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As already mentioned, the first records of alchemy are immortalized on the Tabula Emeraldina. Also known as the Royal Art, alchemy did not aim to turn base metals into gold, as is commonly believed, but is a teaching that imparts knowledge, wisdom and skill in the manufacture of medicines.

The production of medicines is holistic, material media are processed with their subtle components. This is done by vibrating, separating and bringing together all components - more material and more subtle. So the highest goal is to unite the subtle components of things in the substance and bring them to effect. Matter and spirit united, microcosm and macrocosm, above is like below, inside is like outside.

New translation of the Emerald Tablet by Hans-Dieter Leuenberger, 2006

1. True, true, no doubt in it, sure, sure!
2. Behold, the highest comes from the lowest, and the lowest from the highest; a work of wonders by one.
3. How things all came into being from this raw material by a single process.
4. His father is the sun, his mother the moon; the wind carried him in his belly, the earth fed him.
5. He is the father of magic works, the keeper of miracles, perfect in powers; the revitalizer of the lights.
6. A fire that becomes earth.
7. Take away the earth from the fire, the subtle from the coarse, with care and skill.
8. And in him is the power of the high and the low. In this way you become the ruler of the highest and the lowest. 
Because the light of lights is with you, therefore the darkness flees from you.
9. With the power of forces you will master every fine thing, you will penetrate every gross thing.
10. According to the formation of the big world, the small world arises, and this is my glory.
11. This is the origin of the small world, and according to this the scholars proceed.
12. Therefore I was called Hermes the Threefold.

According to RUDOLF STEINER, alchemy is the THIRD of the so-called 7 SECRETS OF LIFE


I.  The Mystery of the Abyss.


II.  The secret of the number. (You can see it in Pythagorean Philosophy 




III.The secret of alchemy. (This can be seen through the works of 


      Paracelsus and Jakob Böhme understand).


IV. The Mystery of Birth and Death.


V.  The mystery of evil dealing with the apocalypse.


VI. The Mystery of the Word, of the Logos.

VII.The Mystery of Godliness; it is the deeply hidden


and is governed by the law of Elective Affinity.


The overcoming of sympathy and antipathy in the material
"Everything has its pair of opposites. Opposites are identical in nature... Extremes meet: all truths are only half truths"

The sentence reflects the basic dialectic idea of hermetics. In order to explore the truth holistically, it is necessary to look at things from all sides. In my understanding and in terms of healing, the best doctor is a recovered patient. This is the only way to avoid half-truths and one-sided considerations and dogmas. Someone who calls himself a clergyman and holy must have experienced and got to know the unspiritual and unholy. 
Sympathy and antipathy are dissolved by empathy and the contradiction of the evaluation. This overcoming leads to freedom of spirit and is an important prerequisite for raising the level of vibration of body - mind - soul. This is the prerequisite for an alchemist, since he resolves precisely this contradiction in the substances through his work and vibrations.

"Thus you will possess the glorious light of the world and all darkness will depart from you" (Kybalion)

Darkness also means all illnesses, since the causes of illnesses lie in the spirit locked in matter (micro- and macrocosm, above and below are separated from each other)

Illness: Experiences of the unspiritual and unholy, results from being stuck in matter
Health: Experiences of the "nameless", the spirit and all of creation
Healing: Overcoming all resistance of matter, devotion and trust in the spiritual world and the recognition of the origin of all things and thus the recognition that just as the good, holy and light have their tasks and functions, their opposites only have their tasks and functions in the Fulfill the whole and all-encompassing. And be it to grow from them and learn from them and not despair of them.


Spagyrics is the name given to the manufacturing process of medicines in alchemy. 
The term was coined by PARACELSUS (1493-1541) and means "separate and reassemble". The task of the spagyricist is to separate the good from the bad, the coarse from the fine, the spiritual from the material, the healing from the poison, using a suitable method. This art of cutting was called the "Ars spagyrica".

The most common method in spagyrics is distillation. Here the fine is separated from the coarse and as the plant material is ashed (calcined) after distillation and added to the distillate, it is reunited. Further process steps in the production of spagyrics are fermentation, extraction (maceration) and filtration. The resulting essence or the result of spagyric procedures is called a spagyric (spagyric). 
They serve to bring the three essential units of the human being SAL body, MERCURIUS spirit and SULFUR soul back into balance. 
The body - mind - soul structure can also be found in plants and the effect of spagyrics is based on considering and including this structure in all media involved in the manufacture of the drug (plants, stones, etc.):

I.  Minerals and trace elements correspond to the SAL
    principle (body), 
II. Essential oils and related ones created in the plant 
    Substances comply with the SULFUR principle (soul)
III. Carbohydrates represent the Mercurius principle (spirit).

The spagyric procedure is extremely complex and requires a lot of knowledge and skill. Nevertheless, like PARACELSUS, I am of the opinion that the highest and most refined ingredient, the unifying third and the synthesis is LOVE and devotion. 
It - love - makes every essence a quintessence, since it unites everything and can unite every contradiction and every extreme.
My dear Vincent van Gogh sums it up with the following words:


I allow myself to add


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