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The zircon (hyacinth) - the brother of the diamond
Zircon is one of the oldest precious stones on Earth and on the Moon. 
It wards off evil, heals energetic damage to the subtle body

Antiquity: Zircon was often found in insane asylums, where it was used as a healing stone against insanity.
H.Brusius: Protects against evil and unhealthy things in the world
According to St. Hildegard, the stone should be applied to people suffering from eye problems. It helps with heart ailments and fever. and in driving out evil.

Photo: Rob Lavinsky

The Emerald

The emerald has a very powerful character. Powerful in the sense of a wise diplomat. It creates balance and equilibrium. It connects body and mind and releases its peaceful, soothing and loving powers in the event of disharmony, thereby creating contentment and joy.  The Greek name Smaragdos means "Green Goddess of all Stones". It vitalizes  and strengthens the heart, our power plant (heart muscles, heart valves, arrhythmias)

The sapphire

The sapphire is a healing stone with a high frequency and strong energy.  The sapphire therefore penetrates very deeply into our entire body, mind and soul and creates a connection between the bodies, which normally only occurs at the highest level most relaxed and balanced people can be found. The sapphire helps us to approach desires, needs and goals with more determination. People who are prone to anger and overreactions should wear an amulet made of sapphire around their necks, as this protects them from violent emotional outbursts. It gives its wearer calm nerves and more concentration of thought. 
Blue sapphire causes serenity and equanimity, it slows down what is going too fast. Saphir helps to learn from mistakes and to notice faster what is actually not good for you or goes against your own beliefs. He is able to align the imagination and the will so that ideas actually become reality and desires come true. Fortunately, it also helps to live a consciously positive life and, above all, to be mindful of your thoughts and postulates.  Sapphire helps to shape your own life in a self-determined, disciplined and responsible manner._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ It promotes virtues such as fidelity, friendship, love and hope. Physically, sapphire strengthens the vegetative and central nervous system. It helps against many mental illnesses, it promotes the will to recover and the self-healing powers.

physical effect
 "Sapphire is the most serene of all gems the color of heaven. It frees the spirit and gladdens the sorrowful heart. 

Even the ancient Greeks revered this gemstone as the stone of wisdom, loyalty, prudence and reason. 

The smoky quartz - The adult rock crystal

The smoky quartz supports and helps people in grief, with depression and people who also suffer from alcohol addiction. It leads to weaning and strengthens the will to stay abstinent.

image source; silver+silver

The Black Tourmaline 
for me this wonderful stone is the ideal companion for HSPs and empaths

Black tourmaline has always been the stone of self-confidence and perseverance. 
Like a lightning rod, it helps give neg. energies, radiation (e.g. computers) and also against black magic and evil.
Negative thoughts of our fellow human beings, such as distrust, greed, envy, infidelity and jealousy have power and can put a heavy strain on us energetically and cause us pain and suffering. Black tourmalines are the strongest protective stones for the body and our soul.

Photo: Colourbox

Rose Quartz 
The stone of love, heart and beauty

The rose quartz is truly a stone of the heart. It helps to open our heart and to promote our need for love - within us. It soothes the pain of disappointed love and helps overcome fears of being disappointed again.
Also physically its healing power is mainly dedicated to the heart. It alleviates diseases of the cardiovascular system, prevents thrombosis and heart attacks and strengthens the heart valves and heart muscles.
Photo:Jeff Scovil

Larimar - Atlantis Stone

In ancient Greece, people were known to come across the sea in small boats and speak with blue stones, hence its nickname, the Atlantis Stone.

The Larimar gives inner peace and clarity with its luminous and loving energy. It helps us with anxiety and depression. It alleviates both physical and mental growth symptoms. The gentle Larimar lovingly helps to increase self-confidence and self-realization. Nonetheless, it is a highly effective protective stone, for its light is so pure it cannot be dimmed


Chrysoprase - my great cleanser - provides energetic "fresh air"

Psychic Effect
Chrysoprase is the stone of purification and detoxification for body and mind. Bad dreams, depression and irritability are things of the past with him. It resolves inner contradictions, helps to increase self-confidence and increases inner contentment. It promotes an undisturbed night's sleep - especially for children.
Helps with jealousy, lovesickness and problems in the sexual area, has a detoxifying effect on the soul and body.
Thanks to its calming effect on the circulatory system, chrysoprase gives more peace and balance. Among lovers, he conveys continued fidelity. Chrysoprase serves as a stone of hope and renewal. New tasks in life are mastered better and more far-sightedly with chrysoprase.
Physical Effect 
As indicated above, chrysoprase is a stone of purification and detoxification for body and mind. These intensive cleaning properties also have a positive effect on the heart. Blood and circulatory system noticeable. 


