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The 108 prostrations

This meditation is a wonderful method to - first of all get the ground clean. By that I mean the possibility, if one already has the intention. to overcome and end difficult situations, inner suffering, etc., to take the step to your own watering can, take it and pour its contents over your head. 

The suffering of what is missing could be alleviated by being aware of what is there.

The anger about others and their environment could dry up by becoming aware of why my counterpart annoys me with his behavior? Does it reflect what I don't like about myself?

The meditation consists of 108 prostrations and

lastsabout 30 min. There is always only one reason

something to doand that is the WILL to do it. If you

anything elseneed motivation, watch this short

video on.

Instructions for the 108 prostrations:

The ladies in the video above practice lying prostration. The kneeling prostration, as shown by the monk in the following video, is widespread among lay people. Despite all the dedication and will, I think it's important to respect yourself and your body. In the beginning, aching knees and feet, sore muscles and neck pain are to be taken into account, but in the case of chronic ailments (rheumatism, vertebral or muscular disorders), one should not go beyond one's limits and design the prostration in such a way that it does not represent torture.

I always drink a little water beforehand to avoid dizziness and thirst.

The  small gong between prayers is the signal for prostration or the initiation of kneeling.




  1. Paying deep respect to all life, I prostrate

  2. Humble and dropping all bad habits, I prostrate

  3. Putting aside the selfish spirit that pursues self-interest first, I prostrate.

  4. Mindfully seeing the fact that you and I are equally valuable, I prostrate.

  5. Controlling the endlessly arising greed, I prostrate.

  6. Patiently seeing the anger in my spirit as it is, I prostrate.

  7. Looking back on my life with all my heart, I prostrate myself.

  8. To find the true self and to increase inner growth, I prostrate.

  9. Freeing myself from delusion and growing in wisdom, I prostrate.

  10. Praising myself for walking the difficult path through life, I prostrate myself.

  11. Grateful for cultivating good and distancing myself from evil, I prostrate.

  12. Grateful for all my relationships that made possible who I am today, I bow down.

  13. Thanking my parents for their endless love, I prostrate.

  14. Thanking all the teachers who have guided me to the truth, I prostrate myself.

  15. Thanking friends and colleagues with whom I shared difficult times, I prostrate myself.

  16. Thanking my ancestors, to whom I owe my existence, I prostrate myself.

  17. Thanks to the infinite grace of air, water, nature and the universe, which are the sources of life, I prostrate.

  18. Reflecting whether my immoderate greed has brought misfortune, I prostrate.

  19. Reflecting on whether my obsessive love for someone has caused suffering, I prostrate.

  20. Reflecting on whether I have offended another through self-righteous pride, I prostrate.

  21. Reflecting on whether I've hurt another in blind greed, I prostrate.

  22. Reflecting on whether I've misunderstood another, I prostrate.

  23. Reflecting on whether I have hurt another in pursuit of my own will, I prostrate.

  24. Reflecting on whether I've lived in needless luxury and vanity, I prostrate.

  25. Reflecting on whether I've been wasteful with things that are still usable, I prostrate myself.

  26. Reflecting on whether I have been able to continually reduce wrong behaviors, I prostrate myself.

  27. Reflecting on whether I've recklessly broken promises, I prostrate.

  28. Reflecting on whether I've tormented myself with fixation on the past, I throw myself down.

  29. Reflecting on confining myself in fear of the future, I prostrate.

  30. Reflecting if I've tarnished another honor to protect myself, I prostrate.

  31. Reflecting on whether I only see the negative, neglecting the positive, I prostrate.

  32. Reflecting on whether I've been caught up in fear and failed to overcome difficulties, I prostrate.

  33. Knowing full effort achieves all, I prostrate.

  34. Treating myself with love and care like a precious jewel I prostrate.

  35. Giving alms without expectation, I prostrate.

  36. Knowing that misery and fear come and go, I prostrate.

  37. Knowing that every day is a beautiful day with good people and good events, I prostrate myself.

  38. To sow seeds of goodness, knowing that all will be reaped as it is sown, I prostrate.

  39. To humbly accept what has been sown, I prostrate.

  40. To do my best, even if it seems trivial, I prostrate myself.

  41. To be content with a life of hard work and honesty, I prostrate myself.

  42. To keep the smallest promise, I prostrate.

  43. To walk the path of truth even in the face of blame and contempt, I prostrate myself.

  44. To live as a warm neighbor without judging others for differing opinions, I prostrate.

  45. To be awake in the moment, unbound by past and future, I prostrate.

  46. To have loving kindness for all instead of exclusive love for my family, I prostrate myself.

  47. To embrace others with warm warmth I prostrate.

  48. To be passionate in every moment of work, without delaying what needs to be done, I prostrate.

  49. In order to do the best I can in every moment without wasting time, I prostrate myself.

  50. Approaching the goal without hesitation, I prostrate.

  51. To admit mistakes without self-justification, I prostrate.

  52. To face difficulties without avoidance, I prostrate.

  53. To meet new challenges without resting in the familiar, I prostrate.           _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

