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First the question arises:

What actually is healing arts?


When one hears or reads the word, associates

manfirst of all, that it does not matter in which

context itis mentioned, something with healing,

recovery andhealth has to do.

But how - by what? ThroughArt?

She is the process of making or

recovery of the physical and

mentalhealth, from suffering

or an illnessor the overcoming

an injury orinjury by


It is a creative ability which dem
Artist inherent around himself, nature and hiscreatively reflecting and projecting the world, like thatthat out of the sensuous the spiritual appears.
It designates those activities that are carried out from the complete interaction of knowledge, practice, perception, imagination and intuition. Their results are the result of man's creative willpower and are for spiritual edification and spiritual growth and are not clearly defined by functions like most man-made things. 


Thus, the art of healing is the process of recovery from illness to health through the virtuosity of knowledge, skill, creativity, and intuition.

A healer can therefore feel the illness in its nature (nature & cause) and in its world (body & environment) with his senses, recognize and judge   and   can then heal with the spirit and the abilities and gifts it has been given.
However, it is absolutely necessary for holistic healing that the patient sees and understands his suffering and its causes and arranges his life accordingly. Therefore, for the purpose of initiating the patient's self-healing, a healer can also reflect or manifest the illness, for example. 

Why is it so important that the person to be healed sees and recognizes his illness and doesn't just go to a healer, doctor or therapist and say: Go away, it's  your job".

Quite simply: because he first has to accept her and judge her in order to then decide, does she really have to go (now)? 

Illness can be a signpost.
Illness is a blockage
Illness can be an escape from a task that you may not be up to. 
Illness can be a medicine on the way to its task.

Here I would like to quote the wonderful Albert Camus:

Freedom is primarily 
not out of privilege
but from duties

 (I add: & out of responsibility)

Why this quote? If illness is a blockage (e.g. related to the chakras), then its opposite is health, i.e. freedom and means duty and responsibility at the same time (you can only find out which exact duty and what the responsibility is for when you see the illness , accepts and judges, and that is the patient's work.

Many years ago, when I was initiated as a Reiki master, my master gave me this little anecdote with..
A man who loved man very much was in despair about the misery and suffering in the world. One day he met a holy woman. The  woman asked: Man, why are you so sad and unhappy? And the man replied: It hurts me so much that there is so much pain and suffering and I would like to do something about it. Only I can't.

The holy woman said you have a pure heart. I can help you and give you the gift of healing hands.

I just want to give you one important piece of advice. Never heal without being asked and always take something for what you do. The man considered and was confused, but he agreed. So the holy woman bestowed on him the gift of healing hands. The man was overjoyed, from now on he could make everyone healthy. He thanked me a thousand times and cheerfully went on his way.
On his way he met a crippled beggar begging for his pitiful daily bread. He sat down next to him and the beggar complained and moaned about his fate and asked for a little money because he was so tormented by his illness and could only beg. The good man said to him: I will heal you and even gave him some of his bread. 
Some time passed and the good man passed this place again and was very surprised when he passed the well to look for his "old friend".

He ran up angrily to him, insulted him from afar and ranted about what he had done to him. He is healthy now and people no longer feel sorry for him. They shooed him away everywhere he passed, telling him to go to work and not store around, and he was now hungry as nobody gave him anything. He roared at the poor good man: You have deprived me of my wages and bread!"


Not everyone who whines and complains wants to be healthy.

Not everyone who says I don't want to take all these pills anymore doesn't want to take them, but is meticulous about not missing the time to take them, etc...

And that's okay! Because only when  moaning and complaining becomes your own burden and only when the ritual of taking the pill gets on your nerves are you ready to go one step further....

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