The name comes from Greeken: adámas = the indomitable; because of the high hardness.
He is a "true master healer" and is also called "fragment of eternity".
He is the guardian of the spirit and always helps us to think clearly and independently. 
For clarity, knowledge, against fear, depression, stinginess, jealousy. It gives balance, independence, self-respect; purifies helps to better control jealousy; reduces insecurity in dealing with the partner; teaches invincibility; draws attention to errors.
The diamond promotes logical thinking and forces us to look for the right path in life, to find it and gives us the strength to walk it - without compromise.
Diamond makes decisive and uncompromising, therefore he is a good teacher. If you make a mistake, you are immediately and directly confronted with the consequences.
The diamond is the stone of unbreakable truth, of fidelity to the overarching principle. 
He helps to implement and represent what has been recognized as right and important in a consistent and disciplined manner, whereby he is not concerned with personal advantage, but with objective necessities. It gives wisdom and insight, but also instills esteem and respect. Anyone who wears a diamond has chosen a strict but fair teacher who will not tolerate abuse of their own power

Physical Effect 

Kyanite-Cyanite Disthene
For calm, serenity
Acts mainly on the nervous system and speech center.
Freed from heavy burdens and constraints. It is a constructive stone and gives the wearer relaxed nerves, clear, confident speech and an increased ability to concentrate. 


The amethyst is very suitable for re-supplying (recharging) other healing stones. A palm-sized piece of amethyst with many crystals is sufficient. Medicines or jewelery items can be supplied with positive energy on this piece just as well. An amethyst druse, a cavity lined with amethyst crystals, offers the best conditions. Amethyst druses or larger pieces of amethyst are also excellent for influencing rooms positively.
This stone increases concentration and is excellent for meditation. 
He strengthens the will, donates Torst and encourages. It encourages intuition.
It is good for resting and ensures a good night's sleep.
The amethyst is one of the healing stones that are most often needed in our time, as many diseases and ailments are caused by restlessness, nervousness, stress, hectic and imbalance. 
The amethyst makes us calmer, more relaxed and frees us from mental stress and fears. It also promotes self-confidence and helps us to switch off from everyday life more easily.  
Likewise, the amethyst increases perception and allows us to understand the environment better.

physical effect
Probably because of its wine-like color, it is a remedy that is used against drunkenness (see origin of the name). 
Against stress, nervousness, fear, anger, headaches (migraines), anger, restlessness, varicose veins, addiction, sleep disorders, mental stress. 

The amethyst   is a good helper for headaches and pain in general. For headaches and migraines, it is advisable to massage the painful area with an amethyst crystal. In the case of varicose veins, it is best to apply the stone directly. To avoid   nervousness, you should carry an amethyst with you or wear it as a pendant. If you are very nervous, it is advisable to pick up an amethyst and work with it consciously. The same procedure can be used to avoid or eliminate stress, hectic pace and inner unrest. 
The amethyst   also helps very well against stomach pains caused by stress, anger or nervousness.
In the case of sleep disorders caused by waking up and not going back to sleep (often due to too many thoughts in your head), it is advisable to take an amethyst crystal in your hand or put it under your pillow. A very good effect is achieved with children by combining the amethyst with the rose quartz  . 
In the case of severe acne, neurodermatitis and skin allergies caused by energy blockages  , you can place an amethyst   (amethyst crystal) on the affected area or massage it carefully with the amethyst crystal. Otherwise, the combination with aventurine is very helpful for skin allergies, acne, etc. 

Openly set up or worn openly, the amethyst also offers a certain "protection" against negative influences. To reduce addiction and addiction-like effects, such as smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol, one should always carry an amethyst with oneself and pick up the stone at every stimulus.


"Whoever goes to war should wear an amethyst around his neck on a silk cord, he will then be protected by powerful spirits and no enemy can get at him." 

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