO -the circle- embodies emptiness and completion symbol of ZEN Galactic Symphonic Gong - 00:00 / 00:00

  • Psyche & Krise | Maren's Kunst

    Here I have some information on the subject: Psyche & Crises Interesting facts from psychology and science collected: ​ Psyche & crises: Here is the link to a very good platform on the subject of the psyche, psychiatric diseases and healing methods (alternative & clinical) ​ Depression as an opportunity? - change perspective? Psychology & Science: The little ones are often underestimated. What is MITOCHONDRIA, programmed cell death and neuroplasticity? And what does that have to do with depression and Alzheimer's? And why does a daily supply of OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS help to keep body and mind healthy? Lots of interesting facts about the Americas. neurologist dr David Perlmutter ​ ​ Taschenbuch)/aid50072 .rhd ​ ​ ​ Book tip and reading sample “The Enlightened Brain” von Alberto Villoldo and David Perlmutter ​ Discover the secret of healthy cells with shamanism and neuroscience: ​ ​ ​ Schritt für Schritt ins Paradies - Ton Steine Scherben - Unknown Artist 00:00 / 00:00

  • Maren's BildKunst | Maren's Kunst

    Management JANA LAHM Introduce your team! Add images, text and links or connect data from your collection. distribution MARTIN RAU Introduce your team! Add images, text and links or connect data from your collection. production CARLA JAHN Introduce your team! Add images, text and links or connect data from your collection.

  • Kopie von Die Chakren | Maren's Kunst

    I'm working on it... ​ Please... ...WAIT by M83

  • Zubereitung meiner Heilmittel | Maren's Kunst

    "What is done with love - is done well" Vincent van Gogh BEINWELL 2 MS 20180930_142155-1 20180930_142336 BEINWELL 2 MS 1/13 Preparation of a HEALING OIL in a cold extract The material preparation; I use fresh plants to produce a healing oil in a cold extract. In the picture gallery for illustration is theCOMFWEL are the protagonist, moreoverALANT ANDCISTUS still at work. I take a large glass (750 - 1000ml) and fill it all the way up to about an inch up to the screw with the finely divided plant (parts are 0.5-1.0 cm in size). Depending on the condition, for example with sclerophyllous plants, bark and roots, I lightly nudge the divided plants in the mortar. I don't do this with flowers and fine leaves. I don't press or stuff there so that there is still enough space for the oil. Then I add the oil. For the first 2-3 days I leave the jar screwed on and shake it occasionally. The plant material sinks slowly and if necessary I add oil. After 2-3 days I replace the lid with a double layer of kitchen paper, which I fasten with a rubber band. I've tried a few other methods, but this one feels the best to me. That means my oil can breathe, gets AIR. Likewise, I always use clear glass, no amber glass or similar and put the oils to a sun-free but bright place. That means the oil gets LIGHT. I have not had any negative experiences in terms of durability. From now on I stir the oil every 2 days with a wooden stick (e.g. chopsticks or a sturdy plant stalk that is left over from drying the plants and does not get into my tea blends). Depending on the plant, the oil is ready in 6-8 weeks. I sift then remove the plant parts and heat the oil to 70 degrees. This makes filtering with a coffee filter easier, as it then becomes more permeable and eliminates one or the other germ. I bring the plant remains back into nature and don't just throw them in the trash can. ​ The subtle preparation: For me, the most important thing is the loving and respectful work with the plants. For me it starts with the harvest. I ask the plant if I can take something to make a medicine out of it for myself or for others. And as I said, I take SOMETHING, never everything. I collect and harvest carefully and always leave something for nature. The insects. left for the beauty or for another herbalist who also needs the little plant. When collecting and working, I mostly recite the mantra of theMEDICINE BUDDHAS . which I learned in a ZEN monastery. The plants seem to like it, I feel it purely intuitively and automatically have to smile. WHY am I doing this? It has now been proven that plants are sensitive to pain and react to their environment (Rice test: In this test, 2 vessels were filled with rice and water, one placed in a loving environment (light, warmth and loving affection and words). The other was placed in an environment with opposite conditions and within a short period of time grew mold and other germs, while the first vessel remained completely germ-free and retained its original condition of rice and pure water. As far as this is concerned, I've become so sensitive myself that I rarely, if ever, go out to eat. As far as vegetables or fruit are concerned, I am insensitive and tolerate everything. At some point I asked myself why I could eat the same food and sometimes not, same restaurant, same ingredients... The question was answered when I worked in the kitchen myself and on certain days, on certain days Cooks just got stomach ache, flatulence and diarrhea, as I said with the same ingredients. So I prefer to cook myself, because I don't feel like letting a possibly bad-tempered chef and what he stirs into the food spoil my meal. TheTAJATA OM - MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA doesn't allow any negative thoughts and so I sing it every 2 days while stirring and nothing gets into the oil that doesn't belong there. ​ Excerpt of the text "EVERYTHING vibrates ": ​ ...I do it with love. SHE - love - is the most penetrating vibration and SHE is the one that heals. No procedure, no matter how complex and unusual, no ingredient, no matter how expensive, will be at our service with all its ability if we do not love what we use and what we do ... . Preparation of a HEALING powder The material preparation (procedure according to PARACELSUS) I made the powder from fresh plants and dextrose (PARACELSUS used milk sugar (lactose). First, the plants are divided as finely as possible and mixed with the sugar. Paracelsus ground the mixture into a paste, spread the paste on a suitable surface and dried it in a dry and warm place. I use a herb press to make direct herbal juices and then mix the juice and plant residues together again and then dry the mixture on baking paper. After it has completely dried, I grind the mixture into a powder. The plant remains that I cannot pulverize in the mortar, I calcine (ash) in honor of PARACELSUS and the PLANT and add the ash to the powder. This is done in a spagyric sense where the separate parts are reunited (in the manufacturing process) and because I don't like throwing things away. ​ The subtle preparation: For me, the most important thing is the loving and respectful work with the plants. This starts for me with the harvest at. I ask the plant if I can take something to make a medicine out of it for myself or for others. And as I said, I take SOMETHING, never everything. I collect and harvest carefully and always leave something for nature. The insects. left for the beauty or for another herbalist who also needs the little plant. When collecting and working I mostly recite the mantra of the MEDICINE BUDDHA. which I learned in a ZEN monastery. The plants seem to like it, I feel it purely intuitively and automatically have to smile. WHY am I doing this? It has now been proven that plants are sensitive to pain and react to their environment (Rice test: In this test, 2 vessels were filled with rice and water, one placed in a loving environment (light, warmth and loving affection and words). The other was placed in an environment with opposite conditions and within a short period of time grew mold and other germs, while the first vessel remained completely germ-free and retained its original condition of rice and pure water. As far as this is concerned, I've become so sensitive myself that I rarely, if ever, go out to eat. As far as vegetables or fruit are concerned, I am insensitive and tolerate everything. At some point I asked myself why I could eat the same food and sometimes not, same restaurant, same ingredients... The question was answered when I worked in the kitchen myself and on certain days, on certain days Cooks just got stomach ache, flatulence and diarrhea, as I said with the same ingredients. So I prefer to cook myself, because I don't feel like letting a possibly bad-tempered chef and what he stirs into the food spoil my meal. The TAJATA OM - MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA does not allow any negative thoughts and that's how I sing it during the individual work steps. ​ Excerpt of the text "alchemy &spagyric ": ... The spagyric procedure is extremely complex and requires a lot of knowledge and skill. Nevertheless, like PARACELSUS, I am of the opinion that the highest and most refined ingredient, the unifying third and the synthesis is LOVE and devotion. It - love - makes every essence a quintessence, since it unites everything and can unite every contradiction and every extreme. My dear Vincent van Gogh sums it up with the following words: ​ WHAT IS DONE WITH LOVE - IS DONE WELL I allow myself to add AND WORKS WELL.. IMG_20180705_211445 IMG_20180709_192704 (1) 37712909_1802112239869984_14473467010681 IMG_20180705_211445 1/12

  • Herr Hund & das Mädchen | Maren's Kunst

    "Mr Dog & the Maid" Badly hurt and despondent, Mr. Dog wakes up to a new day and a new life. But does he really want this new life? What do the chattering plants, the helpful river, and those spirits that suddenly rise from the grass really want from Him? Does he, against his reason, give up the familiar and trust the unknown? A long journey to the origin of himself begins and leads Mr. Hund to a special place. A little place, wrapped in its fluffy fur, where it is worth staying, learning to love life and learning to love. And he's not alone in this. Drawing from the episode " Doctor Dog's First Patient" von Maren Art My book "Mr. Dog and the Girl" is the result of my 4-year journey through Germany and Croatia. I initially traveled with the aim of getting to know the medicinal plants of the various regions, studying them and researching their healing effects. However, this journey was not only a learning journey on the outside but also a journey into my inner being and to many remote and forgotten places. A 3-month station in a ZEN monastery and learning the practice of ZaZen meditation and various recitations have served me very well. Because the retreat into my own silence and essence has often helped me and given me clarity when I didn't know what to do, got lost and the darkness scared me. The journey was sometimes difficult and strenuous, many encounters on this journey puzzled me and confused me. But now I am grateful for every experience and proud of my courage to have set out on this path... And there I agree with the great RUMI in particular, who said: ​ "When you embark on a journey, don't let them advise you who have never left their homes" ​ ​ Some episodes are illustrated with drawings I made and you will also find 10 plant portraits I wrote in the appendix. One page is dedicated to my great master Pedanius DIOSKURIDES and on another page you will find information on the HERMETIC teachings and Hermes Trismegistus. "Mr. Dog and the Girl was published in January 2020 and is available in bookstores. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ But the journey is far from over... ​ Exciting things continue in: ​ "through the circle one year, until all times" ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Zeichnung auf dem Button zur Buch PDF, bad needs to pull out of the dog episode "Herr6 urgently " _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ von Maren art And here the journey begins...FREE PDF

  • Der Gesandte | Maren's Kunst

    Creativity grants no statute of limitations, IT calls for truth and healing oder The thing about what a lot of people call karma. O At best it works like this: I create and build something, someone comes along and breaks it by accident, clumsiness or combination of stupid circumstances. He stumbles, knocks it over or something like that. Someone is terribly sorry, after all it was an irreplaceable one-off. I put a lot of love, patience, time and work into it. He offers to help me rebuild it or somehow compensate for the damage in some other way. Or it works differently: Same thing as above, only the destroyer doesn't see his fault at all. His ego, which is always right, for power, victory and the system of law and order that has been perfectly polished and adapted to his needs, rebels. It wasn't him. The thing was already broken anyway, it was useless anyway and he was just the victim of an insinuation and hired a lawyer... What happens then: Not only am I saddened by my ruined creation, I am disappointed in someone's reaction, and I also get mail from the expensive lawyer setting out a distorted account of the situation on the part of the destroyer. This makes me even more sad and now angry because I know the truth and so does the destroyer. Now my account looks poor and I can't afford a lawyer who will help me rightly. I'm realistic and let things be. But what doesn't calm down is my sadness about my destroyed creation and my anger about the destroyer's reaction and the lie. And that anger grows. She grows and grows. It not only eats me, but also reaches the destroyer. I'm so paralyzed by this anger that I swear to myself never to build anything again because it will be destroyed anyway and the destroyer actually stumbles one day and breaks his neck. But now I know that everything material passes away - energy does not! She wanders and wanders through all the tides. Reaches my neighbor and gives him a stomach ache, his visitor a headache and so on. A frustrated creator, I die now. Many years later I will be reborn, as will the destroyer. We meet. We recognize each other. I tripped him and he destroyed my creation and my visions. I ask him. "Do you see your mistake and admit that you destroyed my work?" He straightens up and answers "No". Now he gets rude and insulting. "The shit thing was rubbish anyway. What was that supposed to be?” The energy from back then also rushes to the meeting place. An argument ensues, perhaps to the bitter end, or perhaps not quite so badly. We two quarrelers are broken or injured and the energy from back then - let's imagine it as a bubble - grows and grows and wanders and wanders. The neighbor no longer gets away with a stomach ache, but gets a stomach ulcer. His visit caught this time with a bad migraine. But maybe and hopefully the destroyer will see his guilt. He returns the favor and shakes my hand in farewell. "No offense," he says and leaves and I hear a small pop. The karmic energy bubble has burst like a small soap bubble. This story tells what this could look like on a large scale: ​ ​ The Messenger In a world far away from ours, because something like this would never happen here, a few thousand years ago a high envoy of creation was born and mingled with the Yushoite people. The events of that time made his appearance necessary and so the envoy made it his task to teach the people living there, to heal and to remind them to trust in the omnipresent creation. The people there lived in many places unhappily in anger and strife, they had lost faith and trust. Their rulers strove for power and earthly abundance and had averted their gaze from the vastness of infinity and longed only for d thereafter to make their reflection appear splendid and to decorate their territory splendidly without regard to others. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The Messenger came as a humble man and reminded people of the guidance, splendor and glory of creation, showed them so that they remembered them again, healed the sick and taught those hungry for knowledge with wisdom and patience. He was praised in many places and people followed him and took new courage and entrusted themselves again to the omnipresent creation, which created them and guided them from time immemorial. More and more people now accompanied the pilgrimage of the Messenger. They turned away from the blinded rulers and made known the words of the envoy. Of course, this did not go unheard and seen, and so the jealous rulers had the envoy pursued. But this was not the only evil. Also among those who followed him were people who were of high minds and morals, but instead of trustingly and gratefully following the Messenger and learning and growing from him, which they mostly did, they envied his wisdom and unconditional kindness. The Messenger sensed this and recognized the danger. He had to learn cruelly what mischief envious and resentful confidants can cause. He was betrayed by them and delivered to the cross, albeit with sadness and shame. He only claimed to be an envoy of creation with the task of directing people's gaze away from the worldly confusion and deception, up to the infinite fullness of creativity. But the rulers, full of envy and anger because of the fleeing herd of people, just called him a liar and a charlatan. With lies and deceit they made speeches before the Yushoite people. The man seduced the people and led them astray. The ambassador was tortured and humiliated in dark vaults. His skin was torn and covered in blood he lay on the ground and was desecrated with scorn and kicks. Led past his former followers, who were now spitting, shouting and throwing dirt at him, he was finally nailed to a piece of wood so that everyone present could laugh and soil him again. When the cruel ordeal finally ended, the Messenger was handed over to those who stayed with him with love and loyalty to the end. They laid out the defiled man, anointed his bruised body, and covered the cruel disgrace of men and his deep wounds with a white cloth. After three days, those who were loyal to him went back to that place to bury him. They were accompanied by envoys of the rulers and curious people. But there on his bier was just the white cloth, folded neatly without a stain. The faithful, weeping, gently took the cloth and gratefully knelt in front of the bier, the curious ones froze with open mouths and the emissaries of the rulers sweat ran from their foreheads and they cowardly retreated from this place and ran to their masters to be frightened to cancel. The news of the disappearance of the envoy who had been believed dead spread like wildfire. Those who betrayed him impiously thought they were doing penance by committing suicide out of their own unpardonability or by begging for forgiveness in lonely places. The Yushoite people were divided into two. Many suppressed their guilt and forgave themselves, saying to themselves: "Others had finally turned away from him and threw stones at him". But many felt ashamed of their guilt and of being blinded by the ruler's hate speech and turning away from him. They treated him with shame and sadness. Only now that he was no longer there were they grateful for each of his loving words and each of his healing deeds. However, a small group, including many of the rulers, did not want to see their guilt and they cunningly devised another plan that not only won them the hearing and obedience of the people, but also promised them power and wealth. They planned behind closed doors and on to proclaim on a table with golden dishes that the Messenger was only on earth to show people their trespasses but, as it were, forgave them in generosity and kindness and that his only purpose was to die for the sins of people. But what they did not know was that the Messenger was sitting at this table in an immaterial form and what they did not hear was that he got up in shock and sadness and left the table and the room with the words: "No, gentlemen, they did and still do wrong! I was born, to live just like you." The plan worked. With sentimental expressions, the clever gentlemen threw themselves on soft cushions on the ground and proclaimed the holiness of the Messenger, who had only come to die for the sins of the people. And people finally followed them again, be it out of a guilty conscience or with the hope of a wiser rulership. For decades, centuries and a few millennia, the envoy appeared again and again in this world in the most diverse and mostly inconspicuous forms to see what the people made of his inheritance. His anger and resentment grew bigger and bigger. Peaceful and wise peoples were forced to believe in him and their own idols were bloodily shattered. The Reglision - that's how the clever gentlemen called the community, what they made from the presence and the wisdom of the envoy for themselves wealth and power, grew and grew. With humility unknown to themselves, they forced or bought the faith of the masses, and the masses, relieved for the dearly paid absolutions of their misdeeds, quickly forgot the real message of the Messenger. All the time the Messenger had to watch and endure that in his name murder, desecration, lied and acts in disregard for creation were being done. Anger turned to anger and that anger grew and grew in him. He no longer understood his task at the time and wondered why he was so cruelly persecuted and desecrated. The misinterpretation of his appearance haunted him like the most macabre mockery. WHY did he ask himself, why have I shown them how to heal with love and given them wise advice if they devise nothing else but to incite hatred, the gift of creation - to destroy life and make people stupid? One may understand it or not, a few millennia after its first appearance it came back. As in the past, he came back in inhospitable times as an inconspicuous man and mingled with the Germand people. But now he knew how to reach a people in poverty and hunger, namely with lies and clever rhetoric. At first he was ridiculed for his powerful visions that promised the people to be something better. It just has to follow him and subjugate the unfortunate rest of the people living in this world. In his visions, dominion over all men was only an accessory to his mission. Because everything in him was aimed at a single people - the people of the Yushoites. The people who had betrayed, desecrated and killed him and abused and used his teachings and created so much shame and suffering in his name over the millennia that even he, as a high envoy, froze his heart. And so he did. Now no longer an inconspicuous figure, but ruler over the Germand people, he took cruel revenge on the Yuschoite people, had them persecuted and died cruelly. He tempered his anger, but his seemingly dormant essence was not asleep. She had made herself very small and hid in his frozen heart and was crying. The rest of the world rebelled and opposed him. But they shouldn't judge him, he did that himself... Burdened with grave shame, he withdrew. Here and there he reappeared in this world and in unspeakable, cruel and sad incarnations delivered himself to the knife. How could he become such a beast? Yes, how could he become such a beast? If we now go back to the beginning of the story, we know the answer. It is so simple that it is difficult to comprehend the millennia of carnage. It all started with a lie seeded with envy, resentment, hatred and betrayal. The envoy wanted to appear in this world one last time and hope for the truth and an honest ask for forgiveness. So he gave birth again and managed to appeal to the head of the Reglision. In an impassioned speech he told the pontiff his whole story, from all his incarnations as a wise healer persecuted, humiliated and desecrated by men to a genocidal and vengeful beast to which crowds of people cried "wellness" in awe and faithfully obeyed him. He admitted that all facets that a being can carry within itself also filled his being, from light-filled wise healing to the very deepest darkness, destruction and madness. The pontiff's face swelled over his stiff and tightened collar. It turned blood red and his breath panted. He sprang from his jeweled throne, raised a trembling arm and pointed a finger at the envoy. He yelled as best he could, the stiff collar really getting in the way: "Wake up, get that maniac out. His words desecrate the face of the saint. This is blasphemy! Out with him!” The envoy slowly got up and took a deep breath. With a lost smile, his eyes once again roamed the hall, which was richly decorated up to the ceiling. Sadly his gaze stopped at the nailed image of himself, immortalized in the most beautiful, finest and most expensive white marble. "It's okay, I'm going. You don't have to throw me out. My words are the truth and the truth does not desecrate my face. If you would speak them, and that is all I asked of you today, my face would heal. The truth is that I was born to live. You must die with your sins alone or you courageously set to work to change your destiny, to confess your guilt, to accept your responsibility and not to accuse the gods of every misdeed and mishap. Only your face is blasphemous here. Look at your expensive robe and your golden scepter! A true member of the Council of Creation would not wear such a thing, but would pawn it at the pawnbroker and give the money to those who are sick and starving." He turned and left and never came back to this world. And with him went all the envoys who had come with him to remind people, whether large or small, of the true leadership and providence. And from now on, fate lay solely with the people of this world. Will they remember? Will they again submit to the true laws and the order of what created them and will they draw the right lesson from the fate of the envoy and finally understand that creativity does not grant a statute of limitations? Because it calls for truth and healing. Life gave to EVERYONE and whoever destroys this gift must repent and heal it again. And sincere repentance requires the truth. Author: Maren Art

  • Maren Kunst-Marens-Kunst

    Man gibt Nahrung, Obdach, heißt willkommen und respektiert​ und kriegt als Dank dafür die Kehle durchgeschnitten. Man könnte in diesem ZusammenHang darüber sinnieren, wie sich wohl der Russe fühlt... ​ Maren Kunst Alle Beiträge (209) 209 posts Neues & Besonderes (15) 15 posts Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 20 min Reporter-Legende Seymour Hersh macht die USA und Norwegen für die Sprengung der Nord Stream-Pipeline Ein Artikel von: NachDenkSeiten Redaktion vom 09. Februar 2023 um 8:40 Es war eigentlich nur eine Frage der Zeit. Alle Indizien über die... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 10 min Beltane - Beltaine ist in der gälischen* Tradition das Maifest. In der ursprünglichen Tradition, also vor Romanisierung und Christianisierung, war es das... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 5 min Imbolg oder Imbolc ist ein traditionelles gälisches* Fest. In der ursprünglichen Tradition, also vor Romanisierung und Christianisierung, war es... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 2 min Herr Hund & das Mädchen (Neuauflage) Buch I aus der Trilogie Das ganze Leben oder das Ganze leben Schwer verletzt und mutlos, erwacht Herr Hund in einen neuen Tag und in ein... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 4 min "Mister Dog and the maid" gewidmet/dedicated Julian Assange Text: deutsch/english "Mister Dog and the maid" ist die von mir hergestellte Übersetzung meines Buches "Herr Hund und das Mädchen", dem... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 2 min Durch den Kreis eines Jahres, bis in alle Zeiten Buch II aus der Trilogie Das ganze Leben oder das Ganze leben «Durch den Kreis eines Jahres, bis in alle Zeiten» ist nach «Herr Hund &... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 6 min Die Wintersonnenwende Die Wintersonnenwende ist einer der vier jährlich stattfindenden kardinalen Sonnenstandspunkte, die sich aus der 23,5 Grad geneigten... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 7 min Frühlings-Tag&NachtGleiche Eine Tag&NachtGleiche, auch Äquinoktium (Plural Äquinoktien, lat:aequus ‚gleich‘ und nox ‚Nacht‘) genannt, ist ein astronomisches... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 4 min Über die Kelten und Germanen, die eigentlich weder Germanen noch Kelten waren... Auf Spurensuche nach unseren nordeuropäischen Vorfahren muss man schon geduldig sein und am besten folgt man seiner Intuition und... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 6 min HSP - Hochsensible Person & Empath Das Kürzel ‚HSP‘ (‚Highly Sensitive Person‘) wurde in den 90-er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts von der US-amerikanischen Psychologin... Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 12 min Durch den Kreis eines Jahres All meine Gedanken, Beobachtungen und Empfindung in Hinblick auf den Jahreskreis hier nieder zu schreiben, würde in jeglicher Hinsicht... Reporter-Legende Seymour Hersh macht die USA und Norwegen für die Sprengung der Nord Stream-Pipeline Beltane - Beltaine Imbolg Herr Hund & das Mädchen (Neuauflage) "Mister Dog and the maid" gewidmet/dedicated Julian Assange Durch den Kreis eines Jahres, bis in alle Zeiten Die Wintersonnenwende Frühlings-Tag&NachtGleiche 1/36

  • Über Krisen | Maren's Kunst

    ​ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ I find it very important ​ ​ ...that people who are under an addiction (alcohol, pills, drugs or other) or one mental suffer from illness _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ deal with it understanding and _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ carefully. ​ ​ ​ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 Everything is causal. The part of us that is wants to anesthetize _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ has often endured bad things and have to endure and is still trying _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ nothing more to endure _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ because he is still injured _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ and pain has. ​ ​ _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ And exactly this part _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ needs all our attention _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ und Liebe. ​ ​ After all, it's easier to deal with something that you allow yourself to be approached in order to look at it holistically than to push it away and feed it morsels from a long stick, because it somehow comes from the basement - where if possible nobody can see - screams. ​ Maybe it just wants to ask, "Why are you pushing me away, I know I'm not beautiful, dirty and broken. We've hit the ground so many times. But remember, between you and the ground I lay. Between the hand that holds you and you, I was. Why don't you want me, why don't you help me - i am your pain ". ​ So why? Why am I trying to push it away and hide it? Anyone who thinks that alcohol and drug syndrome is an understood and recognized condition either lives in France or thinks for themselves (because they have understood and recognized). And that's a good thing, always start with yourself. Otherwise, my experiences with regard to understanding are unfortunately rather distressing. If you're lucky, you have a loving human family or good friends. Unfortunately, neither the "developed" society nor an expensive health system can help with mental illnesses and addictions. In my understanding, society is literally lacking in "high development" and expensive or not, health can neither be bought nor sold.... Disease, on the other hand, can. Because exactly 2 types of patients make a very well-earning pharmaceutical industry and the lucrative health system superfluous - healthy and dead! And by that I mean proportionality. Everyone deserves wages for their work. However, I know how some representatives of the recovery system livecan and how many of those to be healed are alivemust . ​ I sometimes wonder what to do with all the billions spent annually on alcohol and drug therapy/cessation and treatment of long-term substance-related harm. And yet it's just a morsel on a stick to feed those who suffer. Suffering because they are unable to turn off their natural sensitivity and suppress their pain like others. They break at the "higher, further, faster - now, immediately, on the spot, right away" society. The point is that the person who cannot or no longer manages to run - for whatever reason - comes down to the basement. Because in the "Now, immediately, on the spot, equal system" there is no time for healing. In my understanding and in my experience, a holistic and sustainable recovery is possible if - in a metaphorical sense - I let help me to give the disease a name myself. I am the healing myself - in the pure form of my being - my soul. This usually requires a deep examination of oneself. Superimposed by experiences, manipulation and ego walls, it is now unavoidable to remove onion layer by onion layer and that takes time, courage and bravery and it is exhausting, painful and frustrating. It's still worth it, because behind all this we are healthy and can master and enjoy life. ​ As a person who has made a very insightful journey through the psychiatric institutions of this country, for those who do not want to speak or can no longer speak because they did not survive, I say that the disease of the individual, often paradoxically, does not lie with him or her in the clinic and only reoccurs when he or she has left the clinic. Oddly enough, I have never succeeded in a therapeutic project. I received and received therapy, was guarded, protected from myself, treated with medication, cared for and looked after by a doctor. My condition was miserable and became more and more miserable. However, nothing made me despair and scared as much as the question marks above the heads and the helplessness in the eyes of the doctors, therapists and all the others who wanted and/or should help for professional reasons. And nothing has made me so sad as to experience and have to watch the disrespect, irresponsibility and arrogance with which people who need help are treated. I can hear the doctors screaming at me, "Why can't anyone help me? Where's the cure?". I'm sure some of you, and many nurses in particular, would have loved to help me, and indeed you are, with your kindness, humor and comfort. And I'm wholeheartedly for thatHearts thankful! But ultimately, my job is to find healing, to recover, and to heal. In shamanism it is called purification. I call it: The Healing Sickness... In the end there was nothing left, apartment, belongings, my favorite animals, friends... all gone! Just me, a bag with a few things and books, in a deserted area just outside my beloved Hamburg. Oh yes, and that voice that spoke so gently, quietly and patiently, "You can do it, you've always been able to do it. Listen, finally listen again and look. It's all there". And I remember it was the same beautiful voice that said very softly when I had to sleep on the street, "Wake up Maren, it's time". I didn't really understand it that night - because of the circumstances... ​ But then I understood and woke up. DM-Shake the disease - 00:00 Maren art

