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Das Corpus Hermeticum, nach dem Titel des ersten Textes auch Poimandres genannt, ist eine Sammlung von griechischen Traktaten in Brief -, dialogue and sermon form about the origin of the world, the shape of the cosmos as well as human and divine wisdom. Already in antiquity Hermes Trismegistus was considered the author, to whom a large number of religious, astrological and magical writings were ascribed.

The Awareness - Having What You Need & Independence.
Addiction & Dependence



Where are you drifting in your drunkenness, you people who have drunk up the unmixed doctrine of ignorance that you cannot endure at all? So she immediately spits it out again; stop, get sober! Look up with the eyes of the heart. And if you can't all do it, at least those who can. The evil of ignorance invades the whole earth and at the same time destroys the soul imprisoned in the body; let her not drop anchor in the harbors of salvation. 
So do not let yourselves be swept away by the strong current, but use a counter-current, you who can reach the haven of salvation, and anchor in it; look for someone who will take you by the hand and will show you the way to the gates of knowledge, where the radiant light is, pure from darkness, where not one is drunk, but all are sober and look up with their hearts to him, who wants to be seen. Because one cannot hear him, cannot name him, cannot see him with his eyes, but only with his spirit and heart.
First you must rend the garment you wear, the web of ignorance, the basis of wickedness, the bondage of perdition, the dark prison, the living death, the perceiving corpse, the grave you carry, the Robber in his own house, who hates you by what he loves and begrudges you what he hates. 
Such is the enemy you put on as a dress; he chokes you down to him lest you look up, see the beauty of truth and the good that is in it; lest you hate his wickedness when you understand his treachery with which he seeks to harm you; for he renders insensate what appear to be the (mental) perceptual organs, but which are not thought to be so, clogs them up with much matter and fills them with hideous lust, lest you hear what you ought to hear and see not, what you should see



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Nothing of what is perishes, but it is the changes that are mistakenly called perishing and death. [page 77]

1. Hermes: Now, my son, we must speak of the soul and the body, namely in what way the soul is immortal, and what force it is that causes the birth and [page 78] dissolution of the body. Death does not exist for either of them (both), but it was thought up on the basis of the term 'immortal': it is either used as an empty neologism, or one speaks of 'dying', leaving out the first letters, instead of 'immortality' '.205 For dying and death signify decline, but nothing of what is in the cosmos perishes. For if the cosmos is a second god and an immortal being, then it is impossible for any part of that immortal being to die. But everything in the cosmos is part of the cosmos and especially man, the rational being. 
2. The first of all is verily God, Eternal and Unbegotten and Creator of all. The second is the one created by him in his image; he is sustained and nourished by him and made immortal, having come into being from a Father who is eternal; he is an ever-living being because he is immortal. For what is ever-living differs from the eternal. For God did not arise from another. If it had really come into being, then it would have come into being from itself. (However, the cosmos)206 never came into being, but is always in the process of becoming. (...)207 but who is himself a father of himself is eternal. But the cosmos was created by the Father as eternal208 and immortal. 3. And all that matter was ready for his
own creature,209 has theFather (taken)210 and thus gave physical form to the universe, gave it breadth and breadth, made it spherical and gave it its present shape; a matter211 (he took it) which is itself immortal and whose materiality is eternal. What is more, the father sowed the qualities that came from the ideas into the sphere and locked it up like in a cave, because he wanted to endow that which was formed with his help with all conceivable qualities, and surrounded the whole body with immortality, so that matter would not be seized by the desire to give up this formation he had effected, and dissolve again into its own disorder. When matter was not (yet) formed into bodies, it was disordered. But here, too, it shows (disorder)212, which accumulates with all other insignificant qualities (and) with the process of growth and dwindling, which people call death. 4. This disorder affects (only) the living beings on earth. For the bodies of the heavenly beings have a single order, which they received from the Father from the beginning. It is, however, [Page 80] irrevocably preserved as a result of the return of each individual to its original place. The return of the earthly bodies to their former state signifies (the dissolution)213 of assembly; but this dissolution consists in the return to indissoluble bodies, that is, to immortal ones.214 And so there is a loss of consciousness,215 but not a perishing of the bodies. s. The third living being, man, who came into being in the image of the cosmos, is endowed with spirit according to the Father's will, in contrast to the other living beings on earth, and not only interacts with the second god (sump1jeia), but has also knowledge of the first. One he perceives as a body, the other he recognizes as incorporeal and as a spirit, as the good." 
Asklepios:216 So this creature will not perish?" 
Hermes: Be silent and do not sin, my son, and consider what God is, what is the cosmos, what is an immortal being, what is a living being that dissolves, and consider that the cosmos depends on God and is in God, but man is from the cosmos and in the cosmos, but God is the beginning of all things and encompasses and orders everything."


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