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medicinal plants

A book


Sticky ALANTfrom the ALANTE family
(Dittrichia viscosa or Inula viscosa)

The elecampane is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. 
Elecampane is mainly used for FLU PAL INFECTION with a strong COUGH and chronic lung problems. Elecampane is rich in essential oils and other ingredients such as phytosterols and others that have a very beneficial effect on diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The plant is even recommended for the smoker's disease COPD because of its lung-cleansing effect.

The roots of elecampane, which are harvested in late summer and autumn, are particularly effective, but the herb is also an effective remedy.

The oil of the sticky elecampane is very effective for respiratory diseases. It is obtained from the whole flowering plant and has an expectorant, expectorant and antispasmodic effect. 

Healing effect of ALANT on:
Upper respiratory tract colds
dry tickly cough z. B. Sarcoidosis 
chronic cough conditions 
protracted bronchial catarrh
strong mucus
In general, remedies with elecampane make breathing easier and can therefore also be used for people in need of care or for lung tumors and metastases.

ALANT works:

A particularly effective remedy with elecampane for respiratory diseases is the preparation of an infusion (both root and herb). The parts of the plant are poured over with hot water and soaked for 4-8 hours. The drink can then be briefly warmed up again and then drunk.

Already DIOSKURIDES pointed out that itching can occur when collecting the plant. If you are very sensitive, you should wear gloves. The following is found about ALANT in its Materia Medica:

=27. elecampane.
...The roots are dug in the summer and cut up and dried. The decoction of it
drunk drives the urine and menstruation. The root itself with
Lycium and honey helps against cough, chest congestion (ortho-
pnea), internal ruptures, spasms, flatulence, against the bite of poisonous animals,
by proving to be warming at all. Its leaves boiled with wine have been successfully applied to sufferers of sciatica. In sweet wine
submitted it (the root) is palatable. ..Crushed and enjoyed, it helps those who suffer from hemorrhage.

Beifuss MS-1.jpg

MUGWOOD Artemisiae vulgaris

Old names: Thorwurz,Solvent herb, Mugwurz (Powerwurz)

The wonderful mugwort is a very old and experienced medicinal plant. Since it grows and has grown almost everywhere in the northern hemisphere, it was used and revered in almost all ancient cultures, the Celts, Germans, in antiquity... as a highly effective medicinal and protective plant. That's what the names that were given to him say. For example, the Germanic tribes called Mugwurz, which can be translated as MACHTWURZ.

I too am very fond of mugwort and use its healing powers in many ways. I have found out for myself that BEIFUSS & SCHAFGARBE form an extraordinarily strong team. Both alone and together, they are highly potent medicinal plants, especially with regard to their disinfecting, antispasmodic, cleansing effect and as WOMEN'S & OCCUPATIONAL herbs.

My self-created remedies with mugwort:

Healing oil mugwort (cold extract)
Medicinal powder (mugwort & dextrose)
Medicinal Beads (Mugwort & Corn Starch)
Incense sticks "Shaman" (mugwort, horseweed, yarrow, St. John's wort & blood sage) 
for the energetic cleaning of infested creatures and rooms
EVENING INFUSE (mugwort, lemon balm, fleabane & lavender) 
About 2 hands of the herbal mixture in one liter of water. Pour hot but not sparkling water over the herbs and let steep for 4-8 hours. The infuse can be drunk cold or warm.
Tobacco blend (mugwort, catnip, hazelnut leaves & rose petals)
...One more... my bedtime cigarette

Loss of appetite 
Upper abdominal pain 
Stomach and intestinal problems
general digestive problems
bile and liver diseases
colic (including bile)

(DO NOT use if pregnant)
Assisting in childbirth (labor-inducing)
in diseases of the abdominal organs
chronic ovarian inflammation
for pain and irregular periods
menopausal symptoms

Further healing effect at:
mild nervous diseases
inner restlessness
epilepsy (root)
water retention
Asthma (mugwort has a relaxing effect)
Circulatory disorders (cold hands and feet)
worm infestation
Malaria (mugwort: higher proportion of artemisinin)

The SIGNATURE of mugwort tells us its properties related to blood flow and circulation. So mugwort works:
labour-inducing (therefore NOT suitable during pregnancy)
warming (for cold hands and feet)

BEIFFU also acts:
Mugwort also promotes the flow of bile and relaxes tired feet.