  • Meine anderen Heilmittel | Maren's Kunst

    Arzneipulver YARROW In ❤ and gratitude dedicated to Pedanius DIOSCURIDES ​ Schafgarbe & dextrose (method according to Paracelsus) Already Pedanius Dioscurides praised and praised this wonderful plant. It was one of his favorite plants, along with the yam root, which also bears his name in Latin. No wonder, because their healing effects are extensive, amazing and holistic. It has a CALMING effect. Anyone who has suffered pain or injury knows how stressful such a condition can be. I was allowed to experience their HEMOSTATING, WOUND HEALING & DISINFECTING effect (see comments below). Even with severe injuries, it does amazing things as emergency care. In addition, it is germ-resistant, anti-inflammatory and thus promotes wound healing and can, for example, be used in the household as a DISINFECTION. It has an antispasmodic effect, for example for abdominal pain, back pain, stiff neck and menstrual cramps. It can be used as a chest compress when you have a cold or flu. It is BILIFORCULATOR and serves as a DIURETIC. In addition, it provides excellent service as a LIVER WRAP, which can be further enhanced by putting on a hot-water bottle. die SCHAFGARBE is also known as VENUS BROW because its young leaves resemble eyebrows. This signature indicates its healing powers as lady's herb, because die SHAFGARBE is rich in PHYTOHORMONES. In the menopause, it alleviates the symptoms that arise, relieves menstrual cramps (e.g. mit SCHAFGARBE- lady's mantle tea), etc. SHE relieves headache and migraine symptoms. In the digestive system, it helps with diarrhea, hemorrhoids and intestinal inflammation. Arzneipulver JOHANNISKRAUT In ❤ dedicated to Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim PARACELSUS ​ (Johannis herbs and dextrose), method according to Paracelsus At DIOSCURIDES, St. John's wort is also called Hartheu. Otherwise names like Herrgottsblut, Fuga Daemonum (Devil's flight) are known to me. The name St. John's wort can be traced back to St. John the Baptist. PARACELSUS calls it a gift from God, the royal medicine and the image of the sun. DIOSCURIDES, as the emperor's doctor and companion on many campaigns, uses the plant primarily because of its WOUND HEALING and PAIN RELIEF effects, for sciatica and burns. The following can be found in his MATERIA MEDICA: ...Preferably she heals Sciatica, but you have to drink water after cleaning. Also The herb heals burns as a cataplasm, finally it stills the blood... Otherwise, St. John's wort helps with the following symptoms: gout, rheumatism PAIN RELIEF after sprains, neck tension, nerve pain, shingles and cervical spine syndrome sunburn, burns neurodermatitis Only PARACELSUS, whose favorite plant is St. John's wort, researches its excellent properties on the psyche. He speaks of 4 forces that make the plant a universal remedy: Against PHANTASMATA Against wounds Against worms As a balm PHANTASMATA would nowadays be called mental illnesses or disorders such as depression, personality disorders, psychoses and the like. (From THE HERBAL INDUSTRY OF PARACELSUS by Olaf Rippe: ...It is diseases that force people to kill themselves (III/630)....). So diseases (if you already knew the person before) where you have the feeling that the person is animated by another spirit. As its likeness, JOHANNISWORT should be taken in accordance with the course of the sun, i.e. in the morning (not at night and in the afternoon). So it is still prescribed, administered or recommended by knowledgeable people administering it today. IMPORTANT to know: Cattle, horses, sheep avoid JOHANNISKRAUT. Because they are light-skinned and sensitive to light. Because the KUH is not as STUPID as it is often called. ST. JOHN'S WORT produces, if you and other light types and races (including HUMAN BEINGS) eat it, high photosensitivity, swelling, sunburn up to necrosis. It is true that the lighter the complexion, the more sensitive the intake of JOHANNISKRAUT. This is not a freak of nature. PARACELSUS calls the herb "God's gift" to man, since its light and sunny energy has the power to banish darkness. What is meant by this is the strongly positive healing power of St. John's wort on the psyche (especially in the darker half of the year). Arzneipulver JOHANNISKRAUT In ❤ dedicated to Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim PARACELSUS ​ (Johannis herbs and dextrose), method according to Paracelsus At DIOSCURIDES, St. John's wort is also called Hartheu. Otherwise names like Herrgottsblut, Fuga Daemonum (Devil's flight) are known to me. The name St. John's wort can be traced back to St. John the Baptist. PARACELSUS calls it a gift from God, the royal medicine and the image of the sun. DIOSCURIDES, as the emperor's doctor and companion on many campaigns, uses the plant primarily because of its WOUND HEALING and PAIN RELIEF effects, for sciatica and burns. The following can be found in his MATERIA MEDICA: ...Preferably she heals Sciatica, but you have to drink water after cleaning. Also The herb heals burns as a cataplasm, finally it stills the blood... Otherwise, St. John's wort helps with the following symptoms: gout, rheumatism PAIN RELIEF after sprains, neck tension, nerve pain, shingles and cervical spine syndrome sunburn, burns neurodermatitis Only PARACELSUS, whose favorite plant is St. John's wort, researches its excellent properties on the psyche. He speaks of 4 forces that make the plant a universal remedy: Against PHANTASMATA Against wounds Against worms As a balm PHANTASMATA would nowadays be called mental illnesses or disorders such as depression, personality disorders, psychoses and the like. (From THE HERBAL INDUSTRY OF PARACELSUS by Olaf Rippe: ...It is diseases that force people to kill themselves (III/630)....). So diseases (if you already knew the person before) where you have the feeling that the person is animated by another spirit. As its likeness, JOHANNISWORT should be taken in accordance with the course of the sun, i.e. in the morning (not at night and in the afternoon). So it is still prescribed, administered or recommended by knowledgeable people administering it today. IMPORTANT to know: Cattle, horses, sheep avoid JOHANNISKRAUT. Because they are light-skinned and sensitive to light. Because the KUH is not as STUPID as it is often called. ST. JOHN'S WORT produces, if you and other light types and races (including HUMAN BEINGS) eat it, high photosensitivity, swelling, sunburn up to necrosis. It is true that the lighter the complexion, the more sensitive the intake of JOHANNISKRAUT. This is not a freak of nature. PARACELSUS calls the herb "God's gift" to man, since its light and sunny energy has the power to banish darkness. What is meant by this is the strongly positive healing power of St. John's wort on the psyche (especially in the darker half of the year). HEIL💞 ALLIANCE Psyche No.I Heiloil Psyche No.I ​ (DEPRESSIONS, restlessness, sleep disorders, fears, etc.) ​ The healing components of the plants are differently soluble in different media (oil, alcohol, glycerin, etc.). In order to achieve a holistic use of all components and their healing powers, I have prepared individual extracts with oil (base oil is my hay oil) and individual extracts with vegetable organic glycerine from all plants involved here and then combined them accordingly. Jedoch sind sowohl das HeilÖl Psyche als auch die HeilTinktur Psyche alleine auch sehr wirksam. The plants: hop : sleep-promoting, calming, analgesic Damiana : Relieves Depression, Calms, Helps with Memory Problems, Helps with Mental Fatigue, Antispasmodic, Appetite Stimulant Tall Skullcap : calming, for fears Melissa: calming, helps against nervousness, relaxing, analgesic, with irritability, Real valerian : sleep-inducing, relaxing, for anxiety, calming, concentration-enhancing, antispasmodic, Johannis herbs : in depression, Common evening primrose : calming, with disturbed libido Catuaba : with disturbed libido, relieves depression wild lettuce: calming, pain relieving The oil. as well as the tincture are additionally charged with the healing stones black tourmaline and smoky quartz. Arzneipulver MELISSE (Balm & Dextrose) ​ Lemon balm has been a proven medicinal plant for many centuries and its ability is almost universal in terms of both physical and mental ailments. For HILDEGARD VON BINGEN, lemon balm was so important as a medicinal plant that she attributed the healing power of 15 herbs to it. She used them for headaches, dizziness, rheumatic diseases, difficulty falling asleep, stomach problems and to improve mood. PARACELSUS said the following about lemon balm: "Of all things that the earth produces, lemon balm is the best herb for the HEART." Healing effect PSYCHE: in states of anxiety sleep disorders in states of restlessness Loss of appetite uplifting, calming & relaxing Lemon Balm ESSENTIAL Oil has powerful sleep-inducing and calming properties. Healing effect BODY: For colds & bronchitis earache Asthma Heart problems (e.g. in combination with HERZGESPANN) Migraines and Headaches Gout & Rheumatism neuralgia herpes labialis Shingles (spray on lemon balm) hydrolate distillate Stomach cramps & stomach problems Flatulence bile problems Diarrhea menopausal symptoms nausea in pregnancy menstrual cramps muscle tension and cramps & sore muscles antibacterial antispasmodic (e.g. in combination with cinquefoil) cooling analgesic sweaty antifungal (for athlete's foot) Lemon balm ESSENTIAL oil has powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients of lemon balm: Essential oils (citral, citronellal, linalool, geraniol and aldehydes), tannins, bitter substances, resin, mucilage, glycosides, saponins, thymol and vitamin C. CUDDLE ATTACK SIRUP Procedures from ancient folk medicine Heileffekt coltsfoot: from sore throat, bronchitis to pulmonary tuberculosis, Huflattich helps the respiratory organs When I was cooking SYRUP last year, it somehow didn't feel right that he had to cook hour after hour. The sensitive vitamins and other ingredients don't tolerate that much heat. I'm trying a gentler method from antiquity. In a sealable jar, layer HUFLATTICH and sugar (I use cane sugar). Keep refilling in this way for 3 days (because the mass keeps dropping). Now you should bury the jar in the ground for 6-8 weeks (I assume because of the constant temperature). Since I am currently in a monastery, I have decided to camp in the outer temple of Padmasambhava. The temperatures are relatively constant there and there are also good vibes. ​ Additionally charged with the AZURIT -MALACHIT & the recitation MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA (Sanskrit) ​ And I'm really excited. Unlike the SYRUP cooking method, the ancient fermentation method makes me feel really good to see, taste and feel. The SYRUP has a beautiful colour, a very intense taste and, in a subtle sense, "a lot of bang". I'm happy. It shows me again what it means and what you get when you give things time and treat them sensitively and with respect. As they deserve. ​ CUDDLE ATTACK SIRUP Procedures from ancient folk medicine Heileffekt coltsfoot: from sore throat, bronchitis to pulmonary tuberculosis, Huflattich helps the respiratory organs When I was cooking SYRUP last year, it somehow didn't feel right that he had to cook hour after hour. The sensitive vitamins and other ingredients don't tolerate that much heat. I'm trying a gentler method from antiquity. In a sealable jar, layer HUFLATTICH and sugar (I use cane sugar). Keep refilling in this way for 3 days (because the mass keeps dropping). Now you should bury the jar in the ground for 6-8 weeks (I assume because of the constant temperature). Since I am currently in a monastery, I have decided to camp in the outer temple of Padmasambhava. The temperatures are relatively constant there and there are also good vibes. ​ Additionally charged with the AZURIT -MALACHIT & the recitation MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA (Sanskrit) ​ And I'm really excited. Unlike the SYRUP cooking method, the ancient fermentation method makes me feel really good to see, taste and feel. The SYRUP has a beautiful colour, a very intense taste and, in a subtle sense, "a lot of bang". I'm happy. It shows me again what it means and what you get when you give things time and treat them sensitively and with respect. As they deserve. ​ Arzneipulver HERZGESPANN ❤ (Motherwort and Dextrose) Process according to PARACELSUS ​ HEARTZONE Lonora cadiacas The lion heart on a mental and physical level. It has a relaxing effect on both levels Unlike other soothing plants, motherwort does NOT make you TIRED when dealing with everyday life. Again, it helps with falling asleep again. HEARTSPANN helps: as a FIRST AID plant (like emergency drops from Bach flowers) in case of shock, accident, test anxiety, grief, events that throw us off balance. as lady's herb: (Best in combination with lady's mantle and sheep's gift) under birth menopause thyroid herb Prostate disease and also prostate cancer (best in combination with propolis) gall and liver diseases HERZGESPANN supports the MERCURY PRINCIPLE (rhythmic system: all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep/growth, breathing, metabolism). Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with a distinctive leaf and stem system have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system (Mercury principle): HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow Arzneipulver HERZGESPANN ❤ (Motherwort and Dextrose) Process according to PARACELSUS ​ HEARTZONE Lonora cadiacas The lion heart on a mental and physical level. It has a relaxing effect on both levels Unlike other soothing plants, motherwort does NOT make you TIRED when dealing with everyday life. Again, it helps with falling asleep again. HEARTSPANN helps: as a FIRST AID plant (like emergency drops from Bach flowers) in case of shock, accident, test anxiety, grief, events that throw us off balance. as lady's herb: (Best in combination with lady's mantle and sheep's gift) under birth menopause thyroid herb Prostate disease and also prostate cancer (best in combination with propolis) gall and liver diseases HERZGESPANN supports the MERCURY PRINCIPLE (rhythmic system: all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep/growth, breathing, metabolism). Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with a distinctive leaf and stem system have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system (Mercury principle): HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow Arzneipulver WILD HERBS In ❤ dedicated to PLANTS ​ With daisies, plantain, borage, yarrow, dandelion, nettle with seeds, plantain, wild dill, mugwort, valerian blossoms, chickweed, horsetail, columbine, red clover (with dextrose) Process according to Paracelsus For the time when nature goes into the winter break, I created this herbal powder in order to be sufficiently supplied with vitamins and minerals even when nature is at rest. What makes WILD HERBS so powerful and nutrient-rich, in contrast to cultivated vegetables, is that they only grow where they find living conditions they can cope with. Seeds will sprout in one place but not in another. They are relentlessly exposed to heat, drought, moisture, etc. and yet THEY grow... I believe that there is no more powerful and energetic plant than a DAISY fighting its way through the asphalt. What it has to do and how long it takes to find the one spot that makes it possible to grow into the light, I think only the DAISIES know 🌼 alone... Arzneipulver WILD HERBS In ❤ dedicated to PLANTS ​ With daisies, plantain, borage, yarrow, dandelion, nettle with seeds, plantain, wild dill, mugwort, valerian blossoms, chickweed, horsetail, columbine, red clover (with dextrose) Process according to Paracelsus For the time when nature goes into the winter break, I created this herbal powder in order to be sufficiently supplied with vitamins and minerals even when nature is at rest. What makes WILD HERBS so powerful and nutrient-rich, in contrast to cultivated vegetables, is that they only grow where they find living conditions they can cope with. Seeds will sprout in one place but not in another. They are relentlessly exposed to heat, drought, moisture, etc. and yet THEY grow... I believe that there is no more powerful and energetic plant than a DAISY fighting its way through the asphalt. What it has to do and how long it takes to find the one spot that makes it possible to grow into the light, I think only the DAISIES know 🌼 alone... Medicinal powder CISTROSE Croatian cistus & dextrose (Procedure according to Paracelsus) Rockrose (Cistus incanus) is a plant native to the Mediterranean. It has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. In Greek folk medicine, Cistus was used for ITCHING and DISINFECTION of wounds. Cistus or Cystus is one of the most POLYPHENOL-rich plants in Europe. Today, their highly antioxidant compounds are used to treat FLU AND COLDS. HEALING EFFECTS of cistus: stimulates the immune system strengthens the mucous membranes against colds, against skin diseases (e.g. acne, neurodermatitis) for gastrointestinal complaints (e.g. intestinal flu) in inflammation of the urinary tract as incense for disinfection (it was even used against the plague) SHE acts: anti-inflammatory, itch-relieving, germicidal detoxifying (e.g. for heavy metal pollution and poisoning) antifungal From the MATERIA MEDICA by Pedanius DIOSKURIDES: =126. boxes. ... It has contracting power; hence the crushed leaves, twice a day drunk in bitter wine, a good remedy for dysentery. For themselves as a poultice, they stop eating ulcers. Heal with wax ointment her burn and aged wounds... =128. ladanum. ... The power of the leaves of the same proves to be astringent, healing against what the kistos also works against. From him that is sucked. Ladanum (Cistus resin) obtained. It has astringent, warming, emollient power. Mixed with wine, myrrh and myrtle, it prevents hair loss Coated with wine, it makes the wound scars beautiful, with honey mead or Dropped in rose oil, it cures earache, and it is used as incense for throwing out the afterbirth, mixed with the suppository it cures hardening in the uterus; it will also successfully added to sedative medicines and cough medicines. With old wine drunk it causes diarrhea. But it's also diuretic... PLINUS THE ELDER also described in the 1st century AD the extraction of LADANUM resin with the help of goats. These were driven through the dense cistus bushes. The sticky resin of the cistus stuck to the goat hair, which was then cut off and boiled. The valuable resin could be skimmed off in the cooled supernatant. Medicinal powder STICKY ALANT from the ALANTE family (Dittrichia viscosa or Inula viscosa) Croatian elecampane & dextrose (Method according to Paracelsus) The elecampane is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. Elecampane is mainly used for FLU PAL INFECTION with a strong COUGH and chronic lung problems. Elecampane is rich in essential oils and other ingredients such as phytosterols and others that have a very beneficial effect on diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The plant is even recommended for the smoker's disease COPD because of its lung-cleansing effect. The roots of elecampane, which are harvested in late summer and autumn, are particularly effective, but the herb is also an effective remedy. The oil of the sticky elecampane is very effective for respiratory diseases. It is obtained from the whole flowering plant and has a cough-suppressing, expectorant and antispasmodic effect. I will present you the result in about 6 weeks 😊. Healing effect of ALANT on: Upper respiratory tract colds dry tickly cough z. B. Sarcoidosis chronic cough conditions protracted bronchial catarrh Bronchitis, strong mucus In general, remedies with elecampane make breathing easier and can therefore also be used for people in need of care or for lung tumors and metastases. ALANT works: antioxidant anti-inflammatory hypotensive expectorant expectorant cholagogue sweaty antiseptic A particularly effective remedy with elecampane for respiratory diseases is the preparation of an infusion (both root and herb). The parts of the plant are poured over with hot water and soaked for 4-8 hours. The drink can then be briefly warmed up again and then drunk. Already DIOSKURIDES pointed out that itching can occur when collecting the plant. If you are very sensitive, you should wear gloves. The following is found about ALANT in its Materia Medica: =27. elecampane. ...The roots are dug in the summer and cut up and dried. The decoction of it drunk drives the urine and menstruation. The root itself with Lycium and honey helps against cough, chest congestion (ortho- pnea), internal ruptures, spasms, flatulence, against the bite of poisonous animals, by proving to be warming at all. Its leaves boiled with wine have been successfully applied to sufferers of sciatica. In sweet wine submitted it (the root) is palatable. ..Crushed and enjoyed, it helps those who suffer from hemorrhage.

  • Karma | Maren's Kunst

    Creativity grants no statute of limitations, IT calls for truth and healing oder The thing about what a lot of people call karma. O At best it works like this: I create and build something, someone comes along and breaks it by accident, clumsiness or combination of stupid circumstances. He stumbles, knocks it over or something like that. Someone is terribly sorry, after all it was an irreplaceable one-off. I put a lot of love, patience, time and work into it. He offers to help me rebuild it or somehow compensate for the damage in some other way. Or it works differently: Same thing as above, only the destroyer doesn't see his fault at all. His ego, which is always right, for power, victory and the system of law and order that has been perfectly polished and adapted to his needs, rebels. It wasn't him. The thing was already broken anyway, it was useless anyway and he was just the victim of an insinuation and hired a lawyer... What happens then: Not only am I saddened by my ruined creation, I am disappointed in someone's reaction, and I also get mail from the expensive lawyer setting out a distorted account of the situation on the part of the destroyer. This makes me even more sad and now angry because I know the truth and so does the destroyer. Now my account looks poor and I can't afford a lawyer who will help me rightly. I'm realistic and let things be. But what doesn't calm down is my sadness about my destroyed creation and my anger about the destroyer's reaction and the lie. And that anger grows. She grows and grows. It not only eats me, but also reaches the destroyer. I'm so paralyzed by this anger that I swear to myself never to build anything again because it will be destroyed anyway and the destroyer actually stumbles one day and breaks his neck. But now I know that everything material passes away - energy does not! She wanders and wanders through all the tides. Reaches my neighbor and gives him a stomach ache, his visitor a headache and so on. A frustrated creator, I die now. Many years later I will be reborn, as will the destroyer. We meet. We recognize each other. I tripped him and he destroyed my creation and my visions. I ask him. "Do you see your mistake and admit that you destroyed my work?" He straightens up and answers "No". Now he gets rude and insulting. "The shit thing was rubbish anyway. What was that supposed to be?” The energy from back then also rushes to the meeting place. An argument ensues, perhaps to the bitter end, or perhaps not quite so badly. We two quarrelers are broken or injured and the energy from back then - let's imagine it as a bubble - grows and grows and wanders and wanders. The neighbor no longer gets away with a stomach ache, but gets a stomach ulcer. His visit caught this time with a bad migraine. But maybe and hopefully the destroyer will see his guilt. He returns the favor and shakes my hand in farewell. "No offense," he says and leaves and I hear a small pop. The karmic energy bubble has burst like a small soap bubble. This story tells what this could look like on a large scale: ​ ​ The Messenger In a world far away from ours, because something like this would never happen here, a few thousand years ago a high envoy of creation was born and mingled with the Yushoite people. The events of that time made his appearance necessary and so the envoy made it his task to teach the people living there, to heal and to remind them to trust in the omnipresent creation. The people there lived in many places unhappily in anger and strife, they had lost faith and trust. Their rulers strove for power and earthly abundance and had averted their gaze from the vastness of infinity and longed only for d thereafter to make their reflection appear splendid and to decorate their territory splendidly without regard to others. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The Messenger came as a humble man and reminded people of the guidance, splendor and glory of creation, showed them so that they remembered them again, healed the sick and taught those hungry for knowledge with wisdom and patience. He was praised in many places and people followed him and took new courage and entrusted themselves again to the omnipresent creation, which created them and guided them from time immemorial. More and more people now accompanied the pilgrimage of the Messenger. They turned away from the blinded rulers and made known the words of the envoy. Of course, this did not go unheard and seen, and so the jealous rulers had the envoy pursued. But this was not the only evil. Also among those who followed him were people who were of high minds and morals, but instead of trustingly and gratefully following the Messenger and learning and growing from him, which they mostly did, they envied his wisdom and unconditional kindness. The Messenger sensed this and recognized the danger. He had to learn cruelly what mischief envious and resentful confidants can cause. He was betrayed by them and delivered to the cross, albeit with sadness and shame. He only claimed to be an envoy of creation with the task of directing people's gaze away from the worldly confusion and deception, up to the infinite fullness of creativity. But the rulers, full of envy and anger because of the fleeing herd of people, just called him a liar and a charlatan. With lies and deceit they made speeches before the Yushoite people. The man seduced the people and led them astray. The ambassador was tortured and humiliated in dark vaults. His skin was torn and covered in blood he lay on the ground and was desecrated with scorn and kicks. Led past his former followers, who were now spitting, shouting and throwing dirt at him, he was finally nailed to a piece of wood so that everyone present could laugh and soil him again. When the cruel ordeal finally ended, the Messenger was handed over to those who stayed with him with love and loyalty to the end. They laid out the defiled man, anointed his bruised body, and covered the cruel disgrace of men and his deep wounds with a white cloth. After three days, those who were loyal to him went back to that place to bury him. They were accompanied by envoys of the rulers and curious people. But there on his bier was just the white cloth, folded neatly without a stain. The faithful, weeping, gently took the cloth and gratefully knelt in front of the bier, the curious ones froze with open mouths and the emissaries of the rulers sweat ran from their foreheads and they cowardly retreated from this place and ran to their masters to be frightened to cancel. The news of the disappearance of the envoy who had been believed dead spread like wildfire. Those who betrayed him impiously thought they were doing penance by committing suicide out of their own unpardonability or by begging for forgiveness in lonely places. The Yushoite people were divided into two. Many suppressed their guilt and forgave themselves, saying to themselves: "Others had finally turned away from him and threw stones at him". But many felt ashamed of their guilt and of being blinded by the ruler's hate speech and turning away from him. They treated him with shame and sadness. Only now that he was no longer there were they grateful for each of his loving words and each of his healing deeds. However, a small group, including many of the rulers, did not want to see their guilt and they cunningly devised another plan that not only won them the hearing and obedience of the people, but also promised them power and wealth. They planned behind closed doors and on to proclaim on a table with golden dishes that the Messenger was only on earth to show people their trespasses but, as it were, forgave them in generosity and kindness and that his only purpose was to die for the sins of people. But what they did not know was that the Messenger was sitting at this table in an immaterial form and what they did not hear was that he got up in shock and sadness and left the table and the room with the words: "No, gentlemen, they did and still do wrong! I was born, to live just like you." The plan worked. With sentimental expressions, the clever gentlemen threw themselves on soft cushions on the ground and proclaimed the holiness of the Messenger, who had only come to die for the sins of the people. And people finally followed them again, be it out of a guilty conscience or with the hope of a wiser rulership. For decades, centuries and a few millennia, the envoy appeared again and again in this world in the most diverse and mostly inconspicuous forms to see what the people made of his inheritance. His anger and resentment grew bigger and bigger. Peaceful and wise peoples were forced to believe in him and their own idols were bloodily shattered. The Reglision - that's how the clever gentlemen called the community, what they made from the presence and the wisdom of the envoy for themselves wealth and power, grew and grew. With humility unknown to themselves, they forced or bought the faith of the masses, and the masses, relieved for the dearly paid absolutions of their misdeeds, quickly forgot the real message of the Messenger. All the time the Messenger had to watch and endure that in his name murder, desecration, lied and acts in disregard for creation were being done. Anger turned to anger and that anger grew and grew in him. He no longer understood his task at the time and wondered why he was so cruelly persecuted and desecrated. The misinterpretation of his appearance haunted him like the most macabre mockery. WHY did he ask himself, why have I shown them how to heal with love and given them wise advice if they devise nothing else but to incite hatred, the gift of creation - to destroy life and make people stupid? One may understand it or not, a few millennia after its first appearance it came back. As in the past, he came back in inhospitable times as an inconspicuous man and mingled with the Germand people. But now he knew how to reach a people in poverty and hunger, namely with lies and clever rhetoric. At first he was ridiculed for his powerful visions that promised the people to be something better. It just has to follow him and subjugate the unfortunate rest of the people living in this world. In his visions, dominion over all men was only an accessory to his mission. Because everything in him was aimed at a single people - the people of the Yushoites. The people who had betrayed, desecrated and killed him and abused and used his teachings and created so much shame and suffering in his name over the millennia that even he, as a high envoy, froze his heart. And so he did. Now no longer an inconspicuous figure, but ruler over the Germand people, he took cruel revenge on the Yuschoite people, had them persecuted and died cruelly. He tempered his anger, but his seemingly dormant essence was not asleep. She had made herself very small and hid in his frozen heart and was crying. The rest of the world rebelled and opposed him. But they shouldn't judge him, he did that himself... Burdened with grave shame, he withdrew. Here and there he reappeared in this world and in unspeakable, cruel and sad incarnations delivered himself to the knife. How could he become such a beast? Yes, how could he become such a beast? If we now go back to the beginning of the story, we know the answer. It is so simple that it is difficult to comprehend the millennia of carnage. It all started with a lie seeded with envy, resentment, hatred and betrayal. The envoy wanted to appear in this world one last time and hope for the truth and an honest ask for forgiveness. So he gave birth again and managed to appeal to the head of the Reglision. In an impassioned speech he told the pontiff his whole story, from all his incarnations as a wise healer persecuted, humiliated and desecrated by men to a genocidal and vengeful beast to which crowds of people cried "wellness" in awe and faithfully obeyed him. He admitted that all facets that a being can carry within itself also filled his being, from light-filled wise healing to the very deepest darkness, destruction and madness. The pontiff's face swelled over his stiff and tightened collar. It turned blood red and his breath panted. He sprang from his jeweled throne, raised a trembling arm and pointed a finger at the envoy. He yelled as best he could, the stiff collar really getting in the way: "Wake up, get that maniac out. His words desecrate the face of the saint. This is blasphemy! Out with him!” The envoy slowly got up and took a deep breath. With a lost smile, his eyes once again roamed the hall, which was richly decorated up to the ceiling. Sadly his gaze stopped at the nailed image of himself, immortalized in the most beautiful, finest and most expensive white marble. "It's okay, I'm going. You don't have to throw me out. My words are the truth and the truth does not desecrate my face. If you would speak them, and that is all I asked of you today, my face would heal. The truth is that I was born to live. You must die with your sins alone or you courageously set to work to change your destiny, to confess your guilt, to accept your responsibility and not to accuse the gods of every misdeed and mishap. Only your face is blasphemous here. Look at your expensive robe and your golden scepter! A true member of the Council of Creation would not wear such a thing, but would pawn it at the pawnbroker and give the money to those who are sick and starving." He turned and left and never came back to this world. And with him went all the envoys who had come with him to remind people, whether large or small, of the true leadership and providence. And from now on, fate lay solely with the people of this world. Will they remember? Will they again submit to the true laws and the order of what created them and will they draw the right lesson from the fate of the envoy and finally understand that creativity does not grant a statute of limitations? Because it calls for truth and healing. Life gave to EVERYONE and whoever destroys this gift must repent and heal it again. And sincere repentance requires the truth. Author: Maren Art


    CORPUS HERMETICUM ​ Das Corpus Hermeticum, nach dem Titel des ersten Textes auch Poimandres genannt, ist eine Sammlung von griechischen Traktaten in Brief -, dialogue and sermon form about the origin of the world, the shape of the cosmos as well as human and divine wisdom. Already in antiquity Hermes Trismegistus was considered the author, to whom a large number of religious, astrological and magical writings were ascribed. ​ ​ ​ ​ Sentence: : The Awareness - Having What You Need & Independence. Contrast: Addiction & Dependence ​ From the CORPUS HERMETICUM CH VIII 1. Where are you drifting in your drunkenness, you people who have drunk up the unmixed doctrine of ignorance that you cannot endure at all? So she immediately spits it out again; stop, get sober! Look up with the eyes of the heart. And if you can't all do it, at least those who can. The evil of ignorance invades the whole earth and at the same time destroys the soul imprisoned in the body; let her not drop anchor in the harbors of salvation. 2. So do not let yourselves be swept away by the strong current, but use a counter-current, you who can reach the haven of salvation, and anchor in it; look for someone who will take you by the hand and will show you the way to the gates of knowledge, where the radiant light is, pure from darkness, where not one is drunk, but all are sober and look up with their hearts to him, who wants to be seen. Because one cannot hear him, cannot name him, cannot see him with his eyes, but only with his spirit and heart. First you must rend the garment you wear, the web of ignorance, the basis of wickedness, the bondage of perdition, the dark prison, the living death, the perceiving corpse, the grave you carry, the Robber in his own house, who hates you by what he loves and begrudges you what he hates. 3. Such is the enemy you put on as a dress; he chokes you down to him lest you look up, see the beauty of truth and the good that is in it; lest you hate his wickedness when you understand his treachery with which he seeks to harm you; for he renders insensate what appear to be the (mental) perceptual organs, but which are not thought to be so, clogs them up with much matter and fills them with hideous lust, lest you hear what you ought to hear and see not, what you should see I'm heavily INSPIRED by from the CORPUS HERMETICUM CH VIII Nothing of what is perishes, but it is the changes that are mistakenly called perishing and death. [page 77] ​ 1. Hermes: Now, my son, we must speak of the soul and the body, namely in what way the soul is immortal, and what force it is that causes the birth and [page 78] dissolution of the body. Death does not exist for either of them (both), but it was thought up on the basis of the term 'immortal': it is either used as an empty neologism, or one speaks of 'dying', leaving out the first letters, instead of 'immortality' '.205 For dying and death signify decline, but nothing of what is in the cosmos perishes. For if the cosmos is a second god and an immortal being, then it is impossible for any part of that immortal being to die. But everything in the cosmos is part of the cosmos and especially man, the rational being. 2. The first of all is verily God, Eternal and Unbegotten and Creator of all. The second is the one created by him in his image; he is sustained and nourished by him and made immortal, having come into being from a Father who is eternal; he is an ever-living being because he is immortal. For what is ever-living differs from the eternal. For God did not arise from another. If it had really come into being, then it would have come into being from itself. (However, the cosmos)206 never came into being, but is always in the process of becoming. (...)207 but who is himself a father of himself is eternal. But the cosmos was created by the Father as eternal208 and immortal. 3. And all that matter was ready for his own creature,209 has theFather (taken)210 and thus gave physical form to the universe, gave it breadth and breadth, made it spherical and gave it its present shape; a matter211 (he took it) which is itself immortal and whose materiality is eternal. What is more, the father sowed the qualities that came from the ideas into the sphere and locked it up like in a cave, because he wanted to endow that which was formed with his help with all conceivable qualities, and surrounded the whole body with immortality, so that matter would not be seized by the desire to give up this formation he had effected, and dissolve again into its own disorder. When matter was not (yet) formed into bodies, it was disordered. But here, too, it shows (disorder)212, which accumulates with all other insignificant qualities (and) with the process of growth and dwindling, which people call death. 4. This disorder affects (only) the living beings on earth. For the bodies of the heavenly beings have a single order, which they received from the Father from the beginning. It is, however, [Page 80] irrevocably preserved as a result of the return of each individual to its original place. The return of the earthly bodies to their former state signifies (the dissolution)213 of assembly; but this dissolution consists in the return to indissoluble bodies, that is, to immortal ones.214 And so there is a loss of consciousness,215 but not a perishing of the bodies. s. The third living being, man, who came into being in the image of the cosmos, is endowed with spirit according to the Father's will, in contrast to the other living beings on earth, and not only interacts with the second god (sump1jeia), but has also knowledge of the first. One he perceives as a body, the other he recognizes as incorporeal and as a spirit, as the good." Asklepios:216 So this creature will not perish?" Hermes: Be silent and do not sin, my son, and consider what God is, what is the cosmos, what is an immortal being, what is a living being that dissolves, and consider that the cosmos depends on God and is in God, but man is from the cosmos and in the cosmos, but God is the beginning of all things and encompasses and orders everything." . ​ ​ READ AWAY

  • & zum Schluss ..die Kunst | Maren's Kunst

    & at the end favorite - drum & plucked songs, books, quotes... Vincent van Gogh - Almond Blossoms Lines by Paulo Coelho: ​ Thank you to everyone who smiled at my dreams. They have inspired my imagination. Thank you to everyone who tried to fit me into their scheme. You taught me the value of freedom. I thank everyone who lied to me. They have shown me the power of truth. I thank all that did not believe in me. You expected me to move mountains. Thank you to everyone who wrote me off. You have awakened my courage. Thank you to everyone who has left me. You gave me space for something new. Thank you to everyone who betrayed and abused me. You made me alert. Thank you to everyone who has hurt me. You taught me to grow in pain. Thank you to everyone who has disturbed my peace. You made me strong to stand up for it. Thanks to everyone who confused me. You have made my point clear to me. ​ First of all I thank all those _cc781905-5cde-3193-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ who love me just the way i am. You give me strength to live! Michelangelo Buonarotti David (detail) Two ghosts must want what two bodies can do. Ben Branderup (modern Rittmeister) Giuseppe Verdi - NABUCCO "The Prisoners' Choir" From Leide draws art the most sublime inspiration (Michelangelo) FREE PDF German NENA - miracles happen... in HAMBURG my Love Depeche Mode - Never let me down again

