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Red Jasper

The jasper gives self-confidence and stamina with its powerful and sublime energy. It helps to endure fears and alleviates escape behavior, apathy, lack of memory, nervousness, jumpiness and stress.
It counteracts aimlessness and recklessness and promotes our steadfastness (calms the fickle mind).
It acts calmly against negative vibrations and cramps in our body, which are caused by  old and used values - which we are about to let go of.  This is how it cleans our life energy and helps to reduce addictive behavior, anger and rage. 
The red jasper was already consulted in antiquity for diagnosis. Often, and especially in Judaism, it is considered the oldest stone of creation and the cornerstone of the city of Jerusalem. 

smoky quartz The Greeks gave it  the name "adult rock crystal" 
The smoky quartz helps grieving people in particular and provides new strength and more zest for life. He gives the knowledge that a new beginning is always worthwhile.

Smoky quartz embodies conscientiousness, tenacious perseverance and patience when progress is slow. It helps to stand firmly in life with both feet, gives a sense of reality (cost-benefit factor), but it helps against it Attachment to material values. Smoky quartz supports and helps people with depression and people who also suffer from alcohol addiction. It leads to weaning and strengthens the will to stay abstinent.

black tourmaline

This wonderful stone is the ideal companion for HSPs and empaths

Black tourmaline has always been the stone of self-confidence and perseverance. Like a lightning rod, it helps give neg. energies, radiation (e.g. computers) and also against black magic and evil.Negative thoughts of our fellow human beings, such as distrust, greed, envy, infidelity and jealousy have power and can put a heavy strain on us energetically and cause us pain and suffering. Black tourmalines are the strongest protective stones for the body and our soul.Photo: Colourbox


Hematite gives us more spontaneity, willpower and energy. It helps us to be more independent again. He builds up a protective field around us, which enables us to live more courageously, light-heartedly and purposefully. Envy is broken at our willpower.  Mental cramps, which also affect the functioning of the organs, are alleviated with its help, especially with hematite roses. Thanks to its radiating effect, it also dissolves magnetic blockages around us. It protects against harmful rays, even if they are caused by black magic.
As the Greek name for blood "Haima" suggests, hematite has a very supportive effect on the circulatory system, blood purification, cell and blood structure, iron balance and liver. It heals wounds faster and reduces bleeding.

Stoned wood

Petrified Wood calms overreactions and tantrums. People prone to substance abuse (alcohol, pills, etc.). are   strengthened in their resilience to resist. It relieves withdrawal symptoms.
Petrified wood gives the power not only to see other people's mistakes, but also to recognize your own mistakes. It awakens modesty in us, a natural sense of beauty, love of home, love of the familiar. Petrified wood gives us both energy and relaxation. It connects to earth.

orange calcite

Due to its strong color, the orange calcite penetrates us as a warming energy stone.

Its soothing effect under the pillow at night soothes nightmares and moonlight. During the day, however, the orange calcite lets us react brightly and quickly, intuitively recognize situations and ward off intrigues.

rock crystal-  The All Seeing & loving healer

promotes personality development on the one hand and sharpens the external perception on the other hand donates strength and energy in a gentle way. It is a (healing) stone that gives us good thoughts and gentle power. It affects the entire body and harmoniously dissolves blockages in all areas. The rock crystal   conveys clear and calm thinking and therefore brings us relaxation from stress and hectic. Last but not least, it also causes more attention and sensitivity to develop in the partnership.
Rock crystal is the stone of clear reason. Much has already been written about him. It supports decision-making, it helps to act consciously instead of reacting involuntarily, it shows one's own weaknesses and unmasks one's own projections. He can draw off excess energy and revitalize inanimate areas. When it comes to emotions, it helps to be sober and, if necessary, to jump over one's own shadow, or to objectively insist on one's own rights. Rock crystal can confidently be described as universal, they give the body what it needs at the moment and already clear the energy at cell level. They help with cold spots, but you can also drain excess energy with them. Deaf regions are made aware, but overly sensitive areas are strengthened and protected.
The aura is stabilized overall. The spiritual effects are many, and these are what rock crystal has in common with chalcedony: objectivity in assessing the inner and outer world and their relationship, improved intuition and perception, self-confidence. 
It relaxes, soothes, makes you calm but awake. Worn during the day, it makes it easier to fall asleep at night and easier to get up in the morning. Rock crystal leads to very clear dreams, but it does not make it easier for everyone to fall asleep.


