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Our earth has existed for about 4.6 billion years. Plants are among the oldest inhabitants of our planet and have been living on it for around 475 million years. If we assume that Homo Erectus - the first species of people who knew how to use fire and hunted it, then we can say that the history of medicinal plants began here, that is, 1.9 million years ago. The plants were certainly mainly used for food, but they could certainly be useful for maintaining and restoring health through their effect as food and through experience. 
The first descriptions of the use of plants as medicines come from China. The emperor "Shennung", also known as "the divine farmer", who ruled there about 3000 years before our era, is said to have transmitted the knowledge and the use of 240 herbal drugs orally or in writing.

The Indians were also very knowledgeable about herbs

andso in the "teaching of long life"

,of Ayur-Veda (approx. 1500-800 years BC

in the first Vedic period), fromvery

many medicinal plants reported. ThePhysician

Susrutaalready knew 750 medicinal plants and

made the first anatomical and

surgical drawings. Besides that

the Indians already knew thatpoison withoneantidoteto fightis

(Principle der Homeopathy). Through the rainTrade exchanges between the cultures of antiquity also brought new knowledge about the medicinal uses of plants from culture to culture.

The highly developed empire of the Egyptians was a pioneer due to its high level of knowledge in the fields of medicine, hygiene and the art of pharmacy. Papyrus scrolls and the information that can be found in old buildings (pyramids) tell about this. The doctrine of signatures written by Paracelsus originally comes from the Old Kingdom of Egypt. 

The signature theory:

Pekana Lexicon:

The god of medicine Thoth was depicted on a Nile ship as Ph-ar-maki  (Lender of Security.)

Lender of security = pharmaceutics.

The great Greek physician Hippocrates of Kos (460-377 BC) is not only the founder of the doctrine of the four humors (blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile) and the founder of medical ethics (Hippocratic life, Hippocratic oath), but also reports in his writings about 240 medicinal plants. He was also already aware of the weather and site conditions influencing the effect.


The most important about the healing power of plants

In the 1st century he was a man of knowledge and pharmacology 

living physician Pedanios Dioscorides. As a military doctor

under the emperors Claudius and Nero he had on thearmy trains the possibility much knowledge about

pharmacologyand to collect medicinal plants and

hence his researchto complete. Dioscurides already reports more than 800 medicinal plants.

The most impressiveWork on Medicine in the

Antiquity is his 5 bookscomprehensive work

"De Materia Medica"

Pedanios Dioscorides "De Materia Medica"

From the time of the European Middle Agesnaturally

Saint Hildegard von Bingen and  Albert Magnus

named and also namedhere the brave ones

Midwives and herbalists whobecause of

blasphemous denials  and themedieval

Thesis "Salvation could only come fromcome from God, from the devil

but sin and sickness"end up at the stake

had to. The clergyunderwent the healing.


Kaiser  Shennung already knew about the medicinal properties of Chinese rhubarb roots

The Queen holds to the King the fruit of the mandragora (mandrake) &

lotus flower hin "Walk in the Garden" (New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty,

around 1350-1340 BC BC)

Pedanios Dioscurides (c. AD 50)


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