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Wie erfassen wir Ihre Daten? Ihre Daten werden zum einen dadurch erhoben, dass Sie uns diese mitteilen. Hierbei kann es sich z. B. um Daten handeln, die Sie in ein Kontaktformular eingeben. Andere Daten werden automatisch oder nach Ihrer Einwilligung beim Besuch der Website durch unsere IT#Systeme erfasst. Das sind vor allem technische Daten (z. B. Internetbrowser, Betriebssystem oder Uhrzeit des Seitenaufrufs). Die Erfassung dieser Daten erfolgt automatisch, sobald Sie diese Website betreten. Wofür nutzen wir Ihre Daten? 3 / 11 Ein Teil der Daten wird erhoben, um eine fehlerfreie Bereitstellung der Website zu gewährleisten. Andere Daten können zur Analyse Ihres Nutzerverhaltens verwendet werden. Welche Rechte haben Sie bezüglich Ihrer Daten? Sie haben jederzeit das Recht, unentgeltlich Auskunft über Herkunft, Empfänger und Zweck Ihrer gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten zu erhalten. Sie haben außerdem ein Recht, die Berichtigung oder Löschung dieser Daten zu verlangen. Wenn Sie eine Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung erteilt haben, können Sie diese Einwilligung jederzeit für die Zukunft widerrufen. Außerdem haben Sie das Recht, unter bestimmten Umständen die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Des Weiteren steht Ihnen ein Beschwerderecht bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde zu. Hierzu sowie zu weiteren Fragen zum Thema Datenschutz können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden. 2. Hosting Wir hosten die Inhalte unserer Website bei folgendem Anbieter: WIX Anbieter ist die Ltd., 40 Namal Tel Aviv St., Tel Aviv 6350671, Israel (nachfolgend „WIX“). WIX ein Tool zum Erstellen und zum Hosten von Webseiten. Wenn Sie unsere Website besuchen, werden mit Hilfe von WIX das Nutzerverhalten, die Besucherquellen, die Region der Websitebesucher und die Besucherzahlen analysiert. WIX speichert Cookies auf Ihrem Browser, die für die Darstellung der Website und zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit erforderlich sind (notwendige Cookies). Die Daten, die über WIX erfasst werden, können auf verschiedenen Servern weltweit gespeichert werden. Die Server von WIX stehen u. a. in den USA. Details entnehmen Sie der Datenschutzerklärung von WIX: Die Datenübertragung in die USA und sonstige Drittstaaten wird laut WIX auf die Standardvertragsklauseln der EU-Kommission bzw. vergleichbare Garantien nach Art. 46 DSGVO gestützt. Details finden Sie hier: Die Verwendung von WIX erfolgt auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Wir haben ein berechtigtes Interesse an einer möglichst zuverlässigen Darstellung unserer Website. Sofern eine entsprechende Einwilligung abgefragt wurde, erfolgt die Verarbeitung ausschließlich auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO und § 25 Abs. 1 TTDSG, soweit die Einwilligung die Speicherung von Cookies oder den Zugriff auf Informationen im Endgerät des Nutzers (z. B. Device-Fingerprinting) im Sinne des TTDSG umfasst. Die Einwilligung ist jederzeit widerrufbar. Auftragsverarbeitung Wir haben einen Vertrag über Auftragsverarbeitung (AVV) mit dem oben genannten Anbieter geschlossen. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen datenschutzrechtlich vorgeschriebenen Vertrag, der gewährleistet, dass dieser die personenbezogenen Daten unserer Websitebesucher nur nach unseren Weisungen und unter Einhaltung der DSGVO verarbeitet. 3. Allgemeine Hinweise und Pflichtinformationen 4 / 11 Datenschutz Die Betreiber dieser Seiten nehmen den Schutz Ihrer persönlichen Daten sehr ernst. Wir behandeln Ihre personenbezogenen Daten vertraulich und entsprechend den gesetzlichen Datenschutzvorschriften sowie dieser Datenschutzerklärung. Wenn Sie diese Website benutzen, werden verschiedene personenbezogene Daten erhoben. Personenbezogene Daten sind Daten, mit denen Sie persönlich identifiziert werden können. Die vorliegende Datenschutzerklärung erläutert, welche Daten wir erheben und wofür wir sie nutzen. Sie erläutert auch, wie und zu welchem Zweck das geschieht. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die Datenübertragung im Internet (z. B. bei der Kommunikation per E-Mail) Sicherheitslücken aufweisen kann. Ein lückenloser Schutz der Daten vor dem Zugriff durch Dritte ist nicht möglich. Hinweis zur verantwortlichen Stelle Die verantwortliche Stelle für die Datenverarbeitung auf dieser Website ist: Maren Kunst NußbaumWeg 4 18314 Lüdershagen Deutschland Telefon: 0174 4830550 E-Mail: Verantwortliche Stelle ist die natürliche oder juristische Person, die allein oder gemeinsam mit anderen über die Zwecke und Mittel der Verarbeitung von personenbezogenen Daten (z. B. Namen, E-Mail-Adressen o. Ä.) entscheidet. Speicherdauer Soweit innerhalb dieser Datenschutzerklärung keine speziellere Speicherdauer genannt wurde, verbleiben Ihre personenbezogenen Daten bei uns, bis der Zweck für die Datenverarbeitung entfällt. Wenn Sie ein berechtigtes Löschersuchen geltend machen oder eine Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung widerrufen, werden Ihre Daten gelöscht, sofern wir keine anderen rechtlich zulässigen Gründe für die Speicherung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten haben (z. B. steuer- oder handelsrechtliche Aufbewahrungsfristen); im letztgenannten Fall erfolgt die Löschung nach Fortfall dieser Gründe. Allgemeine Hinweise zu den Rechtsgrundlagen der Datenverarbeitung auf dieser Website Sofern Sie in die Datenverarbeitung eingewilligt haben, verarbeiten wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO bzw. Art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a DSGVO, sofern besondere Datenkategorien nach Art. 9 Abs. 1 DSGVO verarbeitet werden. Im Falle einer ausdrücklichen Einwilligung in die Übertragung personenbezogener Daten in Drittstaaten erfolgt die Datenverarbeitung außerdem auf Grundlage von Art. 49 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO. Sofern Sie in die Speicherung von Cookies oder in den Zugriff auf Informationen in Ihr Endgerät (z. B. via Device-Fingerprinting) eingewilligt haben, erfolgt die Datenverarbeitung zusätzlich auf Grundlage von § 25 Abs. 1 TTDSG. Die Einwilligung ist jederzeit widerrufbar. Sind Ihre Daten zur Vertragserfüllung oder zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen erforderlich, verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten auf Grundlage des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO. Des Weiteren verarbeiten wir Ihre Daten, sofern diese zur Erfüllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung erforderlich sind auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. c DSGVO. Die Datenverarbeitung kann ferner auf Grundlage unseres berechtigten Interesses nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f 5 / 11 DSGVO erfolgen. Über die jeweils im Einzelfall einschlägigen Rechtsgrundlagen wird in den folgenden Absätzen dieser Datenschutzerklärung informiert. Hinweis zur Datenweitergabe in die USA und sonstige Drittstaaten Wir verwenden unter anderem Tools von Unternehmen mit Sitz in den USA oder sonstigen datenschutzrechtlich nicht sicheren Drittstaaten. Wenn diese Tools aktiv sind, können Ihre personenbezogene Daten in diese Drittstaaten übertragen und dort verarbeitet werden. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass in diesen Ländern kein mit der EU vergleichbares Datenschutzniveau garantiert werden kann. Beispielsweise sind US-Unternehmen dazu verpflichtet, personenbezogene Daten an Sicherheitsbehörden herauszugeben, ohne dass Sie als Betroffener hiergegen gerichtlich vorgehen könnten. Es kann daher nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass US-Behörden (z. B. Geheimdienste) Ihre auf US-Servern befindlichen Daten zu Überwachungszwecken verarbeiten, auswerten und dauerhaft speichern. Wir haben auf diese Verarbeitungstätigkeiten keinen Einfluss. Widerruf Ihrer Einwilligung zur Datenverarbeitung Viele Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge sind nur mit Ihrer ausdrücklichen Einwilligung möglich. Sie können eine bereits erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. Die Rechtmäßigkeit der bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Datenverarbeitung bleibt vom Widerruf unberührt. Widerspruchsrecht gegen die Datenerhebung in besonderen Fällen sowie gegen Direktwerbung (Art. 21 DSGVO) WENN DIE DATENVERARBEITUNG AUF GRUNDLAGE VON ART. 6 ABS. 1 LIT. E ODER F DSGVO ERFOLGT, HABEN SIE JEDERZEIT DAS RECHT, AUS GRÜNDEN, DIE SICH AUS IHRER BESONDEREN SITUATION ERGEBEN, GEGEN DIE VERARBEITUNG IHRER PERSONENBEZOGENEN DATEN WIDERSPRUCH EINZULEGEN; DIES GILT AUCH FÜR EIN AUF DIESE BESTIMMUNGEN GESTÜTZTES PROFILING. DIE JEWEILIGE RECHTSGRUNDLAGE, AUF DENEN EINE VERARBEITUNG BERUHT, ENTNEHMEN SIE DIESER DATENSCHUTZERKLÄRUNG. WENN SIE WIDERSPRUCH EINLEGEN, WERDEN WIR IHRE BETROFFENEN PERSONENBEZOGENEN DATEN NICHT MEHR VERARBEITEN, ES SEI DENN, WIR KÖNNEN ZWINGENDE SCHUTZWÜRDIGE GRÜNDE FÜR DIE VERARBEITUNG NACHWEISEN, DIE IHRE INTERESSEN, RECHTE UND FREIHEITEN ÜBERWIEGEN ODER DIE VERARBEITUNG DIENT DER GELTENDMACHUNG, AUSÜBUNG ODER VERTEIDIGUNG VON RECHTSANSPRÜCHEN (WIDERSPRUCH NACH ART. 21 ABS. 1 DSGVO). WERDEN IHRE PERSONENBEZOGENEN DATEN VERARBEITET, UM DIREKTWERBUNG ZU BETREIBEN, SO HABEN SIE DAS RECHT, JEDERZEIT WIDERSPRUCH GEGEN DIE VERARBEITUNG SIE BETREFFENDER PERSONENBEZOGENER DATEN ZUM ZWECKE DERARTIGER WERBUNG EINZULEGEN; DIES GILT AUCH FÜR DAS PROFILING, SOWEIT ES MIT SOLCHER DIREKTWERBUNG IN VERBINDUNG STEHT. WENN SIE WIDERSPRECHEN, WERDEN IHRE PERSONENBEZOGENEN DATEN ANSCHLIESSEND NICHT MEHR ZUM ZWECKE DER DIREKTWERBUNG VERWENDET (WIDERSPRUCH NACH ART. 21 ABS. 2 DSGVO). Beschwerderecht bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde Im Falle von Verstößen gegen die DSGVO steht den Betroffenen ein Beschwerderecht bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde, insbesondere in dem Mitgliedstaat ihres gewöhnlichen Aufenthalts, ihres Arbeitsplatzes oder des Orts des mutmaßlichen Verstoßes zu. Das Beschwerderecht besteht unbeschadet anderweitiger verwaltungsrechtlicher oder gerichtlicher Rechtsbehelfe. Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit Sie haben das Recht, Daten, die wir auf Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung oder in Erfüllung eines Vertrags 6 / 11 automatisiert verarbeiten, an sich oder an einen Dritten in einem gängigen, maschinenlesbaren Format aushändigen zu lassen. Sofern Sie die direkte Übertragung der Daten an einen anderen Verantwortlichen verlangen, erfolgt dies nur, soweit es technisch machbar ist. Auskunft, Löschung und Berichtigung Sie haben im Rahmen der geltenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen jederzeit das Recht auf unentgeltliche Auskunft über Ihre gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten, deren Herkunft und Empfänger und den Zweck der Datenverarbeitung und ggf. ein Recht auf Berichtigung oder Löschung dieser Daten. Hierzu sowie zu weiteren Fragen zum Thema personenbezogene Daten können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden. Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Sie haben das Recht, die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Hierzu können Sie sich jederzeit an uns wenden. Das Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung besteht in folgenden Fällen: Wenn Sie die Richtigkeit Ihrer bei uns gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten bestreiten, benötigen wir in der Regel Zeit, um dies zu überprüfen. Für die Dauer der Prüfung haben Sie das Recht, die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Wenn die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten unrechtmäßig geschah/geschieht, können Sie statt der Löschung die Einschränkung der Datenverarbeitung verlangen. Wenn wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht mehr benötigen, Sie sie jedoch zur Ausübung, Verteidigung oder Geltendmachung von Rechtsansprüchen benötigen, haben Sie das Recht, statt der Löschung die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Wenn Sie einen Widerspruch nach Art. 21 Abs. 1 DSGVO eingelegt haben, muss eine Abwägung zwischen Ihren und unseren Interessen vorgenommen werden. Solange noch nicht feststeht, wessen Interessen überwiegen, haben Sie das Recht, die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Wenn Sie die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten eingeschränkt haben, dürfen diese Daten – von ihrer Speicherung abgesehen – nur mit Ihrer Einwilligung oder zur Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen oder zum Schutz der Rechte einer anderen natürlichen oder juristischen Person oder aus Gründen eines wichtigen öffentlichen Interesses der Europäischen Union oder eines Mitgliedstaats verarbeitet werden. SSL- bzw. TLS-Verschlüsselung Diese Seite nutzt aus Sicherheitsgründen und zum Schutz der Übertragung vertraulicher Inhalte, wie zum Beispiel Bestellungen oder Anfragen, die Sie an uns als Seitenbetreiber senden, eine SSL- bzw. TLS#Verschlüsselung. Eine verschlüsselte Verbindung erkennen Sie daran, dass die Adresszeile des Browsers von „http://“ auf „https://“ wechselt und an dem Schloss-Symbol in Ihrer Browserzeile. Wenn die SSL- bzw. TLS-Verschlüsselung aktiviert ist, können die Daten, die Sie an uns übermitteln, nicht von Dritten mitgelesen werden. Widerspruch gegen Werbe-E-Mails Der Nutzung von im Rahmen der Impressumspflicht veröffentlichten Kontaktdaten zur Übersendung von nicht ausdrücklich angeforderter Werbung und Informationsmaterialien wird hiermit widersprochen. Die Betreiber der Seiten behalten sich ausdrücklich rechtliche Schritte im Falle der unverlangten Zusendung von Werbeinformationen, etwa durch Spam-E-Mails, vor. 4. Datenerfassung auf dieser Website 7 / 11 Kontaktformular Wenn Sie uns per Kontaktformular Anfragen zukommen lassen, werden Ihre Angaben aus dem Anfrageformular inklusive der von Ihnen dort angegebenen Kontaktdaten zwecks Bearbeitung der Anfrage und für den Fall von Anschlussfragen bei uns gespeichert. Diese Daten geben wir nicht ohne Ihre Einwilligung weiter. Die Verarbeitung dieser Daten erfolgt auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO, sofern Ihre Anfrage mit der Erfüllung eines Vertrags zusammenhängt oder zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen erforderlich ist. In allen übrigen Fällen beruht die Verarbeitung auf unserem berechtigten Interesse an der effektiven Bearbeitung der an uns gerichteten Anfragen (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO) oder auf Ihrer Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO) sofern diese abgefragt wurde; die Einwilligung ist jederzeit widerrufbar. Die von Ihnen im Kontaktformular eingegebenen Daten verbleiben bei uns, bis Sie uns zur Löschung auffordern, Ihre Einwilligung zur Speicherung widerrufen oder der Zweck für die Datenspeicherung entfällt (z. B. nach abgeschlossener Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage). Zwingende gesetzliche Bestimmungen – insbesondere Aufbewahrungsfristen – bleiben unberührt. Anfrage per E-Mail, Telefon oder Telefax Wenn Sie uns per E-Mail, Telefon oder Telefax kontaktieren, wird Ihre Anfrage inklusive aller daraus hervorgehenden personenbezogenen Daten (Name, Anfrage) zum Zwecke der Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens bei uns gespeichert und verarbeitet. Diese Daten geben wir nicht ohne Ihre Einwilligung weiter. Die Verarbeitung dieser Daten erfolgt auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO, sofern Ihre Anfrage mit der Erfüllung eines Vertrags zusammenhängt oder zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen erforderlich ist. In allen übrigen Fällen beruht die Verarbeitung auf unserem berechtigten Interesse an der effektiven Bearbeitung der an uns gerichteten Anfragen (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO) oder auf Ihrer Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO) sofern diese abgefragt wurde; die Einwilligung ist jederzeit widerrufbar. Die von Ihnen an uns per Kontaktanfragen übersandten Daten verbleiben bei uns, bis Sie uns zur Löschung auffordern, Ihre Einwilligung zur Speicherung widerrufen oder der Zweck für die Datenspeicherung entfällt (z. B. nach abgeschlossener Bearbeitung Ihres Anliegens). Zwingende gesetzliche Bestimmungen – insbesondere gesetzliche Aufbewahrungsfristen – bleiben unberührt. Kommentarfunktion auf dieser Website Für die Kommentarfunktion auf dieser Seite werden neben Ihrem Kommentar auch Angaben zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung des Kommentars, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und, wenn Sie nicht anonym posten, der von Ihnen gewählte Nutzername gespeichert. Speicherdauer der Kommentare Die Kommentare und die damit verbundenen Daten werden gespeichert und verbleiben auf dieser Website, bis der kommentierte Inhalt vollständig gelöscht wurde oder die Kommentare aus rechtlichen Gründen gelöscht werden müssen (z. B. beleidigende Kommentare). Rechtsgrundlage Die Speicherung der Kommentare erfolgt auf Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO). Sie können eine von Ihnen erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. Dazu reicht eine formlose Mitteilung per E#Mail an uns. Die Rechtmäßigkeit der bereits erfolgten Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge bleibt vom Widerruf 8 / 11 unberührt. 5. Newsletter Newsletterdaten Wenn Sie den auf der Website angebotenen Newsletter beziehen möchten, benötigen wir von Ihnen eine E#Mail-Adresse sowie Informationen, welche uns die Überprüfung gestatten, dass Sie der Inhaber der angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse sind und mit dem Empfang des Newsletters einverstanden sind. Weitere Daten werden nicht bzw. nur auf freiwilliger Basis erhoben. Diese Daten verwenden wir ausschließlich für den Versand der angeforderten Informationen und geben diese nicht an Dritte weiter. Die Verarbeitung der in das Newsletteranmeldeformular eingegebenen Daten erfolgt ausschließlich auf Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO). Die erteilte Einwilligung zur Speicherung der Daten, der E-Mail-Adresse sowie deren Nutzung zum Versand des Newsletters können Sie jederzeit widerrufen, etwa über den „Austragen“-Link im Newsletter. Die Rechtmäßigkeit der bereits erfolgten Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge bleibt vom Widerruf unberührt. Die von Ihnen zum Zwecke des Newsletter-Bezugs bei uns hinterlegten Daten werden von uns bis zu Ihrer Austragung aus dem Newsletter bei uns bzw. dem Newsletterdiensteanbieter gespeichert und nach der Abbestellung des Newsletters oder nach Zweckfortfall aus der Newsletterverteilerliste gelöscht. Wir behalten uns vor, E-Mail-Adressen aus unserem Newsletterverteiler nach eigenem Ermessen im Rahmen unseres berechtigten Interesses nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO zu löschen oder zu sperren. Daten, die zu anderen Zwecken bei uns gespeichert wurden, bleiben hiervon unberührt. Nach Ihrer Austragung aus der Newsletterverteilerliste wird Ihre E-Mail-Adresse bei uns bzw. dem Newsletterdiensteanbieter ggf. in einer Blacklist gespeichert, sofern dies zur Verhinderung künftiger Mailings erforderlich ist. Die Daten aus der Blacklist werden nur für diesen Zweck verwendet und nicht mit anderen Daten zusammengeführt. Dies dient sowohl Ihrem Interesse als auch unserem Interesse an der Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben beim Versand von Newslettern (berechtigtes Interesse im Sinne des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO). Die Speicherung in der Blacklist ist zeitlich nicht befristet. Sie können der Speicherung widersprechen, sofern Ihre Interessen unser berechtigtes Interesse überwiegen. 6. Plugins und Tools YouTube mit erweitertem Datenschutz Diese Website bindet Videos der Website YouTube ein. Betreiber der Seiten ist die Google Ireland Limited („Google“), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland. Wir nutzen YouTube im erweiterten Datenschutzmodus. Dieser Modus bewirkt laut YouTube, dass YouTube keine Informationen über die Besucher auf dieser Website speichert, bevor diese sich das Video ansehen. Die Weitergabe von Daten an YouTube-Partner wird durch den erweiterten Datenschutzmodus hingegen nicht zwingend ausgeschlossen. So stellt YouTube – unabhängig davon, ob Sie sich ein Video ansehen – eine Verbindung zum Google DoubleClick-Netzwerk her. Sobald Sie ein YouTube-Video auf dieser Website starten, wird eine Verbindung zu den Servern von YouTube hergestellt. Dabei wird dem YouTube-Server mitgeteilt, welche unserer Seiten Sie besucht haben. Wenn Sie in Ihrem YouTube-Account eingeloggt sind, ermöglichen Sie YouTube, Ihr Surfverhalten direkt Ihrem persönlichen Profil zuzuordnen. Dies können Sie verhindern, indem Sie sich aus Ihrem YouTube#Account ausloggen. Des Weiteren kann YouTube nach Starten eines Videos verschiedene Cookies auf Ihrem Endgerät speichern 9 / 11 oder vergleichbare Wiedererkennungstechnologien (z. B. Device-Fingerprinting) einsetzen. Auf diese Weise kann YouTube Informationen über Besucher dieser Website erhalten. Diese Informationen werden u. a. verwendet, um Videostatistiken zu erfassen, die Anwenderfreundlichkeit zu verbessern und Betrugsversuchen vorzubeugen. Gegebenenfalls können nach dem Start eines YouTube-Videos weitere Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge ausgelöst werden, auf die wir keinen Einfluss haben. Die Nutzung von YouTube erfolgt im Interesse einer ansprechenden Darstellung unserer Online-Angebote. Dies stellt ein berechtigtes Interesse im Sinne von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO dar. Sofern eine entsprechende Einwilligung abgefragt wurde, erfolgt die Verarbeitung ausschließlich auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO und § 25 Abs. 1 TTDSG, soweit die Einwilligung die Speicherung von Cookies oder den Zugriff auf Informationen im Endgerät des Nutzers (z. B. Device-Fingerprinting) im Sinne des TTDSG umfasst. Die Einwilligung ist jederzeit widerrufbar. Weitere Informationen über Datenschutz bei YouTube finden Sie in deren Datenschutzerklärung unter: Google reCAPTCHA Wir nutzen „Google reCAPTCHA“ (im Folgenden „reCAPTCHA“) auf dieser Website. Anbieter ist die Google Ireland Limited („Google“), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland. Mit reCAPTCHA soll überprüft werden, ob die Dateneingabe auf dieser Website (z. B. in einem Kontaktformular) durch einen Menschen oder durch ein automatisiertes Programm erfolgt. Hierzu analysiert reCAPTCHA das Verhalten des Websitebesuchers anhand verschiedener Merkmale. Diese Analyse beginnt automatisch, sobald der Websitebesucher die Website betritt. Zur Analyse wertet reCAPTCHA verschiedene Informationen aus (z. B. IP-Adresse, Verweildauer des Websitebesuchers auf der Website oder vom Nutzer getätigte Mausbewegungen). Die bei der Analyse erfassten Daten werden an Google weitergeleitet. Die reCAPTCHA-Analysen laufen vollständig im Hintergrund. Websitebesucher werden nicht darauf hingewiesen, dass eine Analyse stattfindet. Die Speicherung und Analyse der Daten erfolgt auf Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. 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    Berufkraut 39981891_316599442235692_262903483147170 39919816_316599652235671_748505824942358 Berufkraut 1/9 37995824_1815495381865003_64924007822922 IMG_20180705_211445 Frauenmantel 37995824_1815495381865003_64924007822922 1/9 BEINWELL 2 MS Baldrian 20180919_123354 BEINWELL 2 MS 1/4 THE TRIA PRINCIPIA - TRINITY ​ The three principles SULFUR - MERCURIUS - SAL ​ The "Three Principles Teaching" is attributed to the elementary school of Hermetics and the father of the Hermetic Secret Doctrine HERMES Trismegistus - the triple great Hermes. The TRINITY * Father * Son * Holy Spirit * of Christian teaching, for example, can be traced back to the ancient Egyptian mystery school. At HERMES and PARACELSUS the principles are assigned as follows: ​ Mercurius (Mercury) for spirit Sulfur for Soul SAL for the body ​ So here Sulfur stands for the soul and as MEDIATOR between spirit and body. In the anthroposophical teachings (particularly with RUDOLF STEINER and as I understand it), which emerged from Hermeticism and basically teaches its philosophy, one understands: ​ MERCURY as soul and mediating principle SULFUR as Ghost & SAL as body. ​ I don't see this as a change or manipulation of teaching, but rather as an adjustment to the existing situation that makes sense in terms of time and society. Unfortunately, this was or is difficult to make possible in other religions due to dogmas and trivializing of principles. Although I'm pretty sure that sages like Hermes, Jesus or others would much prefer it if their teachings were used as UNDERSTOOD support in the ever-changing events of the time, instead of preventing freedom in thought and action, growth and knowledge as rigid guidelines . ​ PARACELSUS: On the one hand, SULFUR stands for the elements fire and air. SULFUR - gaseous Combustible principle Carriers of the sulphur-principle: essential oils According to RUDOLF STEINER, sulfur corresponds to the metabolism - limb system Plants: flower, fruit and seeds ​ PARACELSUS: MERCURIUS stands for the element water. MERCURY - liquid Volatile and liquid principle Mercury Process: Inerts of the Mercury principle: alcohol (sugar for me) According to RUDOLF STEINER, Mercurius corresponds to the rhythmic system Plants: stem and foliage ​ PARACELSUS: SAL stands for the element earth. SALT - solid Solid, shape-giving and stable principle. Bearer of the Sal principle: salt According to RUDOLF STEINER, Sal corresponds to the nervous and sensory system Plants: root Minerals: quartz, salt ​ ​ The MEDICINAL PLANTS of the SULFUR SPIRIT principle metabolism and limbs ​ The SULFUR principle includes all energy-generating processes in our body. These processes are mainly controlled by the vegetative nervous system and are not subject to our consciousness. In the concept of the TRINITY they form the WARM pole of man. Essentially, the SULFUR principle includes the following processes and developments and is more pronounced in youth than in old age: ​ Imagination & Spirituality sleep process Musculature & Movement blood formation hepatobiliary system connective tissue digestion Genitals/Sexuality ​ Symptoms: Generally hot processes Inflammation & fever (bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis) Skin diseases with secretions (acne) Allergies (hay fever) Poor wound healing Seeks Disorders with reduced perception (psychosis, anxiety & other psychiatric disorders) Overstress and other emotional disorders Fertility/libido disorders Brain disorders (epilepsy) ​ Persistent and untreated disturbances in the SULFUR principle lead to an overemphasis on the SAL principle and become chronic. Plants that alleviate and heal disorders in the SULFUR principle have a SIGNIFICANT flower principle, often the healing power also lies in their seeds, resins, fruits & oils. ​ PLANTS: CANCER: Mistletoe and other NON-rooted plants Seizure disorders (epilepsy): Mistletoe WOUND HEALING: yarrow, chamomile, calendula, resins (propolis), pansies INFLAMMATION/ COMBUSTION: St. John's wort, yarrow Intestinal inflammation: Centaury Daisy Sunflower rose meadowsweet lettuce (milk juice) Water Lily & Lotus evening primrose pasture Mugwort lavender betony Lungwort (distinctive leaf system) Dill (distinctive leaf system) columbine borage All umbellifers ferns lemon balm linden tree Plants with edible fruits: apple, cherries, pomegranate cranesbill lady's mantle (distinctive leaf system) sandalwood linen olives beans ​ Detailed information on the concept of the TRINITY (Sal-Mercury-Sulphur) in Hermetics and Paracelsus can be found in "Die KRÄUTERTUNDE des Paracelsus" by Olaf Rippe and in the Corpus Hermetikum The HERBAL KNOWLEDGE of Paracelsus: The CORPUS HERMETICUM: ​ ​ ​ The MEDICINAL PLANTS of the MERKUR-SOUL principle ​ The Mercury principle harmonizes the two opposite poles Mercury, messenger of the gods, mediator) ​ COLD Pol/Sal/Body & WARM Pole/Sulphur/Spirit ​ and stands for our RHYTHMIC SYSTEM, i.e. all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep-wake rhythm, breathing, metabolism. ​ Symptoms: blood pressure disorders heart rate disturbances respiratory rate disturbances sleep-wake cycle Disorders of intestinal peristalsis hormonal disorders Menstrual problems Disorders of kidney function ​ Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with very SIGNIFICANT & expressive leaves and stems have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system. The stem and leaf form the MIDDLE part of plants and provide nourishment, protection and support. I would like to say that I do not understand plants in sections (root, flower, leaf), look at them or work with them. It makes me feel restricted. For me, EVERYTHING has its tendencies in all directions. For example, when I use the dandelion for relief or healing purposes, I don't take the leaves and throw away the flower. Then I take what is given to me and do something good for the SULFUR principle with the little flower. ​ HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow ​ More plants: cinquefoil Iris Iris (Gods Messenger) cordiac dandelion rue Goldenrod lovage Parsely asparagus ... Detailed information on the concept of the TRINITY (Sal-Mercury-Sulphur) in Hermetics and Paracelsus can be found in "Die KRÄUTERTUNDE des Paracelsus" by Olaf Rippe and in the Corpus Hermetikum The HERBAL KNOWLEDGE of Paracelsus: The CORPUS HERMETICUM: ​ ​ ​ The MEDICINAL PLANTS of the SAL BODY principle Nervous & Sensory System ​ The SAL-BODY principle includes all energy-reducing processes in our body (COLD pole in humans), consciousness processes, alertness, intellectuality. The principle is therefore more pronounced in old age. Plants with a concise root principle as well as bark counteract the overemphasis on the SAL. They work mainly in the UPPER human being. ​ ​ ​ Symptoms: Chronic eczema sclerosis deposits Disturbance in the mineral balance Bone disease general nervous disorders & degenerative nerve disorders (parkinsonian, MS) Nervous exhaustion Intellect Overemphasis neuralgia (nerve pain) ​ PLANTS: STROKE: Arnica Root NERVES: Valerian, Hellebore Joints: mandrake, bryony Bile: celandine root, turmeric Defense increase: Echinacea, Masterwort ​ More plants: clove root tormentil root cinnamon bark Ginger artichoke thistle beard ringworm turmeric juniper berries galangal root angelica root rhubarb ivy mistletoe Comfrey Mushrooms many trees: spruce, fir, oak chestnut, olive tree, yew, conifers, cypresses ​ Detailed information on the concept of the TRINITY (Sal-Mercury-Sulphur) in Hermetics and Paracelsus can be found in "Die KRÄUTERTUNDE des Paracelsus" by Olaf Rippe and in the Corpus Hermetikum The HERBAL KNOWLEDGE of Paracelsus: The CORPUS HERMETICUM: ​

  • Maren's HeilLaden | Maren's Kunst

    Maren's Heil-Shop HIPPOCRATES advised: "Before you heal someone, ask them if they are willing to give up the things that made them ill." I have often been forced to ponder Hippocrates' wise advice. Not in terms of healing others, but myself. So I know how painful and exhausting it is to follow the inner knowing and maybe give up what promises safety and comfort or togetherness - but doesn't deliver and brings us into conflict, which are not good for us and ultimately make us ill. These - let's say - social norms, a well-paid job, woman/man, children and baggage are wonderful attributes and so very desirable. But: Is it really my job, my partner? Is my life and my spirit filled with what I am doing? Does my partner make me happy, makes me laugh and inspires me? Or is what is in my life just there because it makes a good impression, me on the outside_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_shine, but dry inside, and only served my surface in a social setting? When someone lives against their nature 23.5 hours a day, accepts situations and environments that meet and satisfy societal expectations and positions, lingers in relationships of any kind that are individually oppressive, humiliating and ultimately pathogenic, one can Healing oil, a healing stone, or any substance I offer or recommend here, don't expect it to FAST fix the issues that arise from such a life. SYMPTOM alleviation or suppression is provided by drugs that society's mainstream or evidence-based medicine offers to do what society REGRETfully told it to do, which is to get people back to functioning FAST. Mostly with methods and substances that then cause other concerns, for there are other methods and drugs. And already a person who originally suffered from rheumatism has stomach problems, skin eczema and other things due to the medication administered for this purpose and a person suffering from depression may become overweight, resulting in problems with the musculoskeletal system, anxiety, neurological deficits... ​ I wish that the people who would like to take advantage of my experiences and services, whether through talks or my remedies, because they want to restore their health, in peace and prudence for a moment or two the ZEIT_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ to deal with their suffering not as an "enemy to be eliminated" but more as a counselor or ambassador. One of my ability is to see through many walls and membranes, to feel the pain of others for recognition in one's own body. I see in human conflicts and pasts. SO, for me, absolute sincerity is the first step in healing and the beginning of relief. Neither I nor anyone else can help, analyze and give advice if a counselor is not honest with HIMSELF, me or anyone else. Honestly it hurts, I KNOW THIS! But it's no use, most of the time the pain is right there. Because we delude ourselves DA and suppress our individual and thus suffer. I understand for example, people expressing blame and self-pity as people on their journey to HEALING and people saying: -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ tried but it didn't work and/or I messed up " im HEALING PROCESS And I would like to make it clear that I see this completely NON-VALUABLE, but only as different stages in a process that we ALL go through all times, decades and epochs_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_to the HEALING... ​ ALL THE LOVE Maren ​ ​ ​ The beautiful EVENING PRIMER - a light in the dark - ​

  • Maren's heilKunst Bücher

    book series Maren's healingart The slideshows show a small impression of my book seriesMaren's art of healing . If you are interested in learning more about the Bücher , you are welcome to contact me via the contact page. The medicinal plants A book Cover Heilpflanzenbuch Chiron neu Kneipp Zitat Cover Heilpflanzenbuch 1/37 The HeilPflanzen book is a collection of my plant portraits. Here I have also immortalized my favorite quotes, plant poems and legends of healers. So far the book has 181 pages. Das Thoughts A book Das Gedanken Buch Cover Widmung gedanken2neu Das Gedanken Buch Cover 1/11 The Thought Book is a collection of my thoughts that have been put into words. My understanding, my experiencing and my experiences in this world and in EVERYTHING. The book has 33 pages so far. Das stories A book Maren'sHeilKunst Herr_Hund_und_das_Mädchen Hintergrund dunkel Maren'sHeilKunst 1/24