BEIFUSS supports the flowing processes of the MERKUR principle

Ingredients: Essential oils, bitter substances, flavonoids, inulin, camphor oil


COMPRESSION Symphytum officinale

Comfrey is a very old medicinal plant and is particularly effective with regard to the bone and musculoskeletal system. However, due to its valuable and versatile ingredients, it has a very wide range of medicinal and application areas. You could call him an almost all-rounder.

Symphytum" is derived from the ancient Greek word "symphýein" which means "growth together". What is meant by this is its excellent properties in relation to BONE healing in fractures, WOUND healing and its healing effect on injuries to the musculoskeletal system (bruises, contusions, rheumatism... .).


Responsible for this is the contained ALLANTOIN, which is colloquially known as "bone glue" and the rosmarinic acid as a defense against pathogens such as bacteria and fungi.

Both the herb and mainly the root are used in medicinal production.

My remedies with the COMPRESSION:
HEALING OIL Comfrey (roots and olive oil in cold extract) 
SOLE TINCTURE Comfrey (Root & Herb & Romanian Mountain Salt)
TINCTURE (root and herb mit 
dextrose and water)
MEDICINAL POWDER (root and herb and dextrose)
HEALING OINTMENT (Comfrey-St. John's Wort-Yarrow Healing Oil, Comfrey Tincture, Beeswax)

healing effect at:

broken bones
muscle injuries
spinal disc problems bruising
amputation pain
Pleurisy tendonitis 

fungal diseases
skin inflammation
nail diseases


Diabetes mellitus 

Comfrey works:
tissue forming
wound healing


=10. Other symphyton.
Symphyton officinale (Asperifoliacae) - Bulbous Comfrey

The other Svmphyton - Some call it Pekten, the Romans Soldago 
...The whole stalk and
the leaves have a somewhat raucous covering, which causes itching when touched. The roots below are black on the outside, white and slimy on the inside; use is made of these. Finely eaten and drunk, they are good for those who suffer from spitting blood and internal abscesses, and as a poultice they also seal fresh wounds. ... As a cataplasm (poultice) they serve in inflammations, especially in the anus, and are beneficial with the leaves of ragroot.

The INGREDIENTS and their effects:
Among native plants, comfrey is the plant with the highest ALLANTOIN content, an important active ingredient in the formation of new cells and tissue regeneration. It also helps wounds and ulcers heal faster. 
ROSEMARY ACID has an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effect.
LYSIN-rich mucilage helps the body fight against foreign cells and pathogens. The amino acid lysine also helps build muscle. It is involved in bone growth, cell division and wound healing.
SAPONINE help with diseases of the respiratory tract and congestion
In addition, comfrey is high in vitamin C, protein, silica, potassium and calcium.

COMFOX in the kitchen:
Comfrey is a very delicious and tasty edible plant. It has a gentle cucumber aroma similar to borage. Due to its high protein content, comfrey is just as highly recommended for VEGETARIAN & VEGAN diets as is the NETTLE. Young leaves are suitable as an addition to green smoothies, for juicing, in herbal mixtures and finely chopped in salads.
Comfrey roots are grated raw and mixed into salads or steamed as a vegetable.

Comfrey contains traces of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (0.02-0.04%) and should therefore not be taken in large quantities.

Canadian WORKER 
Conyza canadensis

The old European scholars, doctors and wise men have not found out anything about horseweed, as it only came to Europe in the 17th century through overseas trade. The North American Indians used it to heal many ailments:

diarrheal diseases
Bleeding & Wounds, Prenatal Infections 

fever, pimple


BERUFkraut is not derived from the profession as an activity, it comes from the word "vocation" in the negative sense, i.e. to describe, bewitch or curse.
There are a number of herbs that were primarily used in ancient times to ward off something negative directed at someone from the outside (envy, denial, curses, anger). 
These herbs are collectively called the descriptive & professional herbs. The best known is the BERUFKRAUT.
Describing is generated on a human level (a modern version is e.g. bullying), while calling on a non-material but spirit level. 
The herbs were classified according to their appearance, striking feature of the plant, e.g. B. the smell, their poisonous effect, their striking taste, their natural protective effects such as thorns, spines (the so-called Marensitze). 
I would like to mention some of them here:
Mugwort, St. John's wort, thistles, nettle, ragwort, rue, ground ivy, valerian, lovage, garlic, mistletoe and much more.