The magnetite strengthens the nerves and is particularly helpful when conflicts between imagination and reality throw us off course due to a lack of connection to the earth. Hildegard von Bingen already mentioned the healing effect of magnetite against delusions and confusion. Magnetite restores ground contact. 
Magnetite helps to distinguish what is good for you and what is not. We do not experience the present as threatening or frightening and no longer hold on to the past and norms.


Brings inner peace, conveys serenity and relaxation, promotes self-love, patience and devotion.

Against nervousness, irritability, anger, helps with depression, nervous tension, excitability, fear and hypersensitivity. Makes balanced and strengthens the ability to express yourself.

Er entgiftet den Körper, hilft uns bei Depressionen Überempfindlichkeit und emotional aufgestauten Verspannungen, welche ihren Ursprung im psychischen_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_haben. 
Wir lernen ausgeglichener und zufriedener zu leben und erlangen_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_dadurch a higher spirituality.

Rose Quartz Stone of love, heart and beauty

The rose quartz is truly a stone of the heart. It helps to open our heart and to promote our need for love - within us. It soothes the pain of disappointed love and helps overcome fears of being disappointed again.Also physically its healing power is mainly dedicated to the heart. It alleviates diseases of the cardiovascular system, prevents thrombosis and heart attacks and strengthens the heart valves and heart muscles.Photo:Jeff Scovil


The emerald has a very powerful character. Powerful in the sense of a wise diplomat. It creates balance and equilibrium. It connects body and mind and releases its peaceful, soothing and loving powers in the event of disharmony, thereby creating contentment and joy.  The Greek name Smaragdos means "Green Goddess of all Stones". It vitalizes  and strengthens the heart, our power plant (heart muscles, heart valves, arrhythmia)
It alleviates and heals dysfunctions in the physical area (especially: musculoskeletal system, endocrine glands, nerve plexuses) as well as disorders and diseases of the brain (migraine: unilateral, bilateral, psychotic or paranoid attacks - delusions, paranoia, etc.)_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

Kyanite-Cyanite Disthene

For calm, serenityActs mainly on the nervous system and speech center.Freed from heavy burdens and constraints. It is a constructive stone and gives the wearer relaxed nerves, clear, confident speech and an increased ability to concentrate. Photo:


Chrysocolla gently helps its wearer to be more self-centered and draws attention to their own body and mind. The decision what and how much we want to receive from our environment can be made more consciously because it is a 
creates a loving relationship with ourselves and through this we find a space of calm within us and we like to stay within ourselves. By "staying with us" he protects us from emotional injuries, hatred and anger. In his presence we become aware that anger, anger, jealousy, hatred and resentment tend to harm us the most. Chrysocolla has the power to alleviate or dissolve these feelings in us. 
It also helps us in stressful and restless situations, when we are over-excited and over-excited.

Larimar - Atlantis Stone

In ancient Greece, people were known to come across the sea in small boats and speak with blue stones, hence its nickname, the Atlantis Stone.
The Larimar gives inner peace and clarity with its luminous and loving energy. It helps us with anxiety and depression. It alleviates both physical and mental growth symptoms. 
The gentle Larimar lovingly helps to increase self-confidence and self-realization. Nonetheless, it is a highly effective protective stone, for its light is so pure it cannot be dimmed

The zircon (hyacinth)- Diamond's brother

The zircon is one of the oldest gemstones on our earth and on the moon.It wards off evil, heals energetic damage to the subtle bodyAntiquity: Zircon was often found in insane asylums, where it was used as a healing stone against insanity.H.Brusius: Protects against evil and unhealthy in the world. According to St. Hildegard, the stone should be applied to people suffering from eye problems. It helps with heart ailments and fever. and in driving out evil.

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