  • Heilkunst

    ​ EVERYTHING... grows, learns and thrives ​ ​ For some time now I have been dealing with the cycle illness - healing - health and am looking for remedies and methods and above all for CAUSES in all countries, times and cultures . While collecting herbs and observing nature, I've been having strange thoughts lately, which manifest themselves more and more when looking at the starry sky. Plants that indicate through their shapes how they can best help and support (signature theory: walnut - brain, St. John's wort - protection of the psyche; the flower has the shape of a pentagram , kudzu - as a highly invasive plant, as an aid to drug withdrawal, etc.). So there is a disturbance in the healthy, and therefore a TASK. The healing option and the SOLUTION are also included. Humans just have to be willing, clever or desperate enough to find them. That thought gave me a funny idea. What if we humans were just an experiment in a laboratory. Here and there the conditions are changed, here and there the dose is changed and the reactions are checked. Just as man does with mice, whom he considers fit and inferior enough not to mourn the numerous deaths. Research is a must - dead mice can be calculated. A rapidly reproducing race... So how about if in the whole world structure, in our universe - which is maybe only a microcosm in the macrocosm, we are only the mice.... The question that occupies me is, with all the perfection and coherence of the smallest details from the mitochondria to hair growth, from perfectly coordinated living conditions and environmental conditions - oxygen, photosynthesis, water and so on, why do diseases exist? ​ Maybe the better question would be: What would we be without the diseases? Imagine a clan more primeval People in front who are cozy by the fire sit and nibble on berries and twigs. Would we still sit there like this if not, for example, a branch from the trees fallen and one of these people had smashed a leg, whereupon the others ran to SEARCH for something to straighten the leg or to look for something_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-8dcf58d_bad to SEEK what could ease the pain of the poor screaming human being. ​ Is it perhaps the pain, the misery, the concern for life and limb - his own life or that of someone else and the despair that drives people forward and has always driven them forward. Push on to FIND something that will make it better, something that will heal and lead back to health and goodness. So what if the branch hadn't fallen from the tree? Then we might be still in a comfortable atmosphere with the other members of the clan sitting by the fire and not needing to SEARCH or look for something to move because it would be good and cozy by the warm fire... The poor man with the broken leg could be helped. The others found solid tree bark and lianas with which to straighten the leg. Someone found an herb that stopped the bleeding and another that relieved the pain, and for better mobilization they also found a suitable stick as a crutch, which made walking easier. ​ ​ ​ WHAT makes it necessary to move (for food, shelter and health etc): The body as an expression, drawing or projection of the creative unity of ALL ​ WHAT moves us: Emotions and thoughts, as an expression of our soul (our very own signature - our essential cell unit in the structure / in the organism of EVERYTHING ​ WAS shows us the way and shows us where to look: The Spirit (The voice or organ of speech of EVERYTHING The other question that concerns me at least as much, why is it inherent in people to kill their neighbors with the crutch that is no longer needed after recovery out of anger and anger in an argument, to notice that it works great and creatively still pointed stones attached to the thing to make the whole thing even more effective.... Here I come back to the explanation from "Everything vibrates" that man is only one race on our planet with a function intended for him with his dispositions. This function within the cognitive possibilities is to SHAPE this planet our world. Shape through its ability to give shape to the all-encompassing spirit of creation. So what went wrong? Or did something go wrong or are we just in a pubescent learning process. Only the following somehow immer stand in our way... Ms. Uni Versa and her crew. We do not calculate that everything that we humans use in any way also has a voice. We humans with our spiritual powers and the ability to give shape to CREATION and to bring it to life have lost RESPECT in any form for what we need to implement our visions, with the HUMAN NATURE given to us and according to our ideas should shape. It is the hunt - of any kind - that makes man his own and the enemy of EVERYTHING! ​ In his nature, man does not have the anatomy and physiology (physique, strength, speed, bite, etc.) to be a hunter. Originally we ate plants. I assume that because of dead or injured animals and because he copied it from predators, man started eating meat. The most resourceful and experienced of a clan then probably tinkered with fishing methods and started a momentous process: WHO hunted and, if not themselves hunted, brought the meat home? Certainly only the bravest and strongest. And the fee was a superior position in the clan and recognition. Not only was the EGO happy, it was also able to develop well. The NATURE OF HUNT is that there is a WINNER and a LOSER. One who kills and one dead. And WIN is so powerful. But it makes GREED and selfish, you want MORE of it and forget everything around you just for that feeling of VICTORY. The clan is fed up but not the hunter's ego. One recognized his superior position in his courage and strength when hunting, but led the clan fairly and responsibly through the wilderness. Another, at some point, used the dependency of others for personal gain, felt superior, and exploited it POWERFULLY. After all, he was also dangerous for the weaker... So the hunter became the regent and leader, not only took the life of the wild animal, but perhaps also the NEIGHBOR, who was perhaps also a strong and courageous man, also successfully what he did and was recognized by the clan (whether it was hunting or gathering other food or making a fire) and perhaps had different ideas and ideas. Be it the deposit or the direction of the clan's path. Quarrels and quarrels exist everywhere, even among animals, to explain one's position and to gain respect for one's own individual. But he took the neighbor's LIFE because he saw it as a threat to diminish his glory instead of seeing the other idea as a helpful input and another opportunity. After all, it was he who was ALWAYS MORE successful in hunting and ALWAYS MORE meat, was ALWAYS MORE worshiped and ALWAYS MORE demanding recognition and the EGO grew and grew - up to a terrible tyrant, a clan afraid of him and many more dead animals. The animal - a wolf, lion or fox - hunts because it is its NATURE and not because it has copied it from someone else. Es needs this TYPE OF FOOD to maintain its life (physiological and anatomical conditions). We humans don't NEED that! And because we don't need it and still took and take ourselves, man has made nature his opponent and his "supposed" inferior hunting partner. In my understanding, anyone who still assumes that nature is the deer and man is the wolf is an idiot. Because everything that goes wrong on this planet, racism, torture of sentient beings, terror, diseases etc. is ultimately the answer of OUR OWN HUMAN NATURE that we TAKE what we don't need! And we humans are so DUMMY, wanting to save the planet, begging God or Allah to end the injustice and take away the sin from us. SELF-RESPONSIBILITY is the non-verbal answer of the gods in the form of an ugly view of a destroyed nature, diseases, destroyed people, animals, plants and areas of land through INDUSTRY, WARS and CHEMISTRY. Here again very clearly the answer of what created us, on our way of DESIGNING the world, to read, hear, see, feel and smell: ​ “STOP HUNT HUNT AND BOAST ME WITH YOUR DIRECTION & CLEAR UP WHAT YOU DIRT AND DESTROYED and HEAL, WHAT YOU HAVE OFFENDED, VAULTED AND TORTURED IN WHAT I GAVE YOU - THAT ALL BARG - SO YOU CAN LIVE YOUR NATURE Happily!

  • Heilkunst

    The 108 prostrations ​ This meditation is a wonderful method to - first of all get the ground clean. By that I mean the possibility, if one already has the intention. to overcome and end difficult situations, inner suffering, etc., to take the step to your own watering can, take it and pour its contents over your head. The suffering of what is missing could be alleviated by being aware of what is there. The anger about others and their environment could dry up by becoming aware of why my counterpart annoys me with his behavior? Does it reflect what I don't like about myself? ​ The meditation consists of 108 prostrations and lasts about 30 min. There is always only one reason something to do and that is the WILL to do it. If you anything else need motivation, watch this short video on. ​ ​ Instructions for the 108 prostrations: ​ The ladies in the video above practice lying prostration. The kneeling prostration, as shown by the monk in the following video, is widespread among lay people. Despite all the dedication and will, I think it's important to respect yourself and your body. In the beginning, aching knees and feet, sore muscles and neck pain are to be taken into account, but in the case of chronic ailments (rheumatism, vertebral or muscular disorders), one should not go beyond one's limits and design the prostration in such a way that it does not represent torture. I always drink a little water beforehand to avoid dizziness and thirst. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The small gong between prayers is the signal for prostration or the initiation of kneeling. ​ Translation: ​ Paying deep respect to all life, I prostrate Humble and dropping all bad habits, I prostrate Putting aside the selfish spirit that pursues self-interest first, I prostrate. Mindfully seeing the fact that you and I are equally valuable, I prostrate. Controlling the endlessly arising greed, I prostrate. Patiently seeing the anger in my spirit as it is, I prostrate. Looking back on my life with all my heart, I prostrate myself. To find the true self and to increase inner growth, I prostrate. Freeing myself from delusion and growing in wisdom, I prostrate. Praising myself for walking the difficult path through life, I prostrate myself. Grateful for cultivating good and distancing myself from evil, I prostrate. Grateful for all my relationships that made possible who I am today, I bow down. Thanking my parents for their endless love, I prostrate. Thanking all the teachers who have guided me to the truth, I prostrate myself. Thanking friends and colleagues with whom I shared difficult times, I prostrate myself. Thanking my ancestors, to whom I owe my existence, I prostrate myself. Thanks to the infinite grace of air, water, nature and the universe, which are the sources of life, I prostrate. Reflecting whether my immoderate greed has brought misfortune, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether my obsessive love for someone has caused suffering, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I have offended another through self-righteous pride, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I've hurt another in blind greed, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I've misunderstood another, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I have hurt another in pursuit of my own will, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I've lived in needless luxury and vanity, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I've been wasteful with things that are still usable, I prostrate myself. Reflecting on whether I have been able to continually reduce wrong behaviors, I prostrate myself. Reflecting on whether I've recklessly broken promises, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I've tormented myself with fixation on the past, I throw myself down. Reflecting on confining myself in fear of the future, I prostrate. Reflecting if I've tarnished another honor to protect myself, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I only see the negative, neglecting the positive, I prostrate. Reflecting on whether I've been caught up in fear and failed to overcome difficulties, I prostrate. Knowing full effort achieves all, I prostrate. Treating myself with love and care like a precious jewel I prostrate. Giving alms without expectation, I prostrate. Knowing that misery and fear come and go, I prostrate. Knowing that every day is a beautiful day with good people and good events, I prostrate myself. To sow seeds of goodness, knowing that all will be reaped as it is sown, I prostrate. To humbly accept what has been sown, I prostrate. To do my best, even if it seems trivial, I prostrate myself. To be content with a life of hard work and honesty, I prostrate myself. To keep the smallest promise, I prostrate. To walk the path of truth even in the face of blame and contempt, I prostrate myself. To live as a warm neighbor without judging others for differing opinions, I prostrate. To be awake in the moment, unbound by past and future, I prostrate. To have loving kindness for all instead of exclusive love for my family, I prostrate myself. To embrace others with warm warmth I prostrate. To be passionate in every moment of work, without delaying what needs to be done, I prostrate. In order to do the best I can in every moment without wasting time, I prostrate myself. Approaching the goal without hesitation, I prostrate. To admit mistakes without self-justification, I prostrate. To face difficulties without avoidance, I prostrate. To meet new challenges without resting in the familiar, I prostrate. _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ To apologize for mistakes in humility, I prostrate. In order to be open-minded and to be able to laugh in the happy moments of life, I prostrate myself. With understanding to all I meet on the way, I prostrate. In order to fully engage in organizations that help those closest to trouble, I prostrate myself. To be clear and peaceful in a world of murky chaos I prostrate. To see the steps to joy in challenges and crises, I prostrate. In order to be able to focus on my goals with strength and focus when difficulties arise, I prostrate myself. In order to accept tasks as naturally as they are given, I prostrate myself. To share true and trusting friendship without thought of reciprocation, I prostrate myself. To accept injustice without resentment as an opportunity to reflect on myself. I throw myself down To think of illness as medicine and as an opportunity to bring strength to my practice, I prostrate. To be grateful and loving by letting go of hate and envy, I prostrate. To live fully in joy without feeling empty or lonely, I prostrate. To be calm and peaceful, without fear and without fear, I prostrate. To look with compassionate eyes in times of crisis I prostrate. In order to be able to accept unexpected misfortune with humility, I prostrate myself. To overcome suffering by recognizing the impermanence of power and wealth, I prostrate myself. To help others with gentle and meaningful actions, I prostrate myself. To meet new people in an honest and meaningful way, I prostrate myself. To work in harmony with everyone without excluding anyone, I prostrate myself. To live in harmony and unity with all, I prostrate myself. Putting the glory of others before my own gain, I prostrate myself. I prostrate myself to share my abilities and skills with all those who need them. To appreciate the time spent with a loved one, even if that person leaves me, I prostrate myself. To see everyone without bias I prostrate. In order to listen carefully to differing opinions, I prostrate myself. To be peaceful, harmonious, and considerate of neighbors, I prostrate. To be able to let go when it's time, I prostrate. To respect my own life as it is without self-blame, I prostrate myself. To do my best wherever I go without expecting anything in return, I prostrate myself. To become someone who spreads peace with warm words, I prostrate. To remain resilient under pressure, I prostrate. In order to remain impartial in the face of aggression, I throw myself down. To avoid self-justification and finding others' faults in adversity, I prostrate myself. To encourage others with praise instead of denigrating, I prostrate myself. To see the good instead of the faults in the desires of others, I prostrate myself. Praying for the happiness of others, knowing that their suffering is mine, I prostrate. To mourn the failures of others and to congratulate others on their success, I prostrate myself. So that all who suffer from illnesses may be free from illnesses, I prostrate myself. So that all who are lost may find their way, I prostrate myself. So that all who are destitute may overcome their poverty, I prostrate myself. So that all beings may be free from hunger, disease and war, I prostrate myself. So that all beings may grow in their wisdom through the right teacher, I prostrate myself. I prostrate myself so that all beings may find right guidance in work and community. So that all beings may live in comfort and harmony, I prostrate. Desiring that the hopes of those of goodwill may be fulfilled, I prostrate myself. I prostrate myself in wishing that all those who are job seekers find a fulfilling job. Desiring that youth find a way to true happiness, I prostrate myself. Feeling the mercy of the universe in a drop of water, I prostrate. Seeing the work of a million people in a grain of rice, I prostrate. Walking toward the wide open heart that transcends you and me, I prostrate. Grateful for the overwhelming joy of this moment of bowing, I prostrate. Approaching the true nature, which shines brightly from the depths, I throw myself down. Approaching the true nature, which shines brightly from all beings, I throw myself down. Im wishing my 108 prostrations to become the seeds of wisdom and freedom for all beings, I prostrate. ​ ​ 108 Niederwerfungen englisch - 00:00 / 00:00

  • AstroMedizin | Maren's Kunst

    Astromedicine That which is below is equal to that which is above. And that which is above is like that which is below, to perform the miracles one thing. ... 2nd movement from the "Tabula Smaragdina" by Hermes Trismegistus ​ As is clear and can be understood from the quote from the Tabula Emerald, supreme scholars have assumed and continue to assume that every thing in the microcosm (every atom in our world) has a counterpart in the macrocosm (universe) has and vice versa. Of course, this also includes the human body and the cycle of illness - healing - health. The knowledge of these connections is summarized in the teaching #astromedicine (or also #iatromathmatics, Greek: íatros - healer or doctor; máthema - science or mathematics, . Sufferings and illnesses are involving and under into account ung cosmic constellations, the signs of the zodiac and the planet ours treated solar system. A therapeutically very high position worth it also our faithfully circling companion, the moon. Observing the stars, their presence and movement throughout the year should from the earliest times by our ancestors through observation and cyclic Connections not only used in the field of healing arts have been. We know from many ancient cultures about the worship and importance of Gestirne and we also know how much the people appear and the Constellations of the stars up to the present time as an interpretation and Reference to for example, understand their destiny. ​ "It rises from the earth to heaven, and again down to earth, and receive the power of things above and things below. ​ 10. Sentence from the "Tabula Smaragdina" by Hermes Trismegistus ​ ​ The basic principles of Astromedicine 1. The signs of the zodiac with the planets related to them and body parts or. Organs (after Markus Manilius; 1st century ndZw, from his work "Astronomicon Libri V") ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The spiritual planet ​ As spiritual planets, theplanets Uranus ,Neptune andPluto designated. They cannot be seen with the naked eye due to their distance from Earth. Their orbital period means that they stay in one sign of the zodiac for many years. Uranus is around seven years, Neptune almost 14 and Pluto between twelve and 32 years. This means that people of several years or even a whole generation have these planets in the same sign. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto describe a spiritual principle. They represent issues beyond what the personal planets—Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars—represent, as well as the societal Jupiters andSaturn . The very fact that they are not visible without aids is a symbol of their relation to the spiritual. What Uranus, Neptune and Pluto embody transcends the limits of the material (symbolized by Saturn). It also stands for what's in theboys Psychology called the "collective unconscious". These areas are demconsciousness of humans usually not so easily accessible. Especially when people are too attached to the materially tangible, they find it difficult to deal with the energies of the spiritual planets. ​ ​ ​ 3. The 4 elements According to Astromedicine, the four elements are in balance both in the body and in the cosmos. Each planet corresponds to an element. If the balance is disturbed, then there is a health restriction. This is identified using the so-called horary astrology. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Aquarius January 21 to February 19 lower legs and ankles uranium ​ fish February 20th to March 20th feet Neptune Aries March 21 to April 20 Head Mars bull April 21 to May 20 Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, throat, neck Venus Twins May 21st to June 21st trachea, lungs, arms and hands Mercury Cancer June 22 to July 22 breasts, stomach, belly moon Lion July 23 to August 23 Sun heart, bloodstream Virgo August 24th to September 23rd Mercury small intestine Scale September 24th to October 23rd Venus Lumbar Region, Kidneys, Bladder, Skin Scorpio October 24th to November 22nd Pluto and Mars Genitals, colon, rectum Protect November 23rd to December 21st Jupiter hips, thighs, liver Capricorn December 22nd to January 20th Saturn skeleton, knees Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 MailinG: Freiheit für Julian Assange (deutsch/english) Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 Reporter-Legende Seymour Hersh macht die USA und Norwegen für die Sprengung der Nord Stream-Pipeline Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 Beltane - Beltaine Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 Imbolg Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 Herr Hund & das Mädchen (Neuauflage) Maren Kunst Feb 22, 2023 "Mister Dog and the maid" gewidmet/dedicated Julian Assange Sun Element: Fire ​ In the body: heart, circulatory system, eyes Metal: gold medicinal plants*: Clove root (root, Venus), Dost (Venus), gentian yellow (root), Germander Edler (Venus), St. John's wort (flower), chervil (root), mullein (flower), caraway (fruit), masterwort, thyme (Venus) , sage (Venus), celandine (Mars), devil's bite (root, shape Mercury) healing stones: Ruby (A:v. Nettesheim), ruby and red spinel (Ayurveda) Star sign: Lion Numerology: 1 (10) Weekday: Sunday moon Element: Water ​ In the body: Stomach, breasts, body fluids, mucous membranes, autonomic nervous system medicinal plants: Metal: Silver medicinal plants*: Eyebright, Valerian (Flower), Comfrey (Root, Saturn), Betony (Root), Figwort (Mars), Watercress (Mars), Verbena (Root, Mars), Lovage (Root, Mars), Lily of the Valley (Flower), Waterdamsel ( root, flower), plantain (root) healing stones: Rock Crystal (Av. Nettesheim); Pearl (Ayurveda) Star sign: Cancer Numerology: 2 Weekday: Monday Venus Element: Water ​ In the body: Balance organs, kidneys, veins, skin as a sensory organ Metal: copper medicinal plants*: Comfrey (leaves), betony (herb), borage (root, fumitory (herb, Mercury), lady's mantle (some Mars), daisy, cinquefoil, motherwort (Saturn), lovage (herb), rose (flowers), cranesbill (Saturn, Mars), water elk (herb, Saturn), plantain (leaves) healing stones: Emerald (Av Nettesheim; diamond and white zircons (Ayurveda) Star sign: Taurus and Libra Numerology: 5 Weekday: Friday Mars Element: Fire ​ In the body: male genitals, muscles, blood, arteries Metal: iron medicinal plants*: Horehound (Sun in Aries), burnet (Sun), speedwell (root, herb, Venus and Mercury), verbena (aerial parts), five cinquefoil (Venus), poison buttercup (Moon), stonecrop, masterwort (Sun), wood sorrel (Moon , Venus and Saturn), celandine (sun), water pepper (aerial parts) healing stones: Diamond (Av. Nettesheim); red coral (ayurveda) Star sign: Aries Numerology: 9 Weekday: Tuesday Jupiter Element: Air ​ In the body: liver, metabolism Metal: tin medicinal plants*: Valerian (root), angelica (sun), verbena (stem), hazel root (root, zodiac sign Gemini), restharrow (root, zodiac sign Aquarius), shepherd's purse (moon), centaury, rue (sun). healing stones: blue sapphire (Av Nettesheim); yellow sapphires and yellow topazes (Ayurveda) Star sign: Protect Numerology: 3 Weekday: Thursday Saturn Element: Earth ​ In the body: Skeleton, Boundary Skin, Knees, Ears Metal: Lead medicinal plants*: Comfrey (root, moon), borage (leaves), chervil (herb), figwort (moon, Mars), gooseberry (Mars), St. John's wort (root, seed; zodiac sign Aquarius), cranesbill (Venus), wormwood (herb) healing stones: Onyx (Av. Nettesheim); blue sapphires (Ayurveda) Star sign: Capricorn Numerology: 4 Weekday: Saturday * Medicinal plants: according to Paracelsus by Olaf Rippe "The Herbal Science of Paracelsus" and Natura Natura Naturans - Astromedicine Uranus Element: Air In the body: Nervous system – nerves as conductors, meninges, spinal cord, calves and ankles Physiology: Rhythmic system (Mercurius), coordination of bodily activities Metal: zinc (platinum) medicinal plants*: Balsam, columbine, periwinkle, viper's bugloss, water russet, mugwort, arnica, eleutherococcus Healing stones - blue to green: Aquamarine, Amazonite, Hawkeye, Turquoise, Topaz Blue Star sign: Aquarius Numerology: 11 Relatives/Octave: Mercury natural principle: suddenness, violence Meteorology: Storms, (hurricane) storms and earthquakes Time: dawn Astral Power: spontaneity Neptune Element: Water In the body: Pineal gland (pituitary), feet, appendix Physiological: Functions of the right hemisphere of the brain Psychologically: inspiration, empathy medicinal plants: (narcotic and paralyzing) Opium poppy (opium, morphine, heroin), henbane, water lily, datura, eleutherococcus, mistletoe healing stones: blue tourmaline, sapphire, turquoise, blue topaz Star sign: fish Numerology: 7 Relatives/Octave: Venus Meteorology/Climate: Floods, tsunami, fog, gas explosions Time: dusk Astral Power: mysticism * Medicinal plants: according to Paracelsus by Olaf Rippe "The Herbal Science of Paracelsus" and Natura Natura Naturans - Astromedicine 2. Sun, moon and planets and their relationships The personal planets Become in astrologySun, Moon, Mercury, Venus andMars also referred to as personal planets. These planets move rapidly, forming ever-changing, individual constellations. Due to the short orbital period, they are in different zodiac signs in the horoscopes of people who belong to the same year or were born in the same month. The moon, for example, changes its sign every two to two and a half days. These planets stand for issues that affect everyone in a different and very personal way: Personal Consciousness (Sun) emotional world (moon) Contact and communication skills and comprehension (Mercury) Stability, Self-Esteem, and Aesthetics (Venus) Assertiveness (Mars). The personal planets are contrasted with the social planets (Jupiter and Saturn) and the extremely slow moving spiritual planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) The social planet Jupiter andSaturn are also referred to as social planets in astrology. Like a physical threshold to this higher level, the asteroid belt draws its orbits between them and their personal palanets. They run relatively slowly and influence not only personal matters but also social processes. Hence the term social planets. Jupiter and Saturn are the furthest from Earth among the visible planets. Their orbital period means that Jupiter stays in a zodiac sign for an average of 1 year and Saturn for about 2 1/2 years. This means that people of one year or several consecutive years usually have Jupiter and Saturn in the same sign. These two planets represent issues that go beyond the individual realm. Jupiter represents the higher values that hold a society together, such as morals and ethics. Saturn is subject to the laws that set limits and provide support for the individual. In the individual horoscope, house and sign positions, as well as the aspects of the two planets are important. Jupiter is about striving for higher values and distant worlds, for abundance and generosity; in the case of Saturn, the theme is focussing on the essentials, relating to reality, discipline and drawing boundaries . Pluto Element: Water In the body: Sexual organs, colon, rectum Physiological: Reproduction, childbirth, function of the colon and rectum, elimination of waste Psychologically: very high ability to deal with crises, courage to face the deep-acting transformative processes medicinal plants: Arborvitae, cypress, yew, mistletoe, deadly nightshade, henbane healing stones: dark garnet, precious black opal, sardonyx Star sign: Scorpio Numerology: 8th Relatives/Octave: Mars Time: midnight Astral Power: Access to archaic roots of consciousness * Medicinal plants: according to Paracelsus by Olaf Rippe "The Herbal Science of Paracelsus" and Natura Natura Naturans - Astromedicine Fire Planets: sun and mars Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Numerology: 1, 2 and 3 direction: south Season: Summer Fire is also known as "Yellow Bile". It is warm, energetic, but at the same time dry and confining. The emotion anger is attributed to fire. It increases activity, strengthens self-assertion and stands for strong sexuality. In the body, the element fire causes: promotion of inflammation cleansing of the intestines structure of the organs muscular strength Water Planets: Venus and the moon Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Numerology: 7, 8 and 9 direction: west Season: Autumn The element water is also referred to as "phlegm" or "phlegm". It has cold, low-energy and moist, connecting properties. The emotions of sadness and the longing for love correspond to this element, which represents the opposite pole to fire. Accordingly, it increases passivity and emotionality and leads to deep relationships and sensitivity. In the body, the element water ensures: Synovial fluid build-up moistening of the mucous membranes Cooling down in fever promotion of elimination Control of the water balance Regulation of kidney function Air Planets: Jupiter Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius Numerology: 4, 5 and 6 direction: east Season: Spring ​ In astromedicine, air corresponds to blood. It is warm, i.e. rich in energy and moisture-binding. The emotion joy is assigned to this element. It connects and gives energy for sociability, social, friendly behavior and happiness. In the body, the element air causes: Breakdown of food in the stomach Supplying the heart and brain with vital energy Earth Planets: Saturn and Mercury Zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn Numerology: 1, 10 direction: north Season: winter ​ The opposite pole to the element air is the earth, which is also known as "black bile". Accordingly, the qualities are cold-low-energy and dry-separating. It triggers gloom and melancholic emotions. In the body, the element earth ensures: Bone structure and stability , hair and nails Slowing down of digestion for optimal absorption of nutrients regulation of hunger Mercury Element: Air ​ In the body: Spinal cord, nervous system, respiratory organs Metal: mercury medicinal plants*: Columbine (Venus), valerian (shape), betony (blossom), borage (blossom), fumitory (Venus), ox tongue (blossom), plantain (shape), lavender (blossom), thyme (blossom), devil's bite (sun) healing stones: Agate (Av Nettesheim); Emerald (Ayurveda) Star sign: Gemini and Virgo Numerology: 6 Weekday: Wednesday AstroMedizin AstroMedizin Nicholas Culpeper Geburtshoroskop TransSaturnine Häuser & Aspekte Planeten TierkreisZeichen

  • Alchemie & Spagyrik

    ​ ALCHEMY ​ As already mentioned, the first records of alchemy are immortalized on the Tabula Emeraldina. Also known as the Royal Art, alchemy did not aim to turn base metals into gold, as is commonly believed, but is a teaching that imparts knowledge, wisdom and skill in the manufacture of medicines. The production of medicines is holistic, material media are processed with their subtle components. This is done by vibrating, separating and bringing together all components - more material and more subtle. So the highest goal is to unite the subtle components of things in the substance and bring them to effect. Matter and spirit united, microcosm and macrocosm, above is like below, inside is like outside. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ New translation of the Emerald Tablet by Hans-Dieter Leuenberger, 2006 1. True, true, no doubt in it, sure, sure! 2. Behold, the highest comes from the lowest, and the lowest from the highest; a work of wonders by one. 3. How things all came into being from this raw material by a single process. 4. His father is the sun, his mother the moon; the wind carried him in his belly, the earth fed him. 5. He is the father of magic works, the keeper of miracles, perfect in powers; the revitalizer of the lights. 6. A fire that becomes earth. 7. Take away the earth from the fire, the subtle from the coarse, with care and skill. 8. And in him is the power of the high and the low. In this way you become the ruler of the highest and the lowest. Because the light of lights is with you, therefore the darkness flees from you. 9. With the power of forces you will master every fine thing, you will penetrate every gross thing. 10. According to the formation of the big world, the small world arises, and this is my glory. 11. This is the origin of the small world, and according to this the scholars proceed. 12. Therefore I was called Hermes the Threefold. ​ According to RUDOLF STEINER, alchemy is the THIRD of the so-called 7 SECRETS OF LIFE ​ I. The Mystery of the Abyss. II. The secret of the number. (You can see it in Pythagorean Philosophy study). III.The secret of alchemy. (This can be seen through the works of Paracelsus and Jakob Böhme understand). IV. The Mystery of Birth and Death. V. The mystery of evil dealing with the apocalypse. VI. The Mystery of the Word, of the Logos. VII.The Mystery of Godliness; it is the deeply hidden and is governed by the law of Elective Affinity. The overcoming of sympathy and antipathy in the material "Everything has its pair of opposites. Opposites are identical in nature... Extremes meet: all truths are only half truths" ​ The sentence reflects the basic dialectic idea of hermetics. In order to explore the truth holistically, it is necessary to look at things from all sides. In my understanding and in terms of healing, the best doctor is a recovered patient. This is the only way to avoid half-truths and one-sided considerations and dogmas. Someone who calls himself a clergyman and holy must have experienced and got to know the unspiritual and unholy. Sympathy and antipathy are dissolved by empathy and the contradiction of the evaluation. This overcoming leads to freedom of spirit and is an important prerequisite for raising the level of vibration of body - mind - soul. This is the prerequisite for an alchemist, since he resolves precisely this contradiction in the substances through his work and vibrations. "Thus you will possess the glorious light of the world and all darkness will depart from you" (Kybalion) ​ Darkness also means all illnesses, since the causes of illnesses lie in the spirit locked in matter (micro- and macrocosm, above and below are separated from each other) ​ Illness: Experiences of the unspiritual and unholy, results from being stuck in matter Health: Experiences of the "nameless", the spirit and all of creation Healing: Overcoming all resistance of matter, devotion and trust in the spiritual world and the recognition of the origin of all things and thus the recognition that just as the good, holy and light have their tasks and functions, their opposites only have their tasks and functions in the Fulfill the whole and all-encompassing. And be it to grow from them and learn from them and not despair of them. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ SPAGYRIK ​ Spagyrics is the name given to the manufacturing process of medicines in alchemy. The term was coined by PARACELSUS (1493-1541) and means "separate and reassemble". The task of the spagyricist is to separate the good from the bad, the coarse from the fine, the spiritual from the material, the healing from the poison, using a suitable method. This art of cutting was called the "Ars spagyrica". The most common method in spagyrics is distillation. Here the fine is separated from the coarse and as the plant material is ashed (calcined) after distillation and added to the distillate, it is reunited. Further process steps in the production of spagyrics are fermentation, extraction (maceration) and filtration. The resulting essence or the result of spagyric procedures is called a spagyric (spagyric). They serve to bring the three essential units of the human being SAL body, MERCURIUS spirit and SULFUR soul back into balance. The body - mind - soul structure can also be found in plants and the effect of spagyrics is based on considering and including this structure in all media involved in the manufacture of the drug (plants, stones, etc.): I. Minerals and trace elements correspond to the SAL principle (body), II. Essential oils and related ones created in the plant Substances comply with the SULFUR principle (soul) III. Carbohydrates represent the Mercurius principle (spirit). ​ The spagyric procedure is extremely complex and requires a lot of knowledge and skill. Nevertheless, like PARACELSUS, I am of the opinion that the highest and most refined ingredient, the unifying third and the synthesis is LOVE and devotion. It - love - makes every essence a quintessence, since it unites everything and can unite every contradiction and every extreme. My dear Vincent van Gogh sums it up with the following words: ​ WHAT IS DONE WITH LOVE - IS DONE WELL I allow myself to add AND WORKS WELL... ​ ​

