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Maren's Heil-Shop

HIPPOCRATES advised: "Before you heal someone, ask them if they are willing to give up the things that made them ill."

I have often been forced to ponder Hippocrates' wise advice. Not in terms of healing others, but myself. So I know how painful and exhausting it is to follow the inner knowing and maybe give up what promises safety and comfort or togetherness - but doesn't deliver and brings us into conflict, which are not good for us and ultimately make us ill. These - let's say - social  norms, a well-paid job, woman/man, children and baggage are wonderful attributes and so very desirable.

But: Is it really my job, my partner? Is my life and my spirit filled with what I am doing? Does my partner make me happy, makes me laugh and inspires me? Or is what is in my life just there because it makes a good impression, me on the outside_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_shine, but dry inside, and only served my surface in a social setting?

When someone lives against their nature 23.5 hours a day, accepts situations and environments that meet and satisfy societal expectations and positions, lingers in relationships of any kind that are individually oppressive, humiliating and ultimately pathogenic, one can Healing oil, a healing stone, or any substance I offer or recommend here, don't expect it to FAST fix the issues that arise from such a life.
SYMPTOM alleviation or suppression is provided by drugs that society's mainstream or evidence-based medicine offers to do what society REGRETfully told it to do, which is to get people back to functioning FAST. Mostly with methods and substances that then cause other concerns, for  there are other methods and drugs. And already a person who originally suffered from rheumatism has stomach problems, skin eczema and other things due to the medication administered for this purpose and a person suffering from depression may become overweight, resulting in problems with the musculoskeletal system, anxiety, neurological deficits...

I wish that the people who would like to take advantage of my experiences and services, whether through talks or my remedies, because they want to restore their health, in peace and prudence for a moment or two the ZEIT_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ to deal with their suffering not as an "enemy to be eliminated" but more as a counselor or ambassador. 

One of my ability is to see through many walls and membranes, to feel the pain of others for recognition in one's own body. I see in human conflicts and pasts. SO, for me, absolute sincerity is the first step in healing and the beginning of relief. Neither I nor anyone else can help, analyze and give advice if a counselor is not honest with HIMSELF, me or anyone else. Honestly it hurts, I KNOW THIS! But it's no use, most of the time the pain is right there. Because we delude ourselves DA and suppress our individual  and thus suffer.

I understand for example, people expressing blame and self-pity as people on their journey to HEALING and people saying: -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  tried but it didn't work and/or I messed up " im HEALING PROCESS And I would like to make it clear that I see this completely NON-VALUABLE, but only as different stages in a process that we ALL go through all times, decades and epochs_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_to the HEALING...


The beautiful EVENING PRIMER

- a light  in the dark -



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