  54. To apologize for mistakes in humility, I prostrate.

  55. In order to be open-minded and to be able to laugh in the happy moments of life, I prostrate myself.

  56. With understanding to all I meet on the way, I prostrate.

  57. In order to fully engage in organizations that help those closest to trouble, I prostrate myself.

  58. To be clear and peaceful in a world of murky chaos I prostrate.

  59. To see the steps to joy in challenges and crises, I prostrate.

  60. In order to be able to focus on my goals with strength and focus when difficulties arise, I prostrate myself.

  61. In order to accept tasks as naturally as they are given, I prostrate myself.

  62. To share true and trusting friendship without thought of reciprocation, I prostrate myself.

  63. To accept injustice without resentment as an opportunity to reflect on myself. I throw myself down

  64. To think of illness as medicine and as an opportunity to bring strength to my practice, I prostrate.

  65. To be grateful and loving by letting go of hate and envy, I prostrate.

  66. To live fully in joy without feeling empty or lonely, I prostrate.

  67. To be calm and peaceful, without fear and without fear, I prostrate.

  68. To look with compassionate eyes in times of crisis I prostrate.

  69. In order to be able to accept unexpected misfortune with humility, I prostrate myself.

  70. To overcome suffering by recognizing the impermanence of power and wealth, I prostrate myself.

  71. To help others with gentle and meaningful actions, I prostrate myself.

  72. To meet new people in an honest and meaningful way, I prostrate myself.

  73. To work in harmony with everyone without excluding anyone, I prostrate myself.

  74. To live in harmony and unity with all, I prostrate myself.

  75. Putting the glory of others before my own gain, I prostrate myself.

  76. I prostrate myself to share my abilities and skills with all those who need them.

  77. To appreciate the time spent with a loved one, even if that person leaves me, I prostrate myself.

  78. To see everyone without bias I prostrate.

  79. In order to listen carefully to differing opinions, I prostrate myself.

  80. To be peaceful, harmonious, and considerate of neighbors, I prostrate.

  81. To be able to let go when it's time, I prostrate.

  82. To respect my own life as it is without self-blame, I prostrate myself.

  83. To do my best wherever I go without expecting anything in return, I prostrate myself.

  84. To become someone who spreads peace with warm words, I prostrate.

  85. To remain resilient under pressure, I prostrate.

  86. In order to remain impartial in the face of aggression, I throw myself down.

  87. To avoid self-justification and finding others' faults in adversity, I prostrate myself.

  88. To encourage others with praise instead of denigrating, I prostrate myself.

  89. To see the good instead of the faults in the desires of others, I prostrate myself.

  90. Praying for the happiness of others, knowing that their suffering is mine, I prostrate.

  91. To mourn the failures of others and to congratulate others on their success, I prostrate myself.

  92. So that all who suffer from illnesses may be free from illnesses, I prostrate myself.

  93. So that all who are lost may find their way, I prostrate myself.

  94. So that all who are destitute may overcome their poverty, I prostrate myself.

  95. So that all beings may be free from hunger, disease and war, I prostrate myself.

  96. So that all beings may grow in their wisdom through the right teacher, I prostrate myself.

  97. I prostrate myself so that all beings may find right guidance in work and community.

  98. So that all beings may live in comfort and harmony, I prostrate.

  99. Desiring that the hopes of those of goodwill may be fulfilled, I prostrate myself.

  100. I prostrate myself in wishing that all those who are job seekers find a fulfilling job.

  101. Desiring that youth find a way to true happiness, I prostrate myself.

  102. Feeling the mercy of the universe in a drop of water, I prostrate.

  103. Seeing the work of a million people in a grain of rice,   I prostrate.

  104. Walking toward the wide open heart that transcends you and me, I prostrate.

  105. Grateful for the overwhelming joy of this moment of bowing, I prostrate.

  106. Approaching the true nature, which shines brightly from the depths, I throw myself down.

  107. Approaching the true nature, which shines brightly from all beings, I throw myself down.

  108. Im wishing my 108 prostrations to become the seeds of wisdom and freedom for all beings, I prostrate.

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