  • Das HeilPflanzenBuch | Maren's Kunst

    Maren's healingart ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The medicinal plants A book ​ Scroll) Sticky ALANT from the ALANTE family (Dittrichia viscosa or Inula viscosa) ​ The elecampane is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. Elecampane is mainly used for FLU PAL INFECTION with a strong COUGH and chronic lung problems. Elecampane is rich in essential oils and other ingredients such as phytosterols and others that have a very beneficial effect on diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The plant is even recommended for the smoker's disease COPD because of its lung-cleansing effect. The roots of elecampane, which are harvested in late summer and autumn, are particularly effective, but the herb is also an effective remedy. The oil of the sticky elecampane is very effective for respiratory diseases. It is obtained from the whole flowering plant and has an expectorant, expectorant and antispasmodic effect. ​ Healing effect of ALANT on: Upper respiratory tract colds dry tickly cough z. B. Sarcoidosis chronic cough conditions protracted bronchial catarrh Bronchitis, strong mucus In general, remedies with elecampane make breathing easier and can therefore also be used for people in need of care or for lung tumors and metastases. ​ ALANT works: antioxidant anti-inflammatory hypotensive expectorant expectorant cholagogue sweaty antiseptic ​ A particularly effective remedy with elecampane for respiratory diseases is the preparation of an infusion (both root and herb). The parts of the plant are poured over with hot water and soaked for 4-8 hours. The drink can then be briefly warmed up again and then drunk. ​ Already DIOSKURIDES pointed out that itching can occur when collecting the plant. If you are very sensitive, you should wear gloves. The following is found about ALANT in its Materia Medica: ​ =27. elecampane. ...The roots are dug in the summer and cut up and dried. The decoction of it drunk drives the urine and menstruation. The root itself with Lycium and honey helps against cough, chest congestion (ortho- pnea), internal ruptures, spasms, flatulence, against the bite of poisonous animals, by proving to be warming at all. Its leaves boiled with wine have been successfully applied to sufferers of sciatica. In sweet wine submitted it (the root) is palatable. ..Crushed and enjoyed, it helps those who suffer from hemorrhage. MUGWOOD Artemisiae vulgaris Old names: Thorwurz,Solvent herb, Mugwurz (Powerwurz) ​ The wonderful mugwort is a very old and experienced medicinal plant. Since it grows and has grown almost everywhere in the northern hemisphere, it was used and revered in almost all ancient cultures, the Celts, Germans, in antiquity... as a highly effective medicinal and protective plant. That's what the names that were given to him say. For example, the Germanic tribes called Mugwurz, which can be translated as MACHTWURZ. ​ I too am very fond of mugwort and use its healing powers in many ways. I have found out for myself that BEIFUSS & SCHAFGARBE form an extraordinarily strong team. Both alone and together, they are highly potent medicinal plants, especially with regard to their disinfecting, antispasmodic, cleansing effect and as WOMEN'S & OCCUPATIONAL herbs. My self-created remedies with mugwort: Healing oil mugwort (cold extract) Medicinal powder (mugwort & dextrose) Medicinal Beads (Mugwort & Corn Starch) Incense sticks "Shaman" (mugwort, horseweed, yarrow, St. John's wort & blood sage) for the energetic cleaning of infested creatures and rooms EVENING INFUSE (mugwort, lemon balm, fleabane & lavender) About 2 hands of the herbal mixture in one liter of water. Pour hot but not sparkling water over the herbs and let steep for 4-8 hours. The infuse can be drunk cold or warm. Tobacco blend (mugwort, catnip, hazelnut leaves & rose petals) ...One more... my bedtime cigarette ARTICLE for the BELLY: Loss of appetite Upper abdominal pain cramps heartburn gas Diarrhea Stomach and intestinal problems general digestive problems bile and liver diseases colic (including bile) nausea WOMAN'S HERB: (DO NOT use if pregnant) Assisting in childbirth (labor-inducing) in diseases of the abdominal organs Cystitis chronic ovarian inflammation discharge for pain and irregular periods menopausal symptoms Further healing effect at: mild nervous diseases inner restlessness Headache epilepsy (root) water retention Asthma (mugwort has a relaxing effect) Circulatory disorders (cold hands and feet) worm infestation Malaria (mugwort: higher proportion of artemisinin) The SIGNATURE of mugwort tells us its properties related to blood flow and circulation. So mugwort works: circulation-enhancing labour-inducing (therefore NOT suitable during pregnancy) menstrual warming (for cold hands and feet) BEIFFU also acts: antibacterial antifungal calming disinfectant relaxing antispasmodic diuretic Mugwort also promotes the flow of bile and relaxes tired feet. BEIFUSS supports the flowing processes of the MERKUR principle Ingredients: Essential oils, bitter substances, flavonoids, inulin, camphor oil COMPRESSION Symphytum officinale Comfrey is a very old medicinal plant and is particularly effective with regard to the bone and musculoskeletal system. However, due to its valuable and versatile ingredients, it has a very wide range of medicinal and application areas. You could call him an almost all-rounder. Symphytum" is derived from the ancient Greek word "symphýein" which means "growth together". What is meant by this is its excellent properties in relation to BONE healing in fractures, WOUND healing and its healing effect on injuries to the musculoskeletal system (bruises, contusions, rheumatism... .). Responsible for this is the contained ALLANTOIN, which is colloquially known as "bone glue" and the rosmarinic acid as a defense against pathogens such as bacteria and fungi. Both the herb and mainly the root are used in medicinal production. My remedies with the COMPRESSION: HEALING OIL Comfrey (roots and olive oil in cold extract) SOLE TINCTURE Comfrey (Root & Herb & Romanian Mountain Salt) TINCTURE (root and herb mit dextrose and water) MEDICINAL POWDER (root and herb and dextrose) HEALING OINTMENT (Comfrey-St. John's Wort-Yarrow Healing Oil, Comfrey Tincture, Beeswax) ROOT POWDER healing effect at: broken bones muscle injuries osteoarthritis spinal disc problems bruising bruises amputation pain rheumatism Pleurisy tendonitis sprain Wounds strains acne psoriasis fungal diseases skin inflammation burns eczema scar ulcers periodontitis nail diseases Cough pneumonia nervousness Fever Diarrhea Diabetes mellitus gout Hemorrhoids Comfrey works: hemostatic tissue forming wound healing From the MATERIA MEDICA by Pedanius DIOSCURIDES: =10. Other symphyton. Symphyton officinale (Asperifoliacae) - Bulbous Comfrey The other Svmphyton - Some call it Pekten, the Romans Soldago ...The whole stalk and the leaves have a somewhat raucous covering, which causes itching when touched. The roots below are black on the outside, white and slimy on the inside; use is made of these. Finely eaten and drunk, they are good for those who suffer from spitting blood and internal abscesses, and as a poultice they also seal fresh wounds. ... As a cataplasm (poultice) they serve in inflammations, especially in the anus, and are beneficial with the leaves of ragroot. The INGREDIENTS and their effects: Among native plants, comfrey is the plant with the highest ALLANTOIN content, an important active ingredient in the formation of new cells and tissue regeneration. It also helps wounds and ulcers heal faster. ROSEMARY ACID has an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effect. LYSIN-rich mucilage helps the body fight against foreign cells and pathogens. The amino acid lysine also helps build muscle. It is involved in bone growth, cell division and wound healing. SAPONINE help with diseases of the respiratory tract and congestion In addition, comfrey is high in vitamin C, protein, silica, potassium and calcium. COMFOX in the kitchen: Comfrey is a very delicious and tasty edible plant. It has a gentle cucumber aroma similar to borage. Due to its high protein content, comfrey is just as highly recommended for VEGETARIAN & VEGAN diets as is the NETTLE. Young leaves are suitable as an addition to green smoothies, for juicing, in herbal mixtures and finely chopped in salads. Comfrey roots are grated raw and mixed into salads or steamed as a vegetable. Comfrey contains traces of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (0.02-0.04%) and should therefore not be taken in large quantities. Canadian WORKER Conyza canadensis The old European scholars, doctors and wise men have not found out anything about horseweed, as it only came to Europe in the 17th century through overseas trade. The North American Indians used it to heal many ailments: ​ diarrheal diseases Bleeding & Wounds, Prenatal Infections fever, pimple BERUFkraut is not derived from the profession as an activity, it comes from the word "vocation" in the negative sense, i.e. to describe, bewitch or curse. There are a number of herbs that were primarily used in ancient times to ward off something negative directed at someone from the outside (envy, denial, curses, anger). These herbs are collectively called the descriptive & professional herbs. The best known is the BERUFKRAUT. Describing is generated on a human level (a modern version is e.g. bullying), while calling on a non-material but spirit level. The herbs were classified according to their appearance, striking feature of the plant, e.g. B. the smell, their poisonous effect, their striking taste, their natural protective effects such as thorns, spines (the so-called Marensitze). I would like to mention some of them here: Mugwort, St. John's wort, thistles, nettle, ragwort, rue, ground ivy, valerian, lovage, garlic, mistletoe and much more. In homeopathy, fleabane is used for bleeding and inflammation of the stomach, liver and gallbladder. It also helps with: nosebleeds inflammation of the oral mucosa gingivitis Asthma & Cough Kidney dysfunction intestinal parasites uterine bleeding menstrual cramps Menopause complaints rheumatism It works: astringent hemostatic diuretic toning Ingredients: Tannin, tannic acid, essential oils, citronellal, linalol, flavones, choline, caffeic acid, beta-sitosterol THE STINGING NETTLE belongs today at to many people with the range of completely misunderstood and misinterpreted plants. It offers itself formally, since it grows close to humans and almost everywhere. No, people tip weed Ex over it, tear it out or mow it down. The NETTLE has one of the highest proportions of vitamins and minerals among herbs counteracts many deficiency symptoms (see tables). In addition, it has a high protein content and is therefore particularly recommended for VEGETARIAN and VEGAN food. It works: against exhaustion, stress and tiredness, purifying and blood purifying as an ointment or balm for dry skin eruptions potency-enhancing in men (1 teaspoon of seeds daily) against rheumatism (in some areas the leg, arm, joint etc. suffering from rheumatism is covered with a bunch of stinging nettles so that the plant juices can penetrate through the skin and a slightly numbing feeling occurs) She strengthens: the immune system the rhythmic system (Mercury principle) By injecting its snake venom-like irritants (hisamine, etc.), the plant transfers its defensive nature when touched to PARACELSUS and helps with listlessness, lack of energy and assertiveness, which is often associated with IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA (The Herbal Science of Paracelsus; O. Rippe) DAMIANA (Turnera diffusa, Turnera Aphrodisiaca, Turnera Pringei) Damiana has a sedative, diuretic, antispasmodic effect. It heals and relieves asthma, cough, loss of appetite, indigestion, stomach pain, rheumatism, Kidney weakness, migraine, depression, libido disorders, tiredness, exhaustion, nervousness, memory problems, menstrual problems, ​ Damiana is best known as a mildly euphoric aphrodisiac, but it can also be used to treat health conditions such as asthma. Damiana facilitates breathing through its essential oils and by relaxing the bronchi. In addition, damiana strengthens the digestive organs and can thereby alleviate abdominal pain. It helps against menstrual cramps thanks to its anticonvulsant properties. Damiana has a pronounced effect on the nervous system. It calms when you are nervous. In depression, it brightens the mind. It has a strengthening effect against exhaustion and tiredness. It can also be used against memory problems because it strengthens the brain. Plant parts used: herb Ingredients: Essential oils, terpenes, arbutin, cineol, cadinene, cymene, pinene, thymol, bitter substance damianine, resin, caffeine (in the stalk), tannin CINGANTWEED - Crampweed Potentilla anserina As the name suggests (Potentilla means powerful), cinquefoil is a highly potent plant. Your healing area is SPASMS (physical, psychological and mental) The cinquefoil solves zsp. Cramps in muscles called smooth muscle. Muscles that work independently and not voluntarily (control via the vegetative NS). These muscles can be found B. in the heart, in the uterus and in the intestine. Due to this effect, the cinquefoil helps with cramps during the period, cramps in the intestines, a spasmodic cough or cramps in the calves. It even helps with angina pectoris and epilepsy. It was Pastor Kneipp who made cinquefoil popular again, he praised it specifically for its antispasmodic effect on small children and babies when they were suffering from stomach or intestinal cramps. He used it in boiled milk. Boiled in milk or water, it has also been used to treat tetanus. Here are some other healing effects: ANTI-INFLAMMATORY for sore throat & gastric and intestinal mucosal inflammation CALMING & RELAXING (spasm) astringent antibacterial hemostatic diuretic in case of diarrhea Menstrual problems Asthma & whooping cough sunburn Cinquefoil also has a very high vitamin C content of 402mg per 100g herb. GOLDENROD (Solidago virgaurea) Die Goldenrute is THE medicinal herb for BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints and contains many ingredients that increase kidney activity and alleviate and heal local ailments._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-8d_bad Even in ancient times, doctors and healers used the healing power of the GOLDENROD, but at that time mainly because of its WOUND HEALING properties. Even today der Goldrute is of great importance as a medicinal plant. Its numerous ingredients unleash a great healing effect for many different diseases and ailments: ​ BLADDER & KIDNEYS: Bladder problems and inflammation kidney problems and diseases smaller kidney stones chronic kidney inflammation Inflammation of the urinary tract chronic irritable bladder Disorders of urinary secretion WOUNDS: antibacterial anti-inflammatory pain relieving For further COMPLAINTS: Dropsy (flushing & anti-edema) insect bites Rheumatism & Gout tooth ulcers asthma gas inflammatory skin diseases Other HEALING EFFECTS: antispasmodic antifungal (against fungi) astringent diuretic blood purifying The GOLDRUTE was and is also used as a dye plant. When dyeing fabrics and wool and depending on the texture of the fabrics, a beautiful golden yellow shade can be achieved. Skullcap Bearded Skullcap (Scutellaria barbata) Main Applications: Detox,cancer treatment and prevention healing effect: antibacterial, antineoplastic, antiviral, calming, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic, analgesic, in hepatitis, liver enlargement. Lymph node inflammation, pharyngitis, pharyngeal catarrh, Plant parts used: Roots, herb, flowering herb Ingredients: essential oils, bitter substances, flavonoids, tannins, resin, monoterpenes, scutellarin The HERZGESPANN 💞 Leonurus cardiaca Healing oil, medicinal powder & my hard-working pupils (of which I am very proud😊) The HEART SPANN is, as the Latin name (Leonurus for lion & Cadiacas for heart) already suggests, a lion heart on a mental and physical level. It has a relaxing effect on both levels Unlike other soothing plants, motherwort does NOT make you TIRED when dealing with everyday life. Again, it helps with falling asleep again. HEARTSPANN helps: as a FIRST AID plant (like emergency drops from Bach flowers) in case of shock, accident, test anxiety, grief, events that throw us off balance. as lady's herb: (Best in combination with lady's mantle and sheep's gift) under birth menopause thyroid herb Prostate disease and also prostate cancer (best in combination with propolis) gall and liver diseases HERZGESPANN supports the MERCURY PRINCIPLE (rhythmic system: all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep/growth, breathing, metabolism). Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with a distinctive leaf and stem system have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system (Mercury principle): HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow hop (Humulus lupulus) calming, blood purifying, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, nervous stomach complaints, nervous heart complaints, palpitations, nervous restlessness, sleep disorders, migraine, anxiety, menopause symptoms, menstrual disorders ​ Ingredients: Hop Bitters (Nitrogen Free), Humulone, Humulene, Lupulone, Lupulin, Essential Oil, Tannic Acid, Resins, Campesterol, Stigmasterol, Beta-Sitosterol, Eugenol, Farnesol, Isovaleric Acid, Phyto-estrogens against menopausal symptoms Plant parts used: fruit cones or spikes ST. JOHN'S WORT☀ ​ At DIOSCURIDES, St. John's wort is also available as called Hartheu. Otherwise names like Herrgottsblut, Fuga Daemonum (Devil's flight) are known to me. The name St. John's wort can be traced back to St. John the Baptist. PARACELSUS calls it a gift from God, the royal medicine and the image of the sun. ​ DIOSCURIDES, as the emperor's doctor and companion on many campaigns, uses the plant primarily because of its WOUND HEALING and PAIN RELIEF effects, for sciatica and burns. The following can be found in his MATERIA MEDICA: ...Preferably she heals Sciatica, but you have to drink water after cleaning. Also The herb heals burns as a cataplasm, finally it stills the blood... Otherwise, St. John's wort helps with the following symptoms: gout, rheumatism PAIN RELIEF after sprains, neck tension, nerve pain, shingles and cervical spine syndrome sunburn, burns neurodermatitis Only PARACELSUS, whose favorite plant is St. John's wort, researches its excellent properties on the psyche. He speaks of 4 forces that make the plant a universal remedy: Against PHANTASMATA, Against wounds Against worms As a balm PHANTASMATA would nowadays be called mental illnesses or disorders such as depression, personality disorders, psychoses and the like. (From THE HERBAL KNOWLEDGE OF PARACELSUS by Olaf Rippe: There are diseases that force people to kill themselves (III/630)). So diseases (if you already knew the person before) where you have the feeling that the person is animated by another spirit. As its likeness, JOHANNISWORT should be taken in accordance with the course of the sun, i.e. in the morning (not at night and in the afternoon). So it is still prescribed, administered or recommended by knowledgeable people administering it today. IMPORTANT to know: Cattle, horses and sheep mostly avoid St. John's Wort. Because they are light-skinned and sensitive to light. The KUH is not as STUPID as it is often called. ST. JOHN'S WORT produces, if you and other light types and races (including HUMAN BEINGS) eat it, high photosensitivity, swelling, sunburn up to necrosis. It is true that the lighter the complexion, the more sensitive the intake of JOHANNISKRAUT. This is not a freak of nature. PARACELSUS calls the herb "God's gift" to man, since its light and sunny energy has the power to banish darkness. What is meant by this is the strongly positive healing power of St. John's wort on the psyche (especially in the darker half of the year). kudzu an East Asian plant has been used against alcohol cravings for 1000 years. Alcohol is broken down very slowly in the body, which means that you are drunk after just a few glasses and have no desire to continue drinking. In addition, kudzu produces nausea and dizziness when combined with alcohol Medicinal Plant Catalogue Herb Directory ​ LAVENDER (Lavandula angustifolia) Whether because of its beguiling scent or its versatile uses as a medicinal herb, LAVENDER is an impressive plant. It was so valuable to the Romans, Egyptians and Greeks that they treated it as a "holy herb". Whether as a fragrance and bath essence, oil, incense, wound healing and sedative on campaigns and much more, the LAVENDER was a highly revered plant in ancient times. Well-known herbalists and doctors have also used lavender in many ways over the centuries: PEDANIUS DIOSCURIDES "...It loosens the thick phlegm and flatulence and drives away side and nerve pain and cold. It is also used with success in epilepsy together with pyrethrum and sagapenum..." (Materia Medica, Book I) HILDEGARD VON BINGEN described lavender as a warm and dry herb, which she used to treat lung and liver diseases as well as psychological conditions. PARACELSUS knew of its calming effect and used the herb as a sedative and to treat heart and digestive problems. PIETRO ANDREA MATTHIOLI mentioned it for the treatment of numerous internal and external concerns (paralysis, cramps, stomach problems as well as liver and spleen diseases, dental diseases, speech problems and body aches). Nowadays, lavender is used in medicine primarily because of its calming and relaxing effect on the psyche. Here is a summary of many issues in which lavender can support us in a healing and effective way. healing effect at: restlessness difficulty falling asleep Migraines & Tension Headaches epilepsy toothache asthma Cough heart trouble circulatory weakness low blood pressure upper abdominal complaints Irritable stomach oder nervous intestinal problems stomach cramps Water accumulations Face rose (spray on hydrosol) Shingles (spray on hydrosol) Hodgin's Lymphoma Alzheimer's (reducing the progression of the disease) Lavender works: antibacterial (through essential oils) antifungal (through essential oils) calming (through essential oils & LINALOOL) flatulent diuretic cholagogue (due to tannins) antispasmodic muscle relaxant (linalool) Ingredients: essential oil, tanning agent, Camphor and cineole (respiratory disease) Monoterpenes (linalool) Glycoside, flavonoids, phytosterols, saponins, sesquiterpenes, ketones, esters and oxides, among others Photo: lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) Lemon balm has been a proven medicinal plant for many centuries and its ability is almost universal in terms of both physical and mental ailments. For HILDEGARD VON BINGEN, lemon balm was so important as a medicinal plant that she attributed the healing power of 15 herbs to it. She used them for headaches, dizziness, rheumatic diseases, difficulty falling asleep, stomach problems and to improve mood. ​ PARACELSUS said the following about lemon balm: "Of all things that the earth produces, lemon balm is the best herb for the HEART." Healing effect PSYCHE: in states of anxiety sleep disorders in states of restlessness Loss of appetite uplifting, calming & relaxing Lemon Balm ESSENTIAL Oil has powerful sleep-inducing and calming properties. Healing effect BODY: For colds & bronchitis earache Asthma Heart problems (e.g. in combination with HERZGESPANN) Migraines and Headaches Gout & Rheumatism neuralgia herpes labialis Shingles (spray on lemon balm) hydrolate distillate Stomach cramps & stomach problems Flatulence bile problems Diarrhea menopausal symptoms nausea in pregnancy menstrual cramps muscle tension and cramps & sore muscles antibacterial antispasmodic (e.g. in combination with cinquefoil) cooling analgesic sweaty antifungal (for athlete's foot) Lemon balm ESSENTIAL oil has powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients of lemon balm: Essential oils (citral, citronellal, linalool, geraniol and aldehydes) tannins, bitter substances, resin, mucilage, glycosides, saponins, thymol and vitamin C. Yarrow Already Pedanius Dioscurides praised and praised this wonderful plant. It was one of his favorite plants, along with the yam root, which also bears his name in Latin. No wonder, because their healing effects are extensive, amazing and holistic. It has a CALMING effect. Anyone who has suffered pain or injury knows how stressful such a condition can be. I was able to experience for myself its BLOODSTATIC, WOUND HEALING & DISINFECTING effect. Even with severe injuries, it does amazing things as emergency care. In addition, it is germ-resistant, anti-inflammatory and thus promotes wound healing and can, for example, be used in the household as a DISINFECTION. It has an antispasmodic effect, for example for abdominal pain, back pain, stiff neck and menstrual cramps. It can be used as a chest compress when you have a cold or flu. It is BILIFORCULATOR and serves as a DIURETIC. In addition, it provides excellent service as a LIVER WRAP, which can be further enhanced by putting on a hot-water bottle. YARROW is also known as VENUS BROW because its young leaves resemble eyebrows. This signature indicates its healing powers as lady's herb, because Yarrow is rich in PHYTOHORMONES. In the menopause, it alleviates the symptoms that arise, relieves menstrual cramps (e.g. with YARROW lady's mantle tea), etc. SHE relieves headache and migraine symptoms. In the digestive system, it helps with diarrhea, hemorrhoids and intestinal inflammation. THE MEADOW BEARENKLAU Heracleum sphondylium Already used as a medicinal plant by DIOSKURIDES in the 1st century, the meadow hogweed has a wide range of healing effects and can support our health and vitality in a similar way to the STINGING NETTLE with its high vitamin and mineral content. It is particularly rich in iron and protein (therefore particularly recommended for vegetarians and vegans), Potassium, calcium, linoleic acid, MAGNESIUM, vitamin C (291mg/100g), Vitamin A (390ng/100g), sugar, essential oils, bitter substances From the MATERIA MEDICA by Dioscurides: .... further she heals, drunk, liver trouble, jaundice, ...The root is also given to those suffering from jaundice and the liver. Orthopnea (shortness of breath when lying down), epilepsy and convulsions. ...Smeared on the head with oil, it is a good remedy for those suffering from brain disease, lethargy and headaches, with a rhombus as an envelope, it heals snake bites. The juice of the fresh flowers is a good remedy for ulcerated and suppurative ears. #MarensHeilArt Tip: Meadow hogweed is one of the herbs in my MORNING infuse, which I prepare the night before and drink daily throughout the morning. The INFUSE currently includes: YARROW JOHANNIS HERBS MEADOWS BEAR CLAW STINGING NETTLE (If someone would like to try this and needs support with the individual selection of herbs, just write a small mail and we'll see together🌼) In principle, an INFUSE is a very concentrated tea for strengthening and maintaining health, but also for healing purposes. The increase to this is the DEKOKT, which I actually only use for illness and for healing. DEKOKT is a heavily reduced and concentrated INFUSE (cooking time approx. 3-4 hours, gently on a low flame) MEADOW BEARENCLAW works: digestive calming hypotensive expectorant diuretic healing at: Headache restlessness and nervousness hysteria epilepsy bad memory Loss or reduced libido General and immune deficiency & Magnesium deficiency (high mineral and vitamin content of the meadow bear claw) high blood pressure Colds, bronchitis and cough asthma Bladder infections (goldenrod) Kidney Stones (Goldenrod) gas Diarrhea The meadow hogweed can cause skin reactions when touching the plant, similar to the stinging nettle. Sensitive people should wear gloves when harvesting and processing. wild lettuce Lactuca virosa APPLICATION For whooping cough, dry cough, dysmenorrhea and nymphomania, for insomnia, restlessness and excitability Lactucarium has sedative and analgesic effects The plant was used medicinally in ancient times. Towards the end of the 18th century more and more doctors are said to be using the dried milky juice of poison lettuce (lactucarium) as an opium substitute have. Around 1847 the plant was cultivated extensively in the Moselle region and the lactucarium obtained was shipped from Zell to the United States via England. There was also an increase in the cultivation of wild lettuce in other European countries at the same time. Either because of the laborious harvest or because of the lack of scientific proof of the effect, poison lettuce preparations were eventually replaced by opium from Asia. INGREDIENTS Sesquiterpene lactones: lactucin and lactucopicrin in aerial parts of plants; the melampolide lactusid A was detected in annual and biennial plants. Triterpenes: α-Lactucerol and β-Lactucerol (= mixture of triterpenes and sterols), β-Lactucerol mainly as an ester with acetic acid and higher fatty acids (= Lactucon or Lactucerin) in the milky sap: β-amyrin, gennanicol and taraxasterol ROCK ROSE (Cistus incanus) also called Greek mountain rose, ladanum, labdanum, ladan or myrrh. Rockrose (Cistus incanus) is a plant native to the Mediterranean. It has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. In Greek folk medicine, Cistus was used for ITCHING and DISINFECTION of wounds. Cistus or Cystus is one of the most POLYPHENOL-rich plants in Europe. Today, their highly antioxidant compounds are used to treat FLU AND COLDS. POLYPHENOLS: are widespread phytamines with STRONG ANTIOXIDATIVE effects. Polyphenols have large molecules. They are therefore able to envelop viruses and bacteria and then eject them via certain physical routes, so that the disease-causing substances can no longer damage the body. They are found in almost all plants and are mainly divided into phenolic acids and flavonoids. Phenolic acids are mostly contained in plants as tannic acids, they give some of them the tart taste, e.g. black tea. Flavonoids are mostly found as colorants (pigments) in fruits and vegetables. For example, they give cherries, grapes, apricots and medlars their red, blue and yellow colors. HEALING EFFECTS of cistus: stimulates the immune system strengthens the mucous membranes against colds, against skin diseases (e.g. acne, neurodermatitis) for gastrointestinal complaints (e.g. intestinal flu) in inflammation of the urinary tract as incense for disinfection (it was even used against the plague) SHE acts: anti-inflammatory, itch-relieving, germicidal detoxifying (e.g. for heavy metal pollution and poisoning) antifungal From the MATERIA MEDICA by Pedanius DIOSKURIDES: =126. boxes. ... It has contracting power; hence the crushed leaves, twice a day drunk in bitter wine, a good remedy for dysentery. For themselves as a poultice, they stop eating ulcers. Heal with wax ointment her burn and aged wounds... =128. ladanum. ... The power of the leaves of the same proves to be astringent, healing against what the kistos also works against. From him that is sucked. Ladanum (Cistus resin) obtained. It has astringent, warming, emollient power. Mixed with wine, myrrh and myrtle, it prevents hair loss Coated with wine, it makes the wound scars beautiful, with honey mead or Dropped in rose oil, it cures earache, and it is used as incense for throwing out the afterbirth, mixed with the suppository it cures hardening in the uterus; it will also successfully added to sedative medicines and cough medicines. With old wine drunk it causes diarrhea. But it's also diuretic... PLINUS THE ELDER also described in the 1st century AD the extraction of LADANUM resin with the help of goats. These were driven through the dense cistus bushes. The sticky resin of the cistus stuck to the goat hair, which was then cut off and boiled. The valuable resin could be skimmed off in the cooled supernatant. Photos:

  • Gedanken über die Kunst zu Heilen

    ​ ​ First the question arises: What actually is healing arts? When one hears or reads the word, associates man first of all, that it does not matter in which context it is mentioned, something with healing, recovery and health has to do. But how - by what? Through Art? Healing: She is the process of making or recovery of the physical and mental health, from suffering or an illness or the overcoming an injury or injury by Recovery. Art: It is a creative ability which dem Artist inherent around himself, nature and his creatively reflecting and projecting the world, like that that out of the sensuous the spiritual appears. It designates those activities that are carried out from the complete interaction of knowledge, practice, perception, imagination and intuition. Their results are the result of man's creative willpower and are for spiritual edification and spiritual growth and are not clearly defined by functions like most man-made things. ​ ...ergo Thus, the art of healing is the process of recovery from illness to health through the virtuosity of knowledge, skill, creativity, and intuition. A healer can therefore feel the illness in its nature (nature & cause) and in its world (body & environment) with his senses, recognize and judge and can then heal with the spirit and the abilities and gifts it has been given. However, it is absolutely necessary for holistic healing that the patient sees and understands his suffering and its causes and arranges his life accordingly. Therefore, for the purpose of initiating the patient's self-healing, a healer can also reflect or manifest the illness, for example. Why is it so important that the person to be healed sees and recognizes his illness and doesn't just go to a healer, doctor or therapist and say: Go away, it's your job". Quite simply: because he first has to accept her and judge her in order to then decide, does she really have to go (now)? Illness can be a signpost. Illness is a blockage Illness can be an escape from a task that you may not be up to. Illness can be a medicine on the way to its task. Here I would like to quote the wonderful Albert Camus: ​ Freedom is primarily not out of privilege but from duties ​ (I add: & out of responsibility) ​ Why this quote? If illness is a blockage (e.g. related to the chakras), then its opposite is health, i.e. freedom and means duty and responsibility at the same time (you can only find out which exact duty and what the responsibility is for when you see the illness , accepts and judges, and that is the patient's work. ​ Many years ago, when I was initiated as a Reiki master, my master gave me this little anecdote with.. A man who loved man very much was in despair about the misery and suffering in the world. One day he met a holy woman. The woman asked: Man, why are you so sad and unhappy? And the man replied: It hurts me so much that there is so much pain and suffering and I would like to do something about it. Only I can't. The holy woman said you have a pure heart. I can help you and give you the gift of healing hands. I just want to give you one important piece of advice. Never heal without being asked and always take something for what you do. The man considered and was confused, but he agreed. So the holy woman bestowed on him the gift of healing hands. The man was overjoyed, from now on he could make everyone healthy. He thanked me a thousand times and cheerfully went on his way. On his way he met a crippled beggar begging for his pitiful daily bread. He sat down next to him and the beggar complained and moaned about his fate and asked for a little money because he was so tormented by his illness and could only beg. The good man said to him: I will heal you and even gave him some of his bread. Some time passed and the good man passed this place again and was very surprised when he passed the well to look for his "old friend". He ran up angrily to him, insulted him from afar and ranted about what he had done to him. He is healthy now and people no longer feel sorry for him. They shooed him away everywhere he passed, telling him to go to work and not store around, and he was now hungry as nobody gave him anything. He roared at the poor good man: You have deprived me of my wages and bread!" Not everyone who whines and complains wants to be healthy. Not everyone who says I don't want to take all these pills anymore doesn't want to take them, but is meticulous about not missing the time to take them, etc... And that's okay! Because only when moaning and complaining becomes your own burden and only when the ritual of taking the pill gets on your nerves are you ready to go one step further.... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

