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& at the end favorite - drum  & plucked songs, books, quotes...

Vincent van Gogh - Almond Blossoms

Lines by Paulo Coelho:

Thank you to everyone who smiled at my dreams.
They have inspired my imagination.

Thank you to everyone who tried to fit me into their scheme.
You taught me the value of freedom.

I thank everyone who lied to me.
They have shown me the power of truth.


I thank all that did not believe in me.
You expected me to move mountains.

Thank you to everyone who wrote me off.
You have awakened my courage.

Thank you to everyone who has left me.
You gave me space for something new.

Thank you to everyone who betrayed and abused me.
You made me alert.

Thank you to everyone who has hurt me.
You taught me to grow in pain.

Thank you to everyone who has disturbed my peace.
You made me strong to stand up for it.

Thanks to everyone who confused me.
You have made my point clear to me.

First of all I thank all those      _cc781905-5cde-3193-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

who love me just the way i am.

You give me strength to live!

Michelangelo Buonarotti

David  (detail)

Two ghosts must want

what two bodies can do.

Ben Branderup

(modern Rittmeister)

Giuseppe Verdi - NABUCCO "The Prisoners' Choir"

From Leide draws


the most sublime inspiration


NENA - miracles happen... in HAMBURG my Love

Depeche Mode  - Never let me down again

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