  • Heilöle für die Chakren

    THE CROWN CHAKRA OIL Lotus Flower & Herkimer Diamond Vanilla - Peace Agate iolite evening primrose FOREHEAD CHAKRA - III. EYE OIL jasmine Hyacinth & Zircon Almond & Smoky Quartz Lavender & Amethyst Chrysocolla THROAT SHAKRA OIL Eucalyptus & Disthene OIL Thyme & Heliotrope Mint & Rock Crystal HEART CHAKRA OIL ​ Pink Rose Petals & Rose Quartz Green Apple & Aventurine Cucumber & Serpentine Parsley & Emerald SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA OIL Lemon & Rock Crystal Star anise & magnetite Ginger & Smoky Quartz Banana & Magnesite SacralChakra OIL Base oil: Orange & Orange Calcite, Black Pepper & Pyrite Oregano & Black Tourmaline Cinnamon & Smoky Quartz Carnation & Hematite ​ RootChakra OIL Base Oil: Hay & Petrified Wood Chili & red jasper, hops & smoky quartz, Carnation & hematite Beetroot & Black Tourmaline Kudzu & Kunzite evening candle

  • Der ganze Mensch

    The entire man The physical & subtle body ​ The anatomical human ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The energetic - subtle human ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Allocation of nerve plexuses & chakras assignment chakras - Endocrine Glands - Organs THE HEART ​ house of the soul powerhouse of the body ​ The human torus field

  • Heilkunst

    The effect of meditation and recitation ​ The regular practice of meditations and recitations helps me to relieve and empty my senses. Then, in the moment of deep contemplation, the "nameless" in me can unite with the nameless, the spirit & the devotion of creation. An attempt to translate the word "mantra" is the term "magic word". I have learned not to try to translate them, since their power and effect comes solely from the composition of their syllables and words, and from the vibrations of their recitation. Certainly we Europeans tend to want to understand everything, but it is still worth trying and the exercise of "shutting down" the senses, curiosity and intelligence and just doing it TO LET STAND... ​ I. ZAZEN (SITTING MEDITATION) ​ Sitting meditation is the practice through which Buddha awakened 2,600 years ago. She is at the center of Zen. One devotes one's full attention to posture, breathing, and the arising and disappearing of thoughts. They are also called shikantaza, just sitting. Regular zazen practice enables us, first of all, to calm and clear the mind and to find true stability amidst the surges of our existence. The secret of Zen is to simply sit down, without aim or thought of gain, in an attitude of great concentration. ​ ​ ​ The lotus position, which is not only practiced in yoga but also in zen, to remain in meditative concentration during zazen. On the one hand, the practice consists of zazen (from Japanese: za- [to sit]; zen- [to contemplate]), sitting in contemplation on a cushion. In the outer posture, the legs are crossed like in the lotus position in yoga. The back is straight but completely relaxed and the hands are relaxed clasped together with the tips of the thumbs touching lightly.The eyes stay half open , the gaze remains relaxed and without wandering down to the ground. For beginners, simpler sitting styles are also recommended, such as the half lotus seat (Hanka-Fuza), the so-called Burmese seat or the heel seat (Seiza). ​ The primary task of the Zen student is the continued, complete, and conscious awareness of the present moment, acomplete mindfulness without own judging participation (Samadhi). The Zen student should maintain this state not only during zazen, but if possible at every moment of his life. "Zen is not something exciting, but concentration on your everyday activities." ​ Zen cannot be taught in the true sense. Only the conditions for spontaneous, intuitive insights can be improved. ​ II. KINHIN (walking meditation) Kinhin gets between two zazen practiced. While walking to the rhythm of breathing, the focus is on every aspect of the posture. In kinhin, the left thumb lies inside the left fist, the base of the thumb presses against the solar plexus. The right hand grasps the left fist. Forearms are parallel to the floor, shoulders are relaxed. As in zazen, the upper body is straight: the lower abdomen is relaxed, the neck is stretched, the chin is pulled back, the gaze is lowered. ​ During the calm, deep exhalation, the root of the big toe of the front foot presses against the floor, the back leg remains straight. At the end of the exhalation, the inhalation happens naturally, the body relaxes and you take a half step forward. ​ III. RECITATION ((text readings) ​ everyday version: Whether it's loud or quiet, it just depends on the situation or the place, but you can recite anywhere and anytime.... And although a mindful life means living in concentration on the moment and the action just carried out, certain demands are made on me Situations and activities because they bore me or I don't like them some much (vacuum cleaning, shopping, hanging laundry, etc.). Then I prefer to recite and thereby avoid negative thoughts and feelings and do something good for myself and my subtle environment. ​ Mala version: The mala is the Buddhist prayer chain. The chain has 108 beads. Each bead is a mantra recitation (For example: Om mani patme hum (push a bead) Om mani padme hum (push a bead etc). 108 : Is in Buddhism the number of numbers. There are more than 108 interpretations and explanations. The most common is: EINS - stands for unity; NUll - stands for emptiness; EIGHT - stands for infinity ​ monastery version: The recitation is performed in the zazen posture. It is recited aloud for half an hour. This is followed by a 10-minute walking meditation followed by a half-hour silent recitation. ​ ​ The Prajnaparamita - Heart - Sutra It is the shortest of 40 texts within the expansive Prajnaparamita Sutra, literally: "(Great) Sutra of Crossing [Transcendent or Redemptive, Paramita] Wisdom (Prajna)" It is considered the quintessence of many sutras, especially since it formulates the teaching of Shunyata - the emptiness, particularly clearly and concisely". ​ ​ Der Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Bodhisattva: a being striving for the highest knowledge tief im Strom vollkommenen Verstehens, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Avalokiteshvara: Bodhisattva of Compassion illuminated the five skandhas and found them equally empty. Teaching der Skandhas (collection) 5 sense perceptions Penetrating this, he overcame all suffering. (Bell jar) Höre, Shariputra, _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-94cdebb58d_bad5_ _cc781905-94cdebb Ven. Shariputra: Main student & right hand of Buddha; "Feldherr of the teaching" of the Dhamma (Buddhist teaching) form is emptiness, emptiness is form form is nothing but emptiness, Emptiness is nothing butshape . The same applies toEmpfindungen, _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5c de-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Written in bold: The 5 Skandhas Perceptions, mental form forces andconsciousness . (Bell jar) Höre, Shariputra, _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-94cdebb58d_bad5_ _cc781905-94cdebb all things are marked by emptiness. They neither arise nor perish, they are neither pure nor impure, neither do they get bigger, nor do they get smaller. Therefore, in emptiness there is neither form nor sensation, nor perception, nor spiritual formative power, nor consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no form, no sound, no smell, no taste, no tangible, no object of mind; no range of elements (from the eyes to the mind-consciousness); no dependent arising and no cessation of dependent arising (from ignorance to death and decay); no suffering, no origin of suffering, no end of suffering and no way; no understanding, no attainment. (Bell jar) Because there is no attainment find the Bodhisattvas, resting in perfect understanding, no obstacles in their mind. experiencing no obstacles, overcome the fear rid themselves of delusion forever and realize perfect nirvana. All the Buddhas of the past Present and Future attain thanks to this perfect understanding full, true and universal enlightenment. (Bell jar) Therefore one should know that perfect understanding the supreme mantra is the mantra without equal, that removes all suffering the indestructible truth. The Mantra of Prajnaparamita should therefore be announced. This is the mantra: Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha. (3x) * ​ ​ ​ ​ Zazen - The Movie Om mani padme hum ​ "Om Mani Padme Hum" is the universal mantra of love and compassion. It is associated with the Buddhist Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara. It stands for the summary of the 84,000 discourses of the Buddha. It is the essence of all Tathagata (the qualities of Enlightened Beings), all Mantras (prayers or hymns) and all Tantras (Buddhist mysticism and rituals). It is the source of all knowledge and achievement. This mantra has a purifying ability, ie it is able to free us from the veils that cover our mind. It opens the mind to love and compassion and leads to enlightenment. Medicine Buddha Mantra ​ Tayatha Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha Bekandze Randza Samungate Swaha Because the flood of thoughts calms down during practice, the experience of stillness and emptiness, shunyata, becomes possible. Especially in Rinzai-Zen, the mystical experience of enlightenment (Satori, Kenshō), an often sudden experience of universal unity, ie the elimination of the opposition between subject and object, becomes the central theme. In this context, there is often talk of "awakening" and "enlightenment" (pali/sanskrit: Bodhi), of "becoming a Buddha", or the realization of one's own "Buddha nature". This experience of non-duality is hardly accessible to verbal communication and cannot even be conveyed to a person without comparable experience. ​ ​ ​ Zen is the pathless path, the gateless gate. The great wisdom (Prajna) underlying Zen does not need to be sought according to the teaching, it is always there. Can the seeker simply give up their constant efforts to maintain the illusion of the existence of an "I"? Prajna would arise immediately. ​ ​

  • Maren's Kunst

    The Buddhism was founded by the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni. In times of religious conflicts and caste systems, which promised salvation only to those of high social status, Buddhism was better understood by the numerically larger population. In Buddhism, everyone was treated equally. The Vedas and Upanishads and Puranas were much more difficult for lay people to understand than the Buddha's teaching. A Buddha (Sanskrit: बुद्ध, buddha, Pali: Buddho,AWAKENED ) bezeichnet im Buddhismus einen Menschen, der Bodhi und Nirvana erlangt hat (Samma sambuddha). The word is also the title Siddhartha Gautama. ​ The ten powers of the Buddha are: The power to discern right from wrong The power to see the consequences of action (karma) The power to discern the tendencies of beings The power to recognize the different types of beings The power to recognize the respective talents of beings The power of knowing the path that leads everywhere (sarvatragäminipratipat-jnänabala); The power to know all obstacles, causes of suffering and the purification of contemplations, meditations, liberations, concentrations and absorptions The power of knowing your past lives The power to know death and future lives The power of knowing the end of defilements ​ The teaching Buddhism is known for the concept of enlightenment. However, this is not based on a sudden insight into an ultimate reality, but it is the result of a spiritual development process. The Buddhist concepts about life and the world : Saṃsāra cycle of life Karma (wanting, cetana) Five Skandhas (the 5 collections): 1. Sensation of the material body, 2. Feelings, 3. Perception, 4. Mind formations, 5. Consciousness Since a rich human encounter was already part of human expression , the Buddha gave advanced advice on how a loving attitude and positive actions for the benefit of others are part of one's path to liberation and enlightenment._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Buddha advises to deepen four qualities for the benefit of others and ourselves: Love, Compassion, Sympathy and Equanimity. (The Four Immeasurable Desires) In the teachings on application, the Buddha showed how attitude expresses itself more and more spontaneously as 6 Liberating Actions (6 Paramitas). These are also the actions of the Bodhisattvas (beings who aspire to supreme wisdom. 1. Generosity 2. sensible behavior 3. Patience 4. joyful effort 5. Meditation 6. Wisdom The first four of these six acts are characteristics of every enjoyable human relationship. Through meditation and wisdom they become even more skillful and eventually liberating. Beyond benefiting others, "being a good person" in Buddhism is more than an end in itself. This is the basis that creates the conditions for realizing the nature of mind. Generosity is the sharing of material things, one's own strength and good feelings. It creates trust and openness, makes every encounter rich and releases attachment in one's own mind. Meaningful behavior, sometimes also called ethics, keeps human exchange going and is the basis for more growth. It means avoiding causes of trouble and benefiting others as much as possible. Patience protects positive construction by enduring all kinds of difficulties. Nothing can disturb one who is full of compassion and can keep a relaxed mind in any situation. Joyful effort means that we always do our best and work with perseverance for the good of others and ourselves. Meditation creates space and freedom in your own consciousness. Internally, based on good concentration, one sees the thoughts and feelings as they arise. Externally, one experiences the creatures and the world from a clear perspective. The personally limited perception of attachment and aversion, expectation and fear, etc. gives way to insight into the diverse conditionality of all phenomena, the experience of "how things are" - this leads to Wisdom - here a complete discrimination of all things takes place and it is recognized that subject, object and action are parts of the same whole. Generally speaking, the path to realizing the nature of mind (enlightenment) is perfected by building the two accumulations - positive impressions and wisdom. The quantity of the positive enables the quality of ultimate spontaneous insight (wisdom). The first four of the Liberating Actions create infinite positive impressions in the mind. From positive impressions comes more wisdom. Meditation creates further good impressions and is a special prerequisite for the development of wisdom. The realization of wisdom is thus the result of the first five liberating actions. Ultimate wisdom, however, is the spontaneous expression of the mind when it is free from all limitation and fully possessed of the realization of its unconditional qualities of fearlessness, joy, and active love. ​ In addition to the teaching, the buddhist philosophy developed, which is reflected in extensive literature. Buddhist literature and philosophy did not appear until several centuries after the Buddha Gautama. The Pali Canon was composed by the Vibhajyvāda sect of Theravada (Hinayana). Buddhism has produced numerous schools and systems over the course of its 2,500-year history. The terms "school" (vada), "vehicle" (yana) [on the current of suffering], or "path" are somewhat comparable to the terms "direction." The three main Buddhist schools are THERAVADA, MAHAYANA & VAJRAYANA. The THERAVADA, the »School of the Elders« and the MAHAYANA, the »Great Vehicle«. Theravada is the older of the two major schools of thought, while Mahayana only developed around the turn of the Christian era (100 BC to 600 AD). The third major direction is VAJRAYANA or Tantrayana, which, despite its specific characteristics, is philosophically assigned to Mahayana. The Vajrayana developed in India between 400 and 1000 AD and was influenced by the resurgent Hinduism (particularly Tantrism). In contrast to Theravada, Mahayana does not form an actual and unified teaching tradition and practice. The numerous schools do not orientate themselves - as in Theravada - on the canon of the discourses of the Buddha in the Pali language (the Pali canon, also Tipitaka), which was laid down at three councils in the centuries after Buddha's death, but on a remnant of parallel ones and later translated into Chinese or Tibetan, the originals of which were mostly lost, as well as a large number of later Mahayana sutras (in Sanskrit) that existed independently. However, these were only selectively recognized by the various schools and made their own basis. There is thus no common canon in the Mahayana, but there are Chinese (San-ts'ang) and Tibetan (Kanjur) collections of various texts translated from Sanskrit, plus original Chinese or Tibetan texts. All directions of Buddhism adhere to the Buddha's "Four Noble Truths" about suffering, its origin, its overcoming and the "Eightfold Path" leading to the overcoming of suffering, which leads to the salvation of suffering (liberation from the bondage of delusion and attachment). This liberation from suffering is called Nibbana (P.) or Nirvana (Skr.) ("extinction" of greed, hatred and delusion), which represents the goal of salvation common to all denominations. The goal of realizing Nirvana and thus realizing Buddhahood (Buddhata) is the same everywhere, only the paths that lead to this goal are different. ​ THERAVADA (Teaching of the Elders) Origin: 4th century BC in India. Systematician: Buddhadatta (4th/5th century), Buddhaghosa (5th century), Dhammapala (5th century), Anuruddha (12th century) Today's distribution: Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Bangladesh, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, PR China (in Yunnan), western world. Main sources: Tipitaka (three baskets) or Pali canon; Visuddhimagga, Milindapanha, Abhidhammatthasangaha. Way of salvation: Overcoming suffering by eliminating the causes of suffering greed, hatred and delusion through virtue, meditation and knowledge. ​ Systems of the MAHAYANA: ZEN /Chan/Son/Thien (meditation school) Origin: 6th century AD in China, Henan, Songshan, Shaolin Monastery. Founder: Bodhidharma (6th century). Today's distribution: China, Taiwan, Japan (Zen), Korea (Son), Vietnam (Thien), western world. Main sources: Prajñaparamitasutras: Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Lankavatara Sutra, Koan Collections. Way of salvation: knowledge (spiritual training) through meditation and koan Madhyamaka Origin: 2nd century AD in India. Branches: in China: Sanlun; in Japan: Sanron. Main sources: Prajñaparamitasutra, Mulamadhyamakakarika. Way of salvation: Recognition of the emptiness (Shunyata) of all phenomena of existence and insight that this emptiness is the absolute = redemption. ​ Vijñānavāda (Yogacara) Origin: 3rd/4th Century AD in India. Main sources: Yogacarabhumishastra, Samdhinirmocana, Avatsamsaka, Lankavatara. Way of salvation: Realizing that everything is "only spirit" (cittamātra) and turning back to the pure spirit, the basic consciousness = absolute = salvation. Pure Land, Amidism (Amitabha Buddhism, School of Faith) Origin: 1st century AD in India. Today's distribution: China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore. Most important sources: The Great Amitabha Sutra (Sukhâvatîvyûha-mahâyânasûtra, Japanese Muryôju-kyô), the Small Amitabha Sutra (Sukhâvatîvyûhonâma-mahâyânasûtra, Japanese Amida-kyô) and the so-called Meditation Sutra (Amitâyurdhyâna-sûtra, Japanese Kanmuryôju- kyo) Heilsweg: Vertrauen in den helfenden Beistand des transzendenten Buddha Amitabha (Amida); Entlastung vom Karma durch den helfenden Beistand heilswirksamer Bodhisattvas; Wiedergeburt in an intermediate paradise (Sukhavati); Become a bodhisattva yourself. ​ Saddharmapundarika (Lotus School) Origin: 3rd century AD in India. Today's distribution: China; Japan Main sources: Saddharmapundarikasutra (Lotus Sutra). Way of Salvation: Worship of the Lotus Sutra, realization of one's Buddha-nature through the practice of Daimoku. VAJRAYANA (Esoteric Buddhism/Tantrayana/Mantrayana) Main representative:His Holiness the Dalai Lama Origin: originated in India from the 3rd century, there are similarities to Indian Tantrism In Tibet: Padmasambhava (8th c.); in Japan: Kobo Daishi Today's distribution: Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan, Mongolia, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Ladakh, China, Korea, Japan, Western world. Main sources: Tantra literature. Way of salvation: Redemption through experience of the universal identity and opening up the Absolute within oneself using secret psychoactive techniques. ​ Siddhartha Gautama Buddha

  • HeilerSteine | Maren's Kunst

    Here's something else... Planet Earth - by Robert Revo TEXT

  • Durch den Kreis eines Jahres... | Maren's Kunst

    "Through the Circle of a Year, Until All Times" is the second book from my history: "From animals, people, plants and EVERYTHING that grows, learns and thrives" ​ Things continue to be exciting for Hermes, Marie, Rose and many others. A year full of challenges, new encounters and explorations takes its course and at the winter solstice everyone gets their measure full of life, abundance and tasks, As a reminder, here is the last episode again en from: "H ERR DOG and THE GIRL", recognizes Mr. Hund's abilities and his knowledge of the healing power of plants in the rose. She gives him the name HERMES in his honor, the name of the initiate and father of the Hermetic teaching Hermes Trismegistus. So he is finally no longer nameless and a recognized member of the community. The overturned hump The following days were simply wonderful. Mrs. Sun once again swung her golden hair vigorously over the land to give the apples and berries the final sweet touch and to say goodbye to all those who loved her during the cold days and hoped to see them again soon miss. So the time had come when sie sent their plant protégés, who had worked diligently all year, back to the sheltering bosom of the earth, for the next year again slept well, sprouting out of it fresh and lively and doing their work for the benefit of all. Herr Hund, Lilly, Schnuggel and Schroeder were in unity dozing, light entertainment and here and there, one is amazed, playing and hunting in an unprecedented unity. Marie plowed blackberries and rose apples and pears. Suddenly there was a little scream from the orchard. Everyone jumped up and ran toward the scream. Rose was sitting in the grass, the hump she had been standing on to reach the top branches of the trees was tipped over beside her. Schnuggel and Schröder hugged the injured Rose lovingly, Lilly licked the leg that Rose kept clasping and moaning in pain, and Marie ran into the house to get the emergency kit. ​ Mr. Dog, meanwhile, checked the situation in a concentrated and calm manner, saw the leg, scanned the exact location of the injury, looked into Rose's eyes and ran. Everyone present looked at him in amazement, especially Lilly, who growled angrily: "What an impertinence! Bad time to go to visit his girlfriends.” In no time Mr. Dog was back, covered in dirt from head to toe and powerroot stuck in his snout, carefully placing the plant, which had been dug up and rooted, on Rose's injured leg. He sat down in front of Rose, looked deep into her eyes and telepathed: "You have to take the root. Rub it on your ankle and you'll soon have a good leg again." Rose could hardly believe her eyes: "That's not possible." At that moment, Marie also reached the scene of the accident and knelt down to comfort Rose and to hand her the things that were needed from the box. Rose took the plant from her leg and looked at her and Mr Dog alternately. "Yes, exactly, my dear! Comfrey, I would have taken that now too. My goodness, thank you!” and started laughing out loud. Everyone was irritated except Mr. Hund, who was happy. Rose scooted over to Mr Dog, took his front paws, lifted them up and placed him in a levade like a proud horse does. “HERMES, you are an initiate, knower and healer. That's what you should be called! The name does you justice.” Mr. Dog – now Hermes was bursting with pride and joy, stood on two legs without holding Rose, let out a strong howl (the agrimony would have turned green with envy) and Mrs. Sun beamed at Hermes, Rose, Marie , Lilly, Schnuggel, Schröder, Power Wurz, the upset hump and the orchard with a full strand of hair kept for special moments. ​ ​ ​ ​ "Through the circle of a year until all times" ​ The Episodes ​ Marie is happy about a nice alternative to Christmas About Rose Merry Christmas Marie's unmistakable "Exercises in Silence" Of witch hazels that can shoot A fateful day OR how life weaves its way Of a night that was even darker than her undisputed nature You know what... ? Erzulie and mama Mambo you take what you want to use Find the right wrong words or Wrong right words.. From the burden of the torch that illuminates the darkness Everything the same again... "Love Much Stronger Than Voodoo" Bitter pills ​ ​ Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episde 8 Episode 9 Rhythmic drumbeats and a strange song woke Marie from a short, dreamless, but deep sleep. The drum struck both high and low tones, not loud but so intense that they vibrated through the walls of Marie's little room. She put her hands over her face and felt the slight dull ache in her head. But her body was awake and that usual tingling that called for action forced her to get up. She was curious as always and wanted to know what was going on. Rose prepares a dish that smells delicious as always in the kitchen and Jacob trims the fruit trees in the garden. "Marie, are you up again? The drums must have woken you up. I can ask Jacob if you can stay at his place. You'll have a little more peace there." "No, no, I'm fine. I fell asleep. What's nice? I'm really hungry.” Marie murmured, sniffed the stove and leaned lovingly on Rose, who was standing at the sideboard covered with bottles, containers and herbal bags and was preparing a medicine. “Nettle spinach with tomato and yam. Mama Mambo brought the yams. You will definitely taste good. Herb and cinnamon bread and a huge cheesecake with chocolate dots are still in the oven. Mama loves sweets very much and so do you, Mariechen." "Hmm, how delicious. Rose you tell me everything. I'm a little confused you know. You leave in the middle of the night and then you come back with a voodoo priestess. I've never seen you so troubled as you were last night." Rose took Marie's hand and walked her to the table. She sat down, pulled Marie onto the chair next to her and took both of her hands. "I have to apologize to you. It wasn't easy for me to leave you here with this poor guy. I wasn't even sure if he would make it through the night and putting you through that still haunts me. But I had to act. It was clear after his suicide attempt and the ordeal in the forest that he was in bad shape. The body had to deal with so much poison and his soul with the situation. But at some point I had a very strong feeling that there was something else behind it. I perceived things that I had once seen and felt during an exorcism on my teaching trip to Africa. There were unspeakable things presenting themselves within him and around him that were cold and cruel in nature and suddenly Mama Mambo appeared in my mind's eye and smiled at me. And I had the strong feeling that I had no time to lose. Please forgive me but I had to trust you with this responsibility. And I wasn't wrong about you. You got him through the night.” Rose gently stroked Marie's forehead and her eyes were full of pride, love and tears. "Good work, my Marie!" She quickly turned to the stove. “So and now help me set the table. We are four today.” Shimmering vortices in the air and a strong step announced Mama Mambo's appearance in the kitchen. "Yummy, yummy Mama Rose! What beautiful things did you conjure up there again?” Jacob was also nasally hypnotized by the scent that came from the kitchen and stood in the kitchen door, beaming with joy. Despite all the circumstances, it was a cheerful meal. The whole kitchen was filled with Mama Mambo's joy and rustic cheerfulness. Marie had to put up with a few well-intentioned but strong cheek pinches and slowly got used to the strange and strong vibrations that Mama Mambo was so redistributing. The main meal was plastered and everyone was looking forward to the warm cheesecake. "Marie, now you tell Erzulie what happened last night." Marie obeyed and fetched the piece of paper from her room with the times of the patient's sleep and cramp phases. Rose and Mama Mambo were amazed. "That's good and helps us a lot. Now tell everything.” Marie talked about the course of the cramps and how they became a little shorter towards morning. That she had washed and anointed him, as Rose had shown her, and that she had sung all night, partly because she was afraid. Mama Mambo listened. "What were you singing?" "Oh, I mostly just hummed to myself or sang "At the fountain in front of the gate", "Joy, beautiful spark of the gods" and the healing mantra Om mani padme hum." Rose and Mama Mambo shared a knowing smile. "Have healing voice little birdie." Mama Mambo Marie considered along with a nose pinch. Rose wanted to know if the man was awake, what he was doing and if he had said anything. In the meantime, she had found out from a hospital card that she found in his jacket that his name was Darius Schön, that he was a doctor and worked in the psychiatric clinic of the Charitas Hospital in Hamburg. Concentrated, Marie narrowed her eyes to remember exactly and told. "Yes, he woke up four times and he fantasized in his sleep. He spoke in different languages. One of them sounded like English only very wasted. Then he spoke Spanish, Arabic and a language I had never heard before. He fantasized and said how glad he was that we finally found each other and that we made a promise at Stonehaven that we would find each other again and love each other forever." Marie blushed a little at this point and would love to have this episode not told. But her sense of duty would not allow her to be left out. Maybe it could be relevant. She continued: "It's in Scotland. I checked tonight. He must be mistaking me for someone. That was probably the delirium.” Again, Rose and Mama Mambo exchanged knowing looks. Mama Mambo summed it up: “Now Mama Mambo understands. Two things got into him. Curse and Marie. I saw it but couldn't place it. You are wife of husband.” "What am I? No, Mama Mambo! I don't even know the man and I've never been to Scotland. I just found him in the woods. So actually Hermes found him. I swear I've never seen the man before." "Not here, but earlier. Be connected by red ribbon. be a soul Now Mama can see Mambo. So much fog around him. you saved him Mama Mambo does the rest. Evil magic, dirty work!” Mama Mambo spat contemptuously on the floor. "Wasn't a Bocor, otherwise a man would be dead. But he was someone who got bad advice. Is someone who knows him well. Is a woman but still someone in the background. Found another spell. Old Love Spells. Didn't work because man has strong will and character. Woman wants him badly, wants power over him. Is obsession. Has a bad head. But it's hard to find. Has good camouflage. Is respected, has position and power over others. Has many weak beings in her power. Are weak and dependent.” "But if he's so strong-willed, why did he try to kill himself?" Marie legitimately wanted to know. "Part of dirty work. If you don't want to bloody fingers yourself, let people do it themselves. Say yes, very bad magic. Even strong beings are sometimes weak. Then magic can work. Erzulie is already doing that and Mama Mambo is now looking forward to cake. And later Mama Mambo Marie cleans up. Got some dirt because soul mate enchants. I see in your aura. Bitch wants to kill you too. Is jealous. It's not that bad. Erzulie likes Marie and helps.” Marie dropped the fork with the cheesecake she had picked up. She gaped at Rose for help. "Don't worry Marie and don't be afraid. Because fears are what give such magic power. I see these dark energies around you too, but the spell is fading. Please trust Marie and believe in your strength more than ever.” Marie felt in and around her and yes, now she noticed it too. The slight pain in her upper arm was encased in something dark. She visualized it like claws grabbing at her. And then that dull ache in my temples. She saw something similar to suction cups importing and exporting at the same time. Through the small kitchen window she could see a piece of heaven and gaze deeply into infinity, as she always did when she didn't understand. And infinity looked back at little Marie, who sat confused at a kitchen table in a small house by the big pond, and inspired her with deep trust and a small piece of understanding of what Rose called the all and whole, which boundlessly with itself nothingness and a complete emptiness. 'Yes', thought Marie: 'everything is really there. I'm beginning to understand. And what I experience always contains everything, both one and the other, tests me and always gives me the choice to decide and learn from it.' "No I am not afraid. How am I supposed to understand something if I haven't experienced it myself?”, she said more to herself but still loudly into the kitchen, took a piece of cake and went out the kitchen door. It was only just before the sun ended its grandiose spectacle here and moved on to an audience on the other side of the world that it came in through the very same kitchen door. Rose looked at her and paused for a moment. She looked at the door frame and Marie who was standing under it and said with a smile: "Marie, I think you've grown." ​ ​ ​ You take what you want to use ​ ​ Two unforgettable days and nights moved into the natural coolness of the Nordic country. Heated and ecstatic drumbeats and chants, fires that burned day and night and ancient rituals born of the scorching heat of the African sun and the spirit of a distant culture filled the place. Everyone seemed to be listening intently and curiously. Long conversations and exchanges of ideas satisfied Marie's endless curiosity. The strange smells of herbs and elixirs when Mama cooked or cured Mambo were instructive challenges to her senses. However, what exactly happened behind the door of the hospital room remained Mama Mambo's secret. She told only as much as ethics as a priestess of voodoo permitted. The knowledge about the rituals was not described in any book, it was passed on from generation to generation. Marie particularly liked the completely undogmatic views, which also allowed mixing deities and rituals from other cultures with those of voodoo. Loa Erzulie, for example, was written like the Mother of God in Christianity. In this way, the subjugated and enslaved Africans had the opportunity to continue to worship their deities during Christianization and to live their cult, albeit limited. The Christian conquerors simply could not do anything about it when the Africans worshiped Mother Mary as Erzulie personified. 'Actually a clever move', thought Marie and continued to listen to Mama Mambo's stories. Mama Mambo mostly worked with Loa Erzulie, who she let go to heal and pass on divinations to those seeking advice. Here, too, Marie experienced that possession, as it was despised and feared in the culture of western peoples, punished as a blasphemous act or diagnosed as an illness, can also be seen as a useful tool in a positive perspective. And that this was the case could be seen from the rapid improvement in the patient's condition. Although Marie did not attend the actual healing ceremonies, on the second day of the treatment she saw him walking in the garden with Mama Mambo and Rose or sitting on a bench. However, she herself avoided him and tried to avoid him. A strange feeling came over her every time she watched him, and Mama Mambo's conclusions about their incarnate relationship unsettled her. She really didn't think so. She took with her from Mama Mambo's reports and tales what she could represent for herself with her own point of view, just as she did with Rose's tales about the rough nights. And she didn't want to do it at all! Certainly most women her age were already engaged, married and had children. For her, this topic was never so much in the foreground. She had enough to do with herself or had been more concerned with surviving her respective life situations in the past. Yes, she had the odd romantic daydream in which she imagined being loved by someone. She also imagined what this man would be like now, how he looked and what kind of life he would have, which she then shared with him at the end of this daydream. One thing was clear to her, a damn suicide who was also a doctor and, if that wasn't enough, a shrink, none of these ideas came even remotely close. On the one hand, she had absolutely no desire to fear for the life of a suicidal husband and, on the other hand, she didn't like doctors. She had also had bad and very painful experiences with this guild in the past, the consequences of which she still suffered from and one of these “white gods” had even put her life in danger with his work. For her there was no doubt at all. Mama Mambo must have been wrong or was trying to set her up with her client in some rather strange way. Maybe it was her way, because it was pretty clear from what Mama Mambo had told her that she was pretty casual about love affairs. Ecstatic unions, sex and physicality peppered the stories of their life and culture. Mama Mambo said something and Marie blushed or bit her fingernails in embarrassment, which made Mama Mambo ecstatic and encouraged her to go into more detail about certain things. She teased Marie with certain innuendos about her "pointy breasts" and perky bottom. Laughing, she offered Marie a love spell to remind the man lying in the sickbed even more of her and to strengthen the already existing bond. Then it was time... Marie started bubbling like a witch's cauldron and one of the ingredients in the cauldron was obviously done and this ingredient was called anger. With a vocal power she had never tried before, she hissed at Mama Mambo and rose at the same time. "Now I've had enough! I don't know the man, I don't want to meet him, and I don't want a goddamn love spell either! If at some point someone should fall in love with me, they should kindly do so on their own. And I don't want to hear any more of that crap from now on. No offense Mama Mambo, but this is just taking me too far. I don't believe that and I won't let you or any spell from any distant culture persuade me to believe that. And stop grinning so mischievously, Rose! You're both getting on my nerves, you lascivious old witches!” This was followed by an angry scream, a stomping on the floor and the slamming of the room door. ​ ​ ​ Find the right wrong words or The wrong right words... ​ ​ ​ Mama Mambo was gone. Your work was done. Little by little, her pulsating energy left the molecules of everyone and everything, which she had charged to the brim, and made her way leisurely home to her master. Marie gave this pulsation to the garden, swept away old leaves and plucked the beds here and there. She was still angry and preferred to work alone. "Hello, Marie" she heard a clear, deep and very masculine voice from a considerable distance but strangely enough close by. She paused, leaned on her broom, and turned to greet them. "Hello, you seem to be up. How are you doing?" "Better." The man coughed in embarrassment and his nervous look revealed that he was searching for the right words. "I haven't had the chance to introduce myself yet. My name is Darius.” "Pleasant," Marie replied a little more harshly than planned. "Well, you already know my name." "Yes, you told me the other night." Marie was startled. "Can you remember that night? It seemed to me that they were, well, in completely different spheres.” Darius didn't answer right away. He seemed to be thinking. He did so, among other things about whether he should continue to address her in the first and very special way, or how Marie should use the formal Sie form of address. He decided to stick with you. "I don't remember much. I only saw you every now and then and heard you tell me your name." "It's better that way." Marie continued sweeping. "I wanted to thank you. Rose told me a few things and said that you found me and that you took good care of me." "Don't thank me. Thank you Hermes!" growled Marie, because again the foaming ingredient Wut was simmering in her stomach and reported: "I'm done!" other spice and distributed its aroma, because Marie felt her eyes fill with tears. Of course, she didn't want to reveal this to her counterpart at all costs, turned around and swung the broom. "Marie, I've noticed that you're avoiding me and I can tell from your reaction that this incident is, shall we say, very distressing to you. I assume that you have suffered a post-traumatic stress disorder, which you are now trying to compensate for by rejecting me as a person. If you want, we can talk about it.” Frozen into a pillar, Marie stood in the position of the moment with her broom raised. The tears in her eyes froze to ice in a matter of seconds. The rigidity broke in a flash, she threw down the broom, turned around and was very close to Darius in no time at all, who had obviously recovered very quickly and wanted to resume his work as a psychiatrist. She was now eye to eye with him and between them stood Marie's outstretched index finger with an imaginary extended and razor-sharp claw at the tip. It almost touched Darius' nose, but only almost. "I'm Marie and not her patient and I don't have postdingsda abandonment trauma. What do they think of anyway? I ripped my ass off and as you can see my skin too, to find her out there in the woods and keep her alive. I just lost my precious herb book there because of her. That was my most precious possession and it was sacred to me. I strongly recommend that you consult a colleague so that you don't end up lying around half dead again soon, instead of accusing me of a disturbance or something else." “I said post-traumatic stress disorder, not trauma induced by abandonment. Interesting! Maybe something is speaking from your subconscious?” "You're a stupid ass!" Index finger and invisible claw were retracted, Marie took a step back, looked at Doctor Darius Schön with an all or nothing saying look from top to bottom and then walked away. "I recommend iodine for the injured skin," Darius called after Marie, who was leaving. "Yarrow, that's where the yarrow helps. As a doctor, you should know that.” And away was the herbal witch student Marie Gabe. Rose tended and watered the young plants in the garden shed, which were soon grown enough to be planted in the ground. Without regret, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation, smiling and humming softly to herself. She tried to focus on the sprout to control her mischievous thoughts and a giggle that was already in her throat. Darius heard her humming and paid her a visit. "Hello Rose! Oh these are beautiful plants and so many.” He cleared his throat and tried to make an impression of being “in charge”. "Yes, so Marie is..." here he paused briefly and thought about suitable words. Rose noticed that, of course, and quickly helped him out of trouble. "I know Darius. She's lovely.” The below-the-throat shackled giggle finally defeated its suppressor and burst out of her blatantly. "Yes, exactly." Darius admitted and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. ​ ​ ​ From the burden of the torch that illuminates the darkness ​ ​ Marie tossed and turned in bed and beat her pillow. In another part of the house, Rose, Jacob and Darius were comfortably sitting at dinner. Until late at night they talked about experiences and the latest scientific findings on the one hand and on the one hand on traditional and traditional methods from the healing arts. Rose was enthusiastic about new techniques and procedures in medicine and Darius, on the other hand, was very open-minded and interested in old healing methods. However, he was particularly impressed by Rose's profound knowledge of the healing powers of plants and assured her that she would definitely try one or the other. He envisioned the future and saw the opportunity to offer his patients an alternative with Rose's support. He was only too aware that many of the medications he gave them helped, but also had many side effects that the patients then had to suffer from as well. He pondered the possibility of combining both chemical preparations and natural remedies derived from plants, or even substituting one or the other medicine with herbal preparations. But suddenly he went quiet, his forehead creased and he looked worried. "Are you all right, Darius?" Jacob asked, placing his wine glass on the table and leaning towards Darius in a friendly manner. "Oh it's all good. I just had a little trouble at work. There were a few inconsistencies that I noticed. I got into an argument with the chief doctor about this. He's actually a friend of mine and gave me the opportunity for this position as senior physician. Basically, I'm too young for this. But he trusted me and supported me from the start like a kind of mentor.” "Can or do you want to talk about your worries?" Rose joined the conversation, noticing something strange around Darius. She lit the candles Mama Mambo had left for her to clean the house and also put some herbs in the warmer on the fireplace. "Oh, I do not know. Maybe it's nothing. I've lost a few patient files and noticed that some patients suddenly had their medication switched or their doses changed. This is also the case with some of my patients, although I am of the opinion that the medication I prescribed corresponded to the clinical picture much better and had a more targeted effect on the symptoms. The day before I left here, my boss came with the missing files and said he accidentally put them in his files. Looking through it, I found that data sheets were missing and entries I had made had been altered. It was about the length of stays, the course of illness and my prescriptions and doses of medication. I confronted him and he sent me on vacation and said I was overworked. I can not explain it. Maybe he was right, but I know what I ordered and documented and can remember one or the other patient exactly. And something else is strange. With such severe clinical pictures, it is actually normal for the patients to come back, sometimes after a longer and sometimes a shorter time. But lately some patients come back relatively soon after discharge and mostly with a much more pronounced symptomatology than in the past. Well I don't want to paint the devil on the wall. Maybe or very likely, otherwise I wouldn't have ended up with you under these circumstances, I'm really overextended and overworked, but as far as my memory is concerned, I'm very sure of myself. I have a special memory about certain things.” "Is there anyone else you told about these inconsistencies?" Rose now wanted to know. “Yes, I spoke to my colleague about one or the other. I've known her since I was a specialist, we've been working together for a number of years and I trust her. I asked her how her patients were coping with the new medication and whether she had noticed any abnormalities. I didn't want to involve her in more. You must know she is very devoted to me if you understand. I try not to let too much personal familiarity flow into our work processes. She paid me a visit once. But I can't answer that. I mean that I have no feelings for her. We spoke about it at the time and she accepts that.” "And what did she answer you? Have you noticed similar things?” Rose asked further and tried to make sense of Darius' stories. "She said she hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary, didn't know anything and thought the new drugs were acceptable. However, she assured me that she would pay attention to this in the future and give me feedback if necessary.” It was now beginning to dawn on Rose. However, this lightening twilight caused her great concern regarding the darkness that had brought Darius here. She left the conversation for some fresh air. Deep in thought and drawing conclusions from Darius' report, she took a cigarette from the small box on the dresser and went out into the garden. Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the star-studded sky and thought. How should she explain to Darius the danger she suspected he was in? Apparently, his boss and friend was well paid by a drug manufacturer for the administration of his drugs. His colleague was obviously obsessively in love with him and seemed to stop at nothing to either have him or destroy him. As for Rose, it's quite obvious that Mama Mambo was a lot more than right about the term "sick head" and she was probably dealing with a psychopathic personality. Rose also had the suspicion that Darius' colleague knew very well about the fraudulent machinations of her superiors, perhaps was involved in order to collect money for her silence. The fact that Darius was on to the whole thing could be the reason for her efforts to get rid of him using black magic and would be an explanation for these powerful and destructive practices that she had used or had used on him. She recalled Mama Mambo's words: "Woman really wants him, wants power over him. Has a bad head. But it's hard to find. Has good camouflage. Has many weak beings in her power. Are weak and dependent.” Darius mostly didn't even notice Mama Mambo's actions. He was either asleep or fantasizing. He smiled at the symbols painted with vegetable paint on his body, but was open and polite in conversations with Mama Mambo. How could a scientist be expected to believe that energetic influence had made him so ill, a curse weakened him and he was doomed to die. He had to make a sacred promise to Mama Mambo to listen to her, contrary to his scientifically influenced attitude, and to always wear the sacred amulets she gave him around his neck. Rose was hopeful and guessed Darius would wear the amulets out of respect and gratitude so as not to hurt Mama Mambo. This noblesse and politeness would perhaps save him from the worst in this case. Should Rose bother Darius with her suspicions, or spare him, hoping that he found the truth himself and was strong enough to accept it? At the moment she simply couldn't assess whether she should interfere in the course of events and whether she should interfere with Darius' fulfillment of his inner tasks and bring about a conflict. Rose decided to go within that night and discuss this with her spirits. She looked at the starry sky and thought lovingly of two wonderful beings. Because with everything that Mama Mambo had prophesied about Darius and Marie's fate, they definitely had one thing in common, this kind and loving innocence. ​ ​ ​ Everything the same again... ​ ​ The next day everything was back to normal. Darius was gone and Marie was hoping for the familiar habit. She was tired of the excitement, strangeness and drama of the last few days and wished for the peaceful and contemplative everyday life that she and Rose had lived here before. Rose was exhausted too and you could see that the last few days had taken their toll on her. Not much was said. Rose sewed herbal bags and spent half the day in the herbal chamber. Marie couldn't motivate herself to do anything and played with the puppies. She didn't even want to take her usual walks with Hermes. She hardly left the house, let alone the property. The outside world seemed uninviting to her at the moment and she had no desire for it, as was her habit before all events, to rediscover it every day. On the one hand she was afraid of renewed excitement and on the other hand she mourned the loss of her beloved herb book. She had searched the entire area around Darius' location several times. But the book was gone and will probably be gone forever. Sure, there were other books, and hers wasn't a one-off either. She mourned the beautiful moment when Rose presented it to her. She mourned the joy and pride that this presentation brought her. She felt so honored and special then, like inducting Rose into the herbalist's guild. A few days passed like that, quiet and contemplative, as she wished, but everything was different anyway. What made Marie happy was that Jacob stopped by more often now and Rose also visited him almost every day. Rose always declared that she only wanted to bring him bread or cake or anything else that she felt she had made too much of, but Marie felt it and was glad that there might be something else behind it. "Good morning, Doctor Schön. How was your vacation?” the porter greeted. "Good morning, thank you very much" Darius greeted politely. As he passed through the gate, he breathed a sigh of relief. The familiar surroundings of his job promised him a certain security. The past few days have been too turbulent and again and again shreds of memories of the ordeal in the forest, wild nightmares, Marie's wide eyes, drums and Mama Mambo's chants, overwhelmed his mind and senses. The day he left the witches' house and returned to Hamburg, he felt relieved and looking forward to his life. It was difficult for him to believe that the last few days really filled the pages of his life book and were not memories of a movie or a strange book. He couldn't understand how the mood that drove him into the forest came about. Sure, the last few years have not been happy ones. Both in his private life and in his work, where he was constantly faced with the task of having to assert himself against older and more experienced colleagues and to prove his authority. This often cost him precious energy and time, which he would rather devote to his patients, but did that make him unstable and suicidal? When he got off the train in Hamburg, the strange events at a safe distance, he paused for a moment on the bustling platform. People rushed in all directions, bumped into him and sought their destination. Darius looked up at the station's huge vault and for a moment wasn't sure if the vault was protecting or imprisoning him. The feeling of "finally being home again" just didn't want to come up. In spite of all the many people who darted back and forth here, he suddenly felt infinitely lonely and empty. He went home, opened the door to his apartment and found nothing here but silence and solitude. There was still a half-full bottle of whiskey on the shelf in the kitchen. He took the bottle, filled a glass and drank it down. The feeling of loneliness and an unclassifiable fear finally retreated behind a fog. He leaned against the hard and cold leather arm of his sofa and tried to relax. The following nights were merciless and gave him no sleep. He tossed and turned. Every time he was on the verge of sleep, the memories would catch up with him and call out loud. "Look!" But now he opened the door to his office and was sure that his patients and the unfinished work would distract him and that the everyday routine of a hospital day not only guaranteed his patients a certain stability, but also him. But his office, his desk, the bookshelves, the sink and everything else suddenly seemed strange to him. He couldn't explain it, but for a moment he could have sworn he had never set foot in this room. The door opened without anyone knocking and Karola, his colleague, stood in the frame. She seemed surprised and looked at Darius, who was reading the letters, in amazement. She said quickly. "Darius, you're here." Darius looked at her calmly and something inside him told him that she didn't seem to have expected his return. "Yes I am. Such a holiday seems to come to an end faster than it should, not only for the holiday maker. You didn't seem to have expected me. Karola, I'd like you to knock first." "Oh sure. You weren't there for a week, so I didn't need to knock beforehand”, she answered quickly with a very tense smile. "What did you want in my absence in my office?" Darius wanted to know. "Just a file. And now tell me. How were the days off?” Karola tried to steer the conversation in a different direction and fell into the chair in front of Darius' desk. A very secure feeling in Darius caused him to tell the complete opposite of what had really happened and he felt the urge to touch his amulet. "Wonderful, really beautiful. I was visiting a friend in the country, a former classmate. Lots of fresh air, walks, yes, that felt really good.” Darius smiled and leaned back relaxed in his chair. His amulet slipped out of his shirt collar and something suddenly seemed very strange to Karola. "What have you got there?" Karola asked and her gaze promised something strangely irritated. "Oh an amulet. It was given to me.” Darius answered and quickly remembered Rose's last words. It almost seemed as if she were standing in front of him, the memory was so close. "Darius, if anyone notices your amulet, you're welcome to wear it visibly, be careful. Whoever it is and no matter how well you know them, don't trust them and don't let anyone touch them. I can't tell you more. You have to find the answers yourself." This is the echo of the imaginary rose. Karola mesmerized the engraved mark on the amulet and leaned over to Darius and held out her hand. "Can I see? That's really pretty. Who gave it to you?” Karola craved an answer and a touch. "No, don't touch me, please! I had to promise. And as we all know, promises are kept. Not that the curse of voodoo will hit me," Darius joked playfully and skilfully and observed the reaction of his trusted colleague very closely. She slowly pulled her arm back without taking her eyes off the amulet, gave a fake laugh and stood up. "Oh, it's almost nine o'clock. The service meeting. I have to do something first. See you soon.” Karola said goodbye and closed the door behind her. Up close again, but this time right in his head he heard Rose's voice: "Well done!" Darius picked up the phone, dialed the number that was on a small piece of paper in his wallet and waited for the dial tone. The other end was answered and a loud "Hello", booming knocking and a surge of fluttering energy reached Darius' ear and amulet, which immediately caused a tingling sensation on his skin. "Hello Mama Mambo, this is Darius. i need to talk to them When are you free for me?” ​ ​ ​ "Love Much Stronger Than Voodoo" ​ ​ Marie was in the garden planting seedlings exactly according to Rose's instructions when Rose called her from the kitchen. She stopped what she was doing and went to meet Rose, who was walking quickly towards her. They met at the little wooden bench under the apple tree where they had had so many long conversations. Here Marie Rose had confessed that she could not read or write properly and Marie had so often listened to Rose lovingly told stories and legends. "A package has arrived for you". Rose handed Marie the thick envelope and they both sat down. "For me? Who is sending me packages? I don't know anyone at all?” On the package was only her name and address written in beautiful handwriting. Curious, she opened the packaging tape and scratched the heavy paper with her fingernail. When she finally opened it and saw what was inside, a little scream came out of her. "My herb book!" she exclaimed loudly. The book seemed to have done a lot. The cover was faded and curled around the edges, and some pages were curled and slightly yellowed. But that didn't matter. Life is experience and it is well known that it also leaves traces and scars. Marie found a small letter stuck between the pages and excitedly opened it: Dear Marie, on the way from your house to the village one of my shoelaces got loose solved. As I bent down I noticed something in the embankment, your book. It says your name and you told me you lost it. Unfortunately I didn't have time to return to you. I was in a hurry to get around to catch my train. The book was very wet and looked battered. I have it page by page let dry and cleaned a bit. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless to get back. I really hope and wish that you will be able to get over the bad experiences to process and forget my person. I wish you all the best and say hello to you darius Marie gave Rose the letter to read, bit her lower lip and watched the passing clouds. "That's very nice of Darius." Rose spoke softly and followed Marie's gaze. "Yes, it's very nice. Look Rose, that cloud up there that looks like a rabbit. Where do you think she is tonight, and who will see her and find that she looks like a hare?" "Marie, you've been very quiet these past few days. Don't you want to share your thoughts with me?” Rose asked, putting her hand in Marie's lap. "I don't know Rose. Something has changed. I feel like I want to do something. But I don't know what it is. My thoughts go in circles and always end up in the same place. I just do not get any further. Something is inside me and wants to get out, wants to go. But I just can't find the right key to open the door for him. It's like pressure and it hurts but I can't do anything about it because I can't locate it. It's alien to me and I can't see it even though it's inside me. Sometimes it's so strong and it hurts me.” Marie bowed her head and a tear smeared Darius' signature. "Maybe it's time for you to go Marie. Sometimes a hike and other impressions break the circle in which one turns and from which one seems unable to find a way out. I know the feeling of stagnating and standing still. When I had such moments in my life, I tried to gather all my courage and just left these worn and trampled places. It's just a step Marie." Marie let her tears flow freely. "Yes, I also have the feeling that I want to go but then again I don't. you are my home rose I have no one else in this world. The time here with you was the best in my life so far. I've never experienced so much good. I only became a real person because of you and I am alive. Before that I was just surviving. I just don't know what I want right now. But one thing I know, I never want to lose you." Rose hugged the heap of misfortune next to her tightly. "You won't either. Whatever you do, wherever you are, I will always be with you. You only have to think of me and I'll be there. You know this works. And you don't have to go forever either. If you want, take a trip, short or long. Go today and come back tomorrow or in 10 years. This is always your home and as long as I live I will be there for you and beyond that probably too. I'll have a few thoughts. I know one or the other that you could stay with and from whom you might learn something other than what I can teach you. And of course you think too. Maybe you get an idea of where you are drawn to right now" "Yes is good. Until we figure something out, I'll try to earn some money for the trip somewhere.” Marie sniffled. "Oh, don't worry about it. I've got some savings, and by the way, you've got some money, too.” Marie frowned in disbelief. "I? Where should I get money from?” Darius left a letter under the doormat with a check for a not inconsiderable amount. It said that he was very grateful for his rescue and care and that he wanted to show his gratitude for it. I sent the check to Mama Mambo and it came back today in the mail with this note. Today is your lucky day, Marie!" Rose reached into the pocket of her cardigan and gave Marie a small note. “Not my wages, but Marie's. I just did a little cleaning and saw good friends. Love much stronger than voodoo!” ​ Marie is happy about one nice alternative to Christmas On the morning of the winter solstice, Rose prepared a fire bowl in the medicinal plant garden and decorated it with fine herbs and candles. She hung ribbons, apples, sunflower blossoms and small bags of herbs from the branches of the trees. On the one hand for jewelry, on the other hand to offer hungry birds and ghosts something to eat. In the kitchen, humming softly, she prepared a delicious, cinnamon-scented dough. Marie came into the kitchen, took a cup of tea, sat down at the table and watched her with a smile. "Are you getting all that ready for Christmas?" she asked Rose. "Darling, I don't celebrate Christmas. I hope you're not disappointed. I celebrate the rough nights. Have you heard of that?” Marie said no, a little relieved that Rose, like her, didn't seem to be a Christmas fan. It wasn't such a good time for them most of the time. None of the Christmas celebrations she had experienced remained pleasant in her memory. Most of the time she was alone or with people who didn't give her a sense of security, and these people's eager attempts to suppress their feelings and mutual dislikes while trying to make everything shine and shine on the outside only stressed and confused her. "No, I've never heard of those nights. Please, tell me something about it”, she replied, visibly relieved. Rose sat down with Marie at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and told them about the long tradition of rough nights and the longest night of the year, the winter solstice. That at the end of this night and with the rising sun the light triumphs over the darkness, the days get longer again and a new light year begins. And that night was today! Her ritual that night is to light a fire ignite and those written on paper Events and things they like to dismiss would like to surrender to the fire and around Protection and blessings for the coming year to ask. She would also like special herbs the sage, mugwort and rosemary help which they use to cleanse and clarify the events additionally smoke. And today be exactly that night! Then there would be delicious bread on a stick and a punch. The power of the light can then still be up on December 24th, the first rough night, strengthen. Namely, that night they open have the gates to the other world and the spirits for twelve nights out. They ride up blustery breezes through the air, and "People" do well to pause, to themselves keep yourself and the house clean because dirt Put on dirt and clean just pure. And so the manifold spirits sought each other just the quality that best suits them. Only when the listening twilight knocked on the small kitchen window and reminded Rose to kindle the fire did Rose interrupt herself, who, with shining eyes and her charming joke, talked about ghosts like Odin and Mother Holle and about the chance to look out for the to influence the fortunes of the coming year. She jumped up from her chair and called out: "Come on Marie, let's make a fire and take a piece of paper and a pen with you!" Marie was enthusiastic, found one or the other a little creepy, but saw the rough nights as a nice alternative to Christmas frustration. ​ ​ ​ About Rose ​ The fire crackled softly into the freezing cold night and from time to time gave her a little warm spark to keep her warm. Marie reflected and, as she was told, wrote down everything that she would like to say goodbye to peacefully this year and does not want to take with her into the next year, experiences and encounters that had bothered her, her own fears, thoughts and patterns in her behavior that she likes wants to redeem. Dick wrapped up in a blanket she wrote and wrote, remembered and remembered. Some she wrote with a trembling hand and some with tears in her eyes. But she noticed that just by writing them down, the thoughts and images moved away from her a little and stopped bothering her and taking her breath away. "Punch?" Rose asked, holding out a fragrant and steaming cup to Marie. Marie looked up and smiled gratefully at Rose for hitting the pause button on her memory projector. "I need more slips of paper," she laughed and took the handed cup. "Your writing is going well, dear. Are you happy about it? You did it all by yourself. To you, Marie". Rose raised her cup and held it out to Marie to toast. "No, to you Rose. Thank you for saving me and for letting me be with you.” "Well then to us and to life," Rose Marie sang happily. "Look Marie, you only know your story up to my garden gate. On the other side of the gate there is also a story, mine. You say Hermes brought you here, maybe not just to save you, but me too. I've been doing what I do for a very long time. A serious illness brought me to the plants and stones and to this beautiful place. The doctors gave up on me at the time and so did everyone else. I myself had no more hope and my situation forced me to my knees and pushed me to the ground. And there on the ground, in the dusty asphalt, I suddenly saw it, a tiny little daisy, sticking its head through a crack in the asphalt. I thought I was going insane when I suddenly heard a small, bright voice proudly calling out to me: “Ha, I did it. I made it Hello there, can you see me? Yay, I finally made it.” Yes, I saw it and I don't know how long I knelt and cried in front of this little flower, stroked its delicate white leaves and shared my joy and congratulations. People walked by and some laughed at me, mocked me: "The old woman is gaga, completely crazy" and things like that. And suddenly I saw things differently, or let's say I finally noticed them. I looked up, the sun was shining, a warm breeze caressed my face, birds were singing, the air was pulsing like a heartbeat. Everything pulsated and vibrated, the leaves on the trees, the grass on the meadow, bursting with life and love. 'I can do that too', I thought to myself and so this tiny little flower was my healing and from there I got involved with the plants, got to know them and traveled around to learn from women who knew their healing powers well. One thing led to another. I learned about ancient traditions, astronomy, the healing stones and mysticism. My spirit was so hungry and I finally understood why I got so sick. He starved in my earlier life, where I cared about what other people thought of me and I only because of my position and my environment, which only shone with money and expensive things and houses and constantly wanted to outdo each other. I became so free and healthy with every new plant I discovered and with every good line I left. At some point people started asking me for advice and since then I've been helping those who come to me as best I can with advice and action. That's one part of my work, the other might still be difficult for you to understand, Marie. But there is a balance to be kept in this world and for that there is a network of initiates, knowers and healers around the globe. Some of them are people with a high level of understanding and access to the spiritual world. That requires a great deal of responsibility and most of the time these people have a very difficult path to walk. This is the so-called purification and a test of their consciousness. So I finally understood my way. However, times are very difficult and the zeitgeist is hostile to life and many of us have fallen through wars. The last year was a very difficult one for me and many others and I began to have doubts, lost confidence due to all the bad things around me and in this world. You know Marie, I have tried to help so many people and at one point I was out of strength and there was no one to help me and I had locked myself into the network whose key is infinite trust. I locked all doors, visible and invisible. Schnuggel and Schröder became more or less self-sufficient and hunted mice. I just managed to get Lilly something to eat and stock up on enough wine and cognac for myself. Then the day came when I couldn't do it anymore either and I asked Josef to take Lilly with him for a few days and told him I wanted to "travel". Rose looked deep into Marie's eyes and said, "Yes, I wanted to 'go away' and then there was a bark at my garden gate, Marie." Marie put the cup in the snow, knelt in front of Rose, hugged her and wrapped her blanket in addition, like a dove that protects her little ones under her little wings and pressed herself tightly to her. With all the care, the mutual respect, Rose and Marie had never hugged. Marie had too much respect and felt that Rose wouldn't like it or that she might not like it. But now she couldn't help it and lo and behold, Rose was happy to let it happen. Marie looked Rose in the eye and said, "Now I understand. Now I know what you meant when you gave Hermes his name and told him he was an initiate. He saved us both. This is amazing. So they do exist, these spirits and this network that you spoke of, that are not just people, but also animals and plants and what else do I know.” Marie told Rose about the voice she heard as they came out of the clearing and she was so terrified and desperate because she didn't know where to go, forward or back. "Yes my dear, that's how it is and most of us only experience it in great need and it's your decision whether to trust it or not. You always have a choice and in the course of life you always get the chance if you have made a different decision. We are all human and everyone comes at a very weak moment and is unable to have even a tiny bit of hope and then there are others, no matter what shape, green, two or four legged, a flicker of the candle . If we just let it, we'll never be alone and without help, Marie. If I had sent you both away then, what would have happened? In any case, the two of us wouldn't be sitting here in the snow on a freezing cold night, I wouldn't have cold feet and you wouldn't have an icicle on your nose. Man, is that cold. Come on love let's move a little and then we'll redeem the past in fire. They both got up and Rose added a few more logs to fuel the fire. Marie jumped and rubbed to thaw herself. Then she was hit by the first snowball thrown treacherously, cowardly from behind. She cried out briefly, the bullet was still hanging on her shoulder. Slowly she turned and looked the attacker deep in the eyes, without taking her eyes off the target, she grabbed the missile on her shoulder and fired it back with lightning speed. The battle was on and not only warmed up the two opponents but also made a lot of fun... ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Lovely handing out Christmas Presents ​ Nervous and worried, Hermes paced up and down in the room in front of the door to the herbal chamber. Marie wanted to stay with him, but was by now a bundle of nerves due to his restless pattering and heard the clicking of his paws on the floorboards even without her being in the room. Thoughts and images raced between Hermes' ears and he tried to piece together how it all happened. The day Hermes saved Rose and gave him his name changed everything. Schnuggel thanked him in front of Lilly and Schröder with one, "No offense Hermes. You're a good one!”, which meant that his position in the house had now changed and he was finally no longer the one tolerated but a full member of the community. Schroeder showed him respect by letting him go first when they went into the house. Well and Lilly... Lilly was actually the same as always. Only occasionally did she amaze Hermes by teasing him, mimicking him and his endearing absent-mindedness and occasional clumsiness, teasing him but also making him laugh. Sometimes even stupid things developed into subtle and profound conversations. Hermes was enchanted by Lilly's charming and clever spirit. She inspired his thoughts and gave him a mental boost here and there. His feelings for her changed. He wasn't just in love with her. He was enchanted in love. They went for a walk together at the pond and sniffed together through little adventures, some of which they staged themselves, or some that actually happened. After one of those adventures, chasing a cunning little shrew who seemed to be taunting them, yelling at them from one direction and then another: “You can't get me. Here I am and already I'm gone again”, they rested together on the bank of the pond. Lilly snorted exhaustedly, but smiled at the same time: "Ah, I have to rest for a moment. Such a cheeky bitch. But it was fun. You almost got her over there on the corner.” "Yes, but just because you circled her, she almost jumped in my muzzle." Both smiled... "Would you like me to lick your paws?" Hermes offered magnanimously. "No, no, that's fine, thanks. But if you could nibble my neck a bit? That would be nice. That always relaxes me a lot.”. Gentleman Hermes positioned himself supple and gallant on Lilly's back and very carefully began to massage Lilly's neck with sharp teeth. Soft and supple, he slowly worked his way through her soft fur, down to her soft skin, finding something no one had ever found before, namely Lilly's "good spot". If this were a cinematic work and nothing, black and white, the camera would now pan gently in some other direction, into the vastness of nature, for example, or into a beautiful sunset... So, and now Hermes, whose nerves one could have played the violin on, was pacing up and down the room, thinking. Lilly has been strange the past few days. Asked him, if politely enough, to leave her alone and just said, "It's almost time. I feel that." "WHAT is up? Lilly talk to me. Are you angry with me. Did I do something wrong?" "No, everything's fine." Lilly puffed and went to her newly furnished quarters in the herbal chamber, from which she had already promptly complimented Hermes twice with a venomous growl. Finally the door opened and Rose, the only one who allowed Lilly access, came out of the little room with shining eyes and a beaming smile and called out happily to Hermes: "Happy birthday my dear, what a sweet gift!" Hermes didn't quite understand and tilted his head a little to the side to be able to think better and looked at the closed door to the herb chamber. Marie was excited too, knelt down next to the confused Hermes, petted his smoking head and questioned Rose. Both ran ecstatically around the little room and drank one witch's water after the other." So there are three. Oh how nice and is Lilly doing well. Oh, I want to see her so much. But yes, I know Rose. Let's leave Lilly alone for a while and recover." Hermes stood in front of the two happy and lightly tipped women and tried to understand. "Ah, three then. Understand. No, I don't, but Lilly is fine. That's the main thing.' Hermes woofed to interrupt the squeaking and chattering of the ladies. "Could someone please enlighten me. Hello, helloho, I'm down here." Rose leaned down and cuddled Hermes and Marie kissed him on the nose and the chatter continued. 'Women, they're all slowly but surely killing me! Well, you can't get anything out of them. I have to get out of here. Maybe I'll find Schnuggel. It's a cat, but at least a male,' Hermes mumbled to himself and went into the garden. Hermes was lucky or not. He found Schnuggel in the garden shed. "Snuggle, nice to see you. Finally a normal here. Tell me, do you know what's up with Lilly? I haven't seen her for two days and before that she was very dismissive and didn't want to talk to me. And the ladies in there are acting very oddly. Do you know what's going on here?" Snuggle abruptly stopped grooming his paws and claws and stared at Hermes with open mouth and huge eyes. "Boy, you didn't really ask me that, did you? That can only be a joke.“, Schnuggel wondered, amazed. "Why?" Hermes asked, close to despair. "What's going on here? Nobody tells me anything." Snuggle stood up, grinned shamelessly at Hermes, began to chuckle, to giggle and then his constancy, which actually never left him, left him. He stood on the planting platform, spluttered, pointed at Hermes with his sharp claw and started laughing out loud. "You idiot, that can't be true. Do you know what's going on with Lilly, he asks me. I just don't believe that.” He alternately slapped his paws on the wood he was sitting on or hid his eyes behind them and finally started spinning in circles, catching his cock in delight. Hermes stood speechless and with his mouth open in front of the crazy cat. Carefully and slowly he started walking backwards and silently moving as best he could in the direction of the exit. He didn't want to upset the cat any more. 'Apparently they've all just gone mad here. Must be the weather. Just keep calm. I'll find out what's going on here.' Rose and Marie had finally left the room to prepare for their ceremony. Hermes crept to the door of the herbal room. He had already studied the mechanism of doorknobs extensively. It couldn't be that difficult. So he stood on his hind legs and tried to push down the latch with his front paws. It took a little but lo and behold, after two or three attempts, it clicked and the door opened. He quietly crept through the narrow gap and tried to get used to the darkness in the room so as not to bump into anything. It smelled beguilingly of herbs and plants. Slowly he found his way between the shelves, jars and chests, but there was no sign of Lilly. He plucked up courage, even at the risk of being kicked out again, and called her. "Huhu, Lilly, are you there? I'm sorry, I wanted to see you and I want to know how you are. Don't be angry, but the others don't tell me anything and I'm worried." "Hello Hermes, I'm over here under the table," Lilly replied quietly. "Can I come to you? I really just want to know if you're okay.” Hermes whispered hopefully to Lilly. "Yes, come on." Lilly welcomed him. Hermes padded around the room uncertainly. He didn't know his way around here very well. Then he finally saw his love. With her back to him, she lay on her side and didn't move. His heart was beating in his ears and he ran towards Lilly without paying attention to obstacles or trip hazards. "Oh Lilly, what about you? Can I help you... What, what's that?” Hermes focused his eyes and saw three tiny figures nipping at Lilly, cheerful and cheerful. "These are boys. Where did you get that from?” he shouted at her impetuously, confused and stunned. A question he would be ashamed of for the rest of his life every time Lilly teased him about it. Lilly turned her head to the side and smiled lovingly into his wide eyes. At the same moment, behind Hermes' forehead, the memory film of the last two months unwound at breakneck speed. When the film ended abruptly on the day of the shrew hunt, his knees started shaking, his paws went numb and he fell over... ​ ​ ​ ​ Marie's unmistakable "Exercises in Silence" ​ “Stop” was heard in the supposedly quiet room. With this stop, Rose interrupted Marie's thoughts that had become too loud. "Damn," Marie scolded herself, close to frustration, with a limp leg but a very alert and talkative little head. Her joy at the "beautiful" alternative to Christmas was almost gone and at that moment she would rather be somewhere alone in a dreary little room, with candlelight and sad thoughts. Just like some of her Christmases passed with hope for the next day when she could at least distract herself with work. “Breathe deeply, breathe in and breathe out. Focus on your breathing swing, on and off.” "Ok," Marie gasped, completely tense and seemingly powerless against the incredible flood of thoughts that were racing through her head. 'Where are all these thoughts coming from? Old, new or from somewhere else. A storm was raging in Marie's poor head. No, you could say a hurricane. That can not be that hard.' Now she understood why Rose said to her. "You probably can't do that yet. I don't want to persuade or force you. Rarely has something good and lasting emerged under pressure and coercion. We're not diamonds. These are its conditions to grow, prosper and shine. It's 12 days and you're untrained. I don't want you to have to give up in between and then get angry at yourself. But I appreciate your effort and interest.” Marie knew Rose a little now and somehow she had the impression that Rose wanted to test or challenge her with these words and answered confidently and unaware of what was to come: "Yes, Rose, I would like to do these ceremonies with you and learn from you.” And now she was sitting cross-legged, muscles sore from last night's 108 prostrations and again unable to concentrate on her belly button “breathing swing” and her head full of thoughts that she seemed to be also mocked. ​ Marie: 'What is that? What makes me breathe?' Marie's ego: 'Well me, what a stupid question.' Marie: 'No, not you. You're just my ego, Rose said.' Marie's ego: 'I'm bored. I want to do something different now. What's the point of sitting here and breathing. Pure waste of time.' Marie stayed brave, concentrating on her breathing swing: 'What is that? I don't know it.' Marie's ego: 'What is what?' Marie: 'What makes me breathe?' Marie's ego: 'It's me and if you do it again want to ask who sowed your seed, it was your parents. I want to get up now, my leg does hurt and I'm hungry.' "Shut up," Marie snapped at her ego, of course she did it loudly into the room and got a fright terrible about it. She squinted, embarrassed over to Rose. "Excuse me!". Rose was now out of her immersion in the space returned, struck the little gong and smiled Marie understanding. "Marie, you are very brave. Look, you're doing this already the third day and i have to say i am really amazed and proud of you. Have patience. It's really not a Zen Master from heaven yet fallen as far as I know. It takes a while and it requires regular practice, into stillness and emptiness to find. I was then in the monastery of the I told you, sat there just like you and would have liked to run away screaming. the senses mastering and letting the mind flow is not an exercise that is learned quickly and especially not in this day and age when the click of the clock hand is given more importance than the heartbeat and breath that make life and our physical enable work. You're doing great and now come on let's eat something before your ego bitches again. After all, it has already tried very hard today to exercise moderation. Then you have to praise and reward them. It's not that easy at the moment," she added with a smile and, as always, bowed towards the window, towards the day, the light, the world and creation. ​ From witch hazel who can shoot The days were getting lighter again and the light noticeably stole a tiny bit of time from the darkness on each new day. The snow that enveloped the land and the trees in their gentle sleep slowly pulled away its soft blanket to let what lay beneath it be gently tickled awake by the returning light and to awaken curiosity and a fresh drive for something new annual work. Excited, Marie stormed into the kitchen with an almost squeaky voice, where Rose conjured up one of her delicious dishes and bought bread and cake at the same time. "Rose, something is blooming! There, there is a bush blooming, bright yellow and there is still snow on the branches. I've seen it myself. That's impossible. It's only February." Excited, wide-eyed and holding her broomstick, Marie looked at Rose, waiting for an explanation or the promise of a miracle. Rose had to laugh. The sight of Marie was just too funny. "Marie, you're just lovely when you discover something new and it makes you so lovable. Watching you experience and experience everything like a miracle is really wonderful. And now, little witch, put the broom in the corner, otherwise it will fly away with you. I'm starting to consider that you could do it with your energy. The pots are shaking here.” "Yes, but it's true. A bush full of strange flowers that look like hair or threads and they smell wonderful.” "The witch hazel has awakened, Marie. It's the witch hazel. A representative of what they call Winter Task Force.” "Witch Hazel? Winter Special Forces? Please explain that to me. Can she conjure up the witch hazel?” "You know her already. But only in the form of my tinctures, oils and your special cream that helps you with the little pimples. Another name is witch hazel.” "Is that the witch hazel? That's wonderful and how beautiful," exclaimed Marie, full of delight. "Come on Rose, let's watch it together and tell me everything about him or her. Actually, I like witch hazel better because of the name. And what do you mean by winter special forces? Come Rose!" Rose, knowing she wasn't going to get away from it, patiently put the pot off the fire and put on her garden boots, smirking to herself and thinking, 'Yes, yes, nature is rushing into spring and so is Marie. Stravinsky's muse for his “Le Sacre du Printemps” was probably one of those Mariechens.' As Rose, as commissioned, in the garden on Witch Hazel appeared, waited Marie there already impatient, however Shape, color and scent of studying wondrous florets, upon them. "You prepare the tinctures and the ointments from the blossoms to rose?” "No, I'll use the fine twigs for that and the leaves. I prepare from the flowers a healing water with the distillery too. I am in love the scent also very much and use then use it as refreshing water.” "Oh, that's great. please do me too such a water? The scent is simply wonderful." "No, I won't!" Rose replied with a played serious mine and entangled poor. Marie responded promptly and apologized yourself immediately. "I know Rose. you have im a lot of work right now. It's not that important." "But it's so important! You want it and you shall have it but I would suggest you go it alone.” With her mouth open and her eyes sparkling, Marie stuttered, "I'm supposed to do that. Alone. With your sacred still?” Rose just winked and nodded. Marie hopped unchecked towards her, hugged her passionately and both almost faltered. "Thank you very much! Oh I'm so excited I promise you I'm very careful. I've seen you so many times." ​ Rose talked about the healing powers, origins and botanical characteristics of witch hazel and the plants that she described as a winter specialty, such as mistletoe, coltsfoot, ivy, winterlings or daisies, which either bear fruit in winter and thrive grow or stretch out their flower heads even in very cold and dark times. Rose ended with a little story. "And something else makes the witch hazel very special, Marie. Imagine she can shoot. "I used to sit over there in the summer and read a book." Rose pointed to a patch of grass near the fruit trees. "That's quite a bit away from the magic bush. Now and then I heard a strange cracking noise, similar to a small bang. I was surprised and couldn't place it, but I didn't investigate the matter. The book was too exciting. Suddenly something hit me on the forehead and hit the pages of the open book. I picked it up and recognized two seeds. Then another bullet hit me. I looked up and, as if drawn from there, looked straight at the magic shrub and heard a small giggle coming from there. So I went over to ask why I was being shot at. Arriving at the bush, I heard a happy little voice. "Have a look! Bang!” At the same moment one of the fruits opened and just two seeds flew meters over the lawn. The plants like to show what they can do and especially to those who love and appreciate them. Just as the little bush proudly presented its first blossoms to you today, to your delight. Just like a little magic. And now come on, let's build the still together. You can do the rest all by yourself.” ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ A fateful day or How life weaves its way Spring was here! Everywhere it lolled and stretched. The soil broke open and fresh shoots and leaves fought their way through the darkness to the warming light. The warm air flickered and the first brimstone butterflies danced in gentle breezes. Marie also flickered and could hardly be stopped in her eagerness to admire and explore the freshly awakened nature. She often roamed through the forest and across the fragrant meadows after sunrise. Hermes accompanied her most of the time and was very happy to do so. His new fatherly duties, which he had unexpectedly imposed on him, had simply overwhelmed him at first and frightened him. He just didn't know what to do with these little things. A bit stumbling but always trying, he grew into his role as a father and Lilly helped him with loving advice when he didn't know what to do and was about to lose his nerve. Day by day, he earned more prestige and respect from his offspring, and was even admired by one of the three mini whirlwinds, who either delighted (all except Snuggles) or angered (Snuggles) the entire household. Herzchen, who owed his name to a heart-shaped pattern on his forehead, admired his father greatly and did everything he could to do as he did. Hermes was very proud of that. Although he would sometimes prefer to get rid of his little shadow, which followed him everywhere, he endured sweetheart's attachment patiently and with a lot of love in his heart. That's another reason why the early walks with Marie were particularly valuable to him. Here he could just be Hermes, do things for himself and dwell on his thoughts and memories of the past. For example, the memory of how he woke up from his faint after discovering his “Christmas present”. Lilly tried in vain to wake him up by calling softly. She couldn't do more, she was nursing the young and couldn't move. He jumped up in panic and howled at Lilly like crazy: "What are we supposed to do now?" Lilly lay there relaxed and tried to calm him down with her tender voice. "Being parents. We should do that. You don't have to do anything. The little ones just want something from me. But you could help me. I want to stretch my legs for a moment. Can you lie down here for a moment and watch?” "Yes, of course Lilly, but what should I do?" he panted nervously. "Nothing at all! Just lie here and warm her up a bit.” Lilly instructed gently. "Okay," he replied, completely insecure, and lay down on the blanket next to the boys. Lilly got up and stretched her slightly stiff legs. "Oh, that feels good!" As soon as Lilly's warming body and food source had disappeared, the little ones became restless and squeaked softly. However, using their natural protective instincts, they quickly discovered the heat reservoir provided nearby, namely him - Papa Hermes. The little things immediately took the chance and crawled over to him. "Lilly, help! Come back. They come to me and one of them tries to bite me.” Nothing from Lilly. She was already gone. He panted in panic and gasped. 'Keep calm old boy. You can do that. They're much smaller. Oh my goodness if I break one. Lilly is killing me. Lie still and don't move.', he howled excitedly to himself. So he remained, petrified like a sphinx, impatiently awaiting Lilly's return. Meanwhile the boys had made themselves comfortable in his soft fur. They also stopped fisting after they had unsuccessfully searched him for a source of flowing milk and slowly fell asleep. And he too slowly calmed down and his muscles relaxed. His fear of doing something wrong subsided. He felt the three small, warm bodies that had snuggled deep into his fur and noticed that it wasn't all that bad. He slowly turned his head and looked at the, more specifically his, sleeping boys. A strange feeling tingled and throbbed in the area of his heart and a deep warmth flowed through him and just like the day he was named his soul gave birth to him a deep pride and a feeling of wanting to embrace the world and he smiled a loving light on his boys and Lilly returning at this moment. Yes, that's how it was back then on that exciting day. Marie sat in the grass with her herb book, a shrine which Rose presented to her on January 6th at the end of the Rauhnächte as a gift and in recognition of her perseverance during the ceremonies, studying a blue-flowered sapling which she recognized as the prize of honor when she coming from afar, Hermes noticed a very excited barking. She looked up worriedly. He seemed to be looking for her and there was something very serious about his shouting. As if unseen forces were rushing her to her feet, she jumped up and called Hermes to tell him her position. She saw him rushing out of the woods over an embankment, dropped everything and ran to meet him. She even left her sacred herbal book in the care of the honorary prize. Something was wrong. Waves of danger and need rushed into her belly, urging her to hurry. Hermes saw her rushing towards him, stopped where he was standing, turned excitedly and barked nervously. A sign to hurry up. When Marie reached him, he ran back into the woods, turning around again and again to signal her to follow him quickly. Marie ran back and forth through the thicket, after the excited Hermes. When she finally got to the other end of a nearly impenetrable wall of holly and sapling fir trees, utterly scratched, she saw Hermes leaping and yelping on a seemingly lifeless body. He licked and punched the unresisting human beneath him and turned to Marie with concern. There was no time to lose. Marie shook the man lying in front of her and tried to find his pulse and breathing. She lifted his torso and tapped his lungs and heart. Marie finally made out a tiny movement and a weak pulse. "Hermes! Get Rose! Hurry up!” she shouted into Hermes' eyes with full confidence in his understanding and Hermes ran. "Hey, wake up! What happened?” Marie was desperate, but tried to stay calm and hoped that Rose would appear soon. She repeatedly patted the man's face, back, chest and arms, trying to wake him up. There! Suddenly she heard a low groan and increased her efforts. "You, wake up! I'm with them!” She opened his eyelids and called into the wide open pupils. "Man, come back! Come to me. I'm here!" Finally! A little blink. "Oh, thank God!" Marie cried out relieved and she dragged the unconscious man to the nearby birch tree, sat him upright on her trunk and held him so that he didn't fall over. Suddenly the man's eyes opened and he looked directly into Marie's water-blue iris and into the infinite width of her pupils, smiled and greeted Marie politely with a quiet and weak "Good morning!" and immediately fainted again. "Yes, good morning to you too!" Marie greeted back and spoke to herself because her counterpart could no longer hear her. "Yes, why not? Lying around here half dead in the forest, but greet politely. Apparently there must be so much time. Again, that can only happen to me." Finally she heard hurrying footsteps and rustling in the background. Hermes was back and with him came Rose. Rose practiced examining the man and examining the immediate area. Where Hermes and Marie found the man, they discovered two bottles of Whysky and an empty glass that said "Veronol". She ran back and slapped him hard in the face. He woke up again. With an uncanny speed and force that Marie found inexplicable, Rose grabbed the man, yanked him to his knees, tangled her left hand in his hair, jerked his head up, and put two fingers of her right hand in his mouth. She yelled at him and at Marie too. "Shout Marie, kick him, bite him. He mustn't go back to sleep.” Marie did as she was told and hit the already limp body, which she felt sorry for in her heart, but the need was great. He finally threw up profusely, but Rose persisted, sticking her fingers in his mouth over and over again, forcing him to drink water and repeating the somewhat brutal procedure of making him vomit again. It was already afternoon when Rose's look, her facial expressions and her actions showed that the greatest danger was over. She sank exhausted into the grass and laid the poor creature's head protectively in her lap. Marie would have liked to do something for Rose, but she too was completely exhausted and sat back to back with Rose. At least that way they could support each other. Rose gratefully dropped her head on Marie's shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief. "I think we've made it for now, Marie. Rest a little and then run to Jacob and ask him to come and help us. I can no longer carry it home.” “I'll do it!” panted Marie, “I'll start right away. Just a couple of minutes." Rose groped backwards for Marie's hand, found it and squeezed it tightly. "You did well, Marie! I'm so proud of you. There really is a healer in you.” Of a night that was even darker as their undisputed essence Rose and Marie kept vigil by the bedside of the unfortunate. Rose was worried and watched the man's violent spasms at irregular intervals. Every time they suddenly visited him, the bed started to vibrate with him. The whole room seemed spellbound as if in a maelstrom. He bucked, trembled and groaned, and then fell into a cationic rigidity. Rose kept saying, "There's something wrong." She anointed the poor man with oils of lavender, St. John's wort, and other herbs, and washed his sweaty body with herbal waters. "What do you mean by that, Rose? What's wrong.“, asked Marie. "Watch him, watch the room! How do you feel when he has these fits?” Rose Marie asked. Marie investigated, thought. "I'm very worried then. I've never seen anything like this and I don't know what to do." "What are you feeling?" Rose remained hairy. "I always get very cold and I have a strange pressure and a strong stabbing pain in my stomach. I get goosebumps and it scares me.” Marie described her intuition. "If it happens again, observe what you perceive before, during, and after. Write it down!” Rose instructed the worried-looking Marie. And suddenly there was that strange coldness in the room again. Marie felt a kind of draft on her skin, the way you feel it when someone walks very close to you. The room was drenched in night around midnight, but suddenly it seemed to grow even darker. The candle began to flicker and as if by an invisible breath, it went out. At the same moment, the man's uncontrollable spasms began. He writhed, trembled, made terrible noises and groaned. When he calmed down again, Rose left the room with the words. "Do everything as usual. I have to think." Some time later she came back into the room wearing a coat and boots. "I have to ask someone for advice, Marie. It's urgent!" "Rose, please don't go! I don't even know what to do if he's feeling so bad again." Marie pleaded. Rose looked deep into Marie's fearful eyes and worried face. She lovingly caressed Marie's head and gave her, which she had never done before, a tender kiss on the forehead. "You can do it! Do everything you do here with all the strength of your heart. Cover the poor thing with your love. He needs her more than anything. I can't do more for him at the moment. I know you can do it! I will hurry. But I won't be here before noon tomorrow. I'm going to see Jacob now. He has to drive me into town. It is another journey.” With these words, with terrible worry and tears in her eyes, she left Marie alone with the convulsing and screaming man and hurried out into the night. Hermes wanted to go with her but Rose asked him to take care of Marie and the house. The night was clear and the air, steeped in spring with new life and awakening, refreshed and cleared Rose's confused thoughts. 'Voodoo, black voodoo, this must be it. No damn it is. I have experienced these vibrations before, back in Nigeria. It felt the same and it was a similar presence. I have to question Erzulie.' Rose had deliberately not told Marie about her suspicion. She didn't want to upset her any more. She said a few protective prayers and healing mantras for the two beings, which she had to leave unprotected in her house. Tears filled her eyes at the thought of the danger she was exposing Marie to. She paused, wanting to go back. “No, her heart is pure and full of love. Nothing will happen to her. She's only afraid of the responsibility and not of what actually threatens her and that's a good thing! I have to get help.” she spoke resolutely into the night. She felt that she was not alone. Something followed her and wasn't at all amused that Rose thwarted its plans and gave a "surefire thing" an unexpected turn. Rose paused again and felt that cold presence trying to get hold of her from far away and summon her. Rose breathed deeply, smiled and thought with purposeful concentration towards this presence: 'Well, I seem to be on the right track.' Not only did she seem to be thinking fast but also walking fast, because in the distance the night lantern and the smoking chimney of Jacob's house could be seen. You know what... Marie sat on the edge of the bed, cooling the forehead of the feverish man and humming softly to herself. She felt the hum calmed him down during his last fit. He seemed to sense it somehow and his spasms subsided faster than the previous times. Actually, she had only started to hum and sing softly because she was completely overwhelmed with the situation and didn't want to start crying. 'Strange,' she thought. 'Now he seems to be sleeping so peacefully and then he flares up like he's possessed by a demon.' Marie watched his face, softly outlined against his sweat-soaked black hair in the candlelight. It was a beautiful face, perfectly symmetrical with charismatic masculine contours. However, the eyebrows, the slight curve of the cheekbones, his slender lips, which ended in an expressive chin with a small hollow in the middle, drew soft lines in this clear male face. Marie straightened his pillow, touching his hair. It was very fine and yet formed a strong and luxuriant tuft. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt an irresistible urge to smell it and very carefully bent over the sleeping man. She sniffed her hair and thought she caught a familiar scent. A smell she liked and she tried to remember where she knew it from. She slowly got up again. "Finally," the man whispered and smiled into the soul of Marie, who rose from his hair and was slightly startled. "Finally you're there. I've been looking for you everywhere and I missed you so much. Finally I see you again.“, the man whispered with bated breath. "What do you mean? You must have dreamed. We do not even know eachother. My name is Marie." "Hello Marie. Remember back then in Stonehaven? We promised each other that we would always love each other and that we would find each other again. And now we've found each other.” He breathed with apparently all his strength. Marie was confused: "No, really we don't know each other. You must be mistaking me.” But the man no longer spoke to her. He got restless again, turned his head and started talking in another language. This time it was a kind of English with a heavy accent. That night Marie had already heard Arabic, Spanish and a foreign language that she couldn't place. She anointed his arms and chest with the herbal oil and recited the OM MANI PADME HUM mantra she had learned from Rose in the ceremonies during the Rough Nights. She just couldn't do more, which drove her almost crazy. However, a protection and healing mantra could not hurt in any case. So the night passed into a gray and foggy morning with far too long hours. Marie was dead tired and punished herself with reproaches because she had already fallen asleep twice. She quietly slipped out of the room to brew herself some strong coffee and tend to the dogs and cats. Marie warmed her stiff and cold fingers on the gas burner and put the kettle on. She decided to walk up and down the garden a little to breathe some strength into herself in the freshness of the morning. That felt good, but when the kettle began to whistle softly, she hurried into the kitchen. She didn't want to wake up the sleeping man at any cost. Between the spasms and hallucinations, his sleep had become sacred to her, because she, too, could only relax again when he fell into him. Everything in between was pure mental torture and cruelty for the delicate Marie. She hated seeing him suffer like that. Although the intervals between his fits finally lengthened toward morning, every minute she watched his sleep she feared his awakening. She poured herself some coffee, quickly ate a piece of dry bread and hurried back to the sickroom. The man slept very peacefully and so Marie tried to relax in the comfortable armchair that was her sentry post, thinking about Rose and hoping that she would come back soon. Erzulie and Mama Mambo Marie woke up with a gentle shaking of her shoulders and before she opened her eyes she recognized the good rose from her bright and warming aura. Startled and guilty, she jerked to her feet. "Oh no, I fell asleep" and looked over at the hospital bed with a sorrowful look. Rose put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's all good, Marie. Thanks for keeping watch here. You must be very tired and should sleep now. But before that, I want to introduce you to someone else. Come into the kitchen with me.” Coming out of the kitchen, Marie felt a strange commotion, a loud and sonorous voice and from time to time a trembling laugh. Marie was now used to something softer from Rose and these vibrations, which were very present in the house, intimidated her a little. So she walked slowly behind Rose, seeking protection, but was still curious as to what awaited her in the kitchen. "Oh no, what a lovely thing. So you are little Hexe Marie. Rose, oh god she's cute! Come here Marie, come into Mama Mambo's arms!" Mama Mambo thundered towards the intimidated Marie, who was still hiding behind Rose. But no chance, Mama Mambo didn't wait until Marie came to her in her arms, but came over herself and buried Marie in her lush breasts and under her strong arms. "Oh, such a pure heart. You can hear the angels singing.” She took Marie's confused little head in her hands, which was high time for Marie due to the acute lack of air, spoke strange words in a foreign language and blessed Marie. Still gasping for air, Marie thanked Mambo politely and also greeted the laughing Jacob, who seemed to have enjoyed the scene. "So, tell Marie. how was night Mama Mambo telling exactly what happened to man. But first Erzulie goes to see if he's still alive." Rose and Mama Mambo left the kitchen. Marie looked questioningly at Jacob and snorted. "Who, who is that?" Marie asked Jacob, who was still smiling. “This is Mama Mambo or Erzulie. She is a very experienced voodoo priestess. She is from Haiti.” Marie felt it thunder through her intestines and almost hysterically, her eyes wide open, she just managed to say "Voodooooo... what's that about???!!!". Jacob stayed calm, sat down at the table and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Come, sit down with me Marie. You don't know much about voodoo, do you?" Marie sat down next to Jacob, looking for help. "It's black magic, isn't it?" Jacob put an arm around Marie protectively. "No, that is not true. You probably only know such horror stories of dolls and needles, curses, blood and dead chickens. That's not the truth about voodoo. This culture is believed to be over 12,000 years old and lived by the Yorubas, an African tribe who served the ancient pharaohs of Egypt. These people left Egypt and migrated as far south as Southwest Africa to what is now Benin and Nigeria. The Yoruba worshiped nature and Voodoo is actually nothing more than an ancient African culture, religion and healing art. Mambos, as Mama Mambo calls herself, are priestesses who understand the art of healing. An essential part of this healing art is also the trance work. Mama Mambo works in trances with Erzulie, a goddess or as they are called in voodoo Loa. She drives into them and helps Mama Mambo to recognize and heal diseases. But they work with herbs and subtle energies just like Rose and you. I'm sure Rose and Mama Mambo can tell you a lot more about that later." "Yes, but that's not true at all with the dolls and curses. Is that similar to how people in this country are afraid of witches?” “But Marie, there is always the other side of white. A very special and responsible part of the work of Mambos is the exorcism and curing of the inscribed people. You must know that there are also priests who work black magic. As far as I know they are called Bocor. Traditionally, they are usually united in secret societies and such a black magic curse is actually only discussed in the union and hits criminals, rapists, murderers and thieves. It's a very responsible decision. Because what harms one can be healing for others and vice versa. It may be difficult for us in Western cultures to understand something like this, although the atrocities committed in our cultures were and are no less brutal. Think of Jesus alone. We resist Satan and let him do it through our actions. That's not much better either. In voodoo, as in all cultures, there are also black sheep who practice black magic and emit curses. They usually get paid well for this kind of work, and that's definitely not in the spirit of voodoo. And then of course there are also simply evil characters who do such things out of hate, envy, jealousy or resentment and usually with a good portion of stupidity and naivety. But you know how it is Marie. Something like this always comes back to you quickly and, as is well known, the seed is always smaller than the result. But first, have a coffee with me. Mama Mambo will surely tell you everything. Just keep an open mind and don't be afraid. I'm sure you can learn a lot from her”, Jacob said and a confused little Marie sank into the back of her chair a little more calmly and completely exhausted. Episode 10 Episode 11 12 13 14 15 Bitter pills Darius sat at the bedside of a patient he already knew well. Herr Herrmann had often been his patient. He used to be a doctor, too, and when he wasn't claiming that the entire staff, the ward, actually the entire clinic was under his control and insulted Darius as a "greenhorn", he really liked talking to him. "Herrkatze" as he was affectionately called by the nursing staff, had a lot to tell in lucid moments. According to Hermanchen, medicine used to be much better off. It was simply about people and less about money and profitability. You could still be proud of your job and you weren't a medically trained accountant like most of today's colleagues. He also had a lot of knowledge about medicinal plants and told Darius about spectacular life-saving measures with very simple means in the war and post-war period. You had nothing there. He, that is Darius, had no idea about that anyway. He was probably born wearing rubber gloves, Herrmann suspected. A nurse came in to bring Herr Herrmann the midday medicine. "Oh, the doctor is here, so he can give you the medication," she whispered and hurried to close the door from the outside. Understandably so, because Mr. Male was not at all interested in taking his medication and it was always a tedious task to convince him to do so. Darius took the pot with the medication and Herr Herrmann's hand. The old doctor just about put up with that from a doctor. After all, Doctor Schön had a bit of an idea. During the conversation, Darius noticed that Mr. Herrmann was trembling. In previous stays, when excited, he certainly had a slight tremor, but this tremor was constant and recent. So Darius held Herrmann's hand with one hand and a glass of water with the other. Five pills lay in his trembling hand. Darius knew one thing for sure. He had prescribed only four. “Wait a minute Mr. Herrmann, I think something is wrong. I'll check that once and be right back." Darius took the pills from his trembling hand and went to the nurses with them. "Sabine, would you please show me Herr Herrmann's medication plan?" "Yes, of couse. Why is something wrong?” Sister Sabine asked. "It's one too many and I want to check that out," Darius replied gruffly. Sabine dutifully and at the same time guiltily took Mr. Herrmann's file out of the tab. Darius found the documentation of the medication prescribed with his signature, but something had been added to the last line of the table, Oxacytan, 3 times a day, 100 mg. "What's that?" Darius wanted to know. "I have no idea, you must know that?" Sabine answered nervously. "I want to see the complete list of medications my patients have been given in the last 4 weeks, today!" Darius ordered and angrily left the medication room. "Yeah, that's fine, I'll finish it." Sabine called after him, confused. Darius came back in a rage and asked for the pack of the suspect drug Oxacytan. Sabine handed him a white blank box with a sticker that only gave the name and the 100 mg specification of the drug. Nothing was found about the drug in question, neither in the DAB nor in other lists. Then an idea came to him. The argument with his boss before his vacation was triggered by two newly introduced drugs from Morck Pharma & Chemical. He picked up the phone and dialed the number for the company representative from his business card case. He was lucky the other end picked up, just imagine a lady by the name of Gruber, Mr. Felix Todewald was on the business card. Ms. Gruber introduced herself in detail and explained that she had recently taken over Mr. Todewald's duties because he had left the company very suddenly. Darius tried to gain Ms. Gruber's trust in small talk and mentioned the word oxacytan between long working hours and his favorite meal. Ms. Gruber was suddenly in a hurry and had to go to an appointment. "No, she doesn't know the drug." He called colleagues and various institutions, but no one knew about Oxacytan. Then there was a knock on his door and Sabine came in with the requested medication plans. Darius couldn't believe his eyes. Six of his twelve patients had the drug on their schedule in different doses. Without exception, exactly these six patients had severe clinical pictures with pronounced symptoms without a clear state of consciousness, psychoses and schizophrenia. Darius opened the window. He thought he was suffocating in this room, he would have liked to run out. But there was another knock on his door. "Wait a minute!" he called to the knocker, hurried to the sink, opened the cold water tap and washed his face and sweaty neck. He went to the door and opened it. His boss, who seemed to be in a good mood, stood in front of him and smiled at him. "What are you doing in there. do you meditate?” Darius looked him seriously in the eyes: "No. I made a phone call. Please come in." "It's good that you're back Darius. Working with patients is no longer for me. I'm just too old for this fool's theater. But hopefully I represented you sufficiently during the visits. you look good boy You seem to have recovered well. I wanted to clarify a few things with you. Do you have time for me?" "Yes, I have time for you and I would also like to clarify a few things with you. First of all, what is Oxacytan?” Darius threw the fake pack at him. Professor Graetzler took the package in his hand and looked nervously for suitable words to explain. "Oh nothing more. Just a little study. You don't need to worry about that. It's in my hands," he hastily trivialized. "I'll take care of that very well, since six of my patients take this drug every day and I didn't prescribe it. OK, one more time. What is Oxacytan and why are my patients taking this drug?” "My dear, I'm still in charge here and as I said. It's not important,” Professor Graetzler tried to assert himself. WHAT IS OXACYTANE?” Darius yelled at his superior and jumped off his chair. "I think you should have stayed away a week longer. You're still so excited. Does the work overwhelm you?” he tried to unsettle Darius. "Now you're going to tell me what kind of medicine that is! Otherwise you explain it to the clinic management and the public prosecutor's office," Darius decided to go all out. Professor Graetzler's face and neck suddenly turned red and his carotid artery visibly began to pulsate. "Darius, it's a good drug. What are you so upset about? It is about to be patented. I have taken on the responsible task of trying small tests in vitro. There is no danger at all. Patients react little or not at all.” "You're using my patients as guinea pigs for an unpatented drug?" Darius stood stunned in front of his boss, the man he had always trusted, who helped him get this job and advised him. "You are done!" Professor Graetzler now also stood up. "Remember my dear, the files have your signatures on them, not mine." and grinned hostilely. "Yes, dear, but not on my account, but on yours, there are probably dubious payments from sub-accounts that can be traced back to the Morck company. How much did they pay you for it?” Darius replied with a unerring look directly into the pupils of his counterpart and shook his head in bewilderment. Graetzler left the office with the words: "I would be careful if I were you!" There was no time to lose. Darius knew that drug companies were not to be trifled with. He hastily searched the cupboards for the documents and files that before his vacation had struck him as suspicious and that he thought had been tampered with. Then he discovered a strange object in one of the hanging cupboards. It was a small plaque of metal with strange symbols carved into it. He picked up the small tablet and looked at it. Suddenly the characters blurred before his eyes, he felt a dull ache in his head and he became dizzy. He put the board in his trouser pocket, grabbed everything he considered important, files, the manipulated medication schedule, the white box and Mr. Herrmann's pills, and hurried to the nearest police station. "I want to file a complaint for abuse of office, document forgery and bribery."

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