In homeopathy, fleabane is used for bleeding and inflammation of the stomach, liver and gallbladder.

It also helps with:
inflammation of the oral mucosa
Asthma & Cough
Kidney dysfunction intestinal parasites 
uterine bleeding
menstrual cramps
Menopause complaints 

It works:

Tannin, tannic acid, essential oils, citronellal, linalol, flavones, choline, caffeic acid, beta-sitosterol



belongs today at to many people with the range of completely misunderstood and misinterpreted plants. It offers itself formally, since it grows close to humans and almost everywhere. No, people tip weed Ex over it, tear it out or mow it down. 
The NETTLE has one of the highest proportions of vitamins and minerals among herbs
counteracts many deficiency symptoms (see tables).
In addition, it has a high protein content and is therefore particularly recommended for VEGETARIAN and VEGAN food.


It works:
against exhaustion, stress and tiredness,
purifying and blood purifying 
as an ointment or balm for dry skin eruptions
potency-enhancing in men (1 teaspoon of seeds daily)
against rheumatism (in some areas the leg, arm, joint etc. suffering from rheumatism is covered with a bunch of stinging nettles so that the plant juices can penetrate through the skin and a slightly numbing feeling occurs)


She strengthens:
the immune system
the rhythmic system (Mercury principle)

By injecting its snake venom-like irritants (hisamine, etc.), the plant transfers its defensive nature when touched to PARACELSUS and helps with listlessness, lack of energy and assertiveness, which is often associated with IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA (The Herbal Science of Paracelsus; O. Rippe)

DAMIANA  (Turnera diffusa, Turnera Aphrodisiaca, Turnera Pringei)

Damiana has a sedative, diuretic, antispasmodic effect.

It heals and relieves asthma, cough, loss of appetite, indigestion, stomach pain, rheumatism,

Kidney weakness, migraine, depression, libido disorders, tiredness, exhaustion,  nervousness, memory problems, menstrual problems,

Damiana is best known as a mildly euphoric aphrodisiac, but it can also be used to treat health conditions such as asthma.
Damiana facilitates breathing through its essential oils and by relaxing the bronchi. In addition, damiana strengthens the digestive organs and can thereby alleviate abdominal pain. It helps against menstrual cramps thanks to its anticonvulsant properties.
Damiana has a pronounced effect on the nervous system. It calms when you are nervous. In depression, it brightens the mind.
It has a strengthening effect against exhaustion and tiredness. It can also be used against memory problems because it strengthens the brain.

Plant parts used: herb

Essential oils, terpenes, arbutin, cineol, cadinene, cymene, pinene, thymol, bitter substance damianine, resin, caffeine (in the stalk), tannin


Potentilla anserina

As the name suggests (Potentilla means powerful), cinquefoil is a highly potent plant. Your healing area is SPASMS (physical, psychological and mental)

The cinquefoil solves zsp. Cramps in muscles called smooth muscle. Muscles that work independently and not voluntarily (control via the vegetative NS).


These muscles can be found B. in the heart, in the uterus and in the intestine. Due to this effect, the cinquefoil helps with cramps during the period, cramps in the intestines, a spasmodic cough or cramps in the calves. 
It even helps with angina pectoris and epilepsy.

It was Pastor Kneipp who made cinquefoil popular again, he praised it specifically for its antispasmodic effect on small children and babies when they were suffering from stomach or intestinal cramps. He used it in boiled milk.
Boiled in milk or water, it has also been used to treat tetanus.

Here are some other healing effects:

for sore throat & gastric and intestinal mucosal inflammation 
in case of diarrhea 
Menstrual problems 
Asthma & whooping cough 

Cinquefoil also has a very high vitamin C content of 402mg per 100g herb.


GOLDENROD (Solidago virgaurea)

Die Goldenrute is THE medicinal herb for BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints and contains many ingredients that increase kidney activity and alleviate and heal local ailments._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-8d_bad
Even in ancient times, doctors and healers used the healing power of the GOLDENROD, but at that time mainly because of its WOUND HEALING properties.

Even today der Goldrute  is of great importance as a medicinal plant. Its numerous ingredients unleash a great healing effect for many different diseases and ailments:

Bladder problems and inflammation
kidney problems and diseases
smaller kidney stones
chronic kidney inflammation
Inflammation of the urinary tract 
chronic irritable bladder
Disorders of urinary secretion

pain relieving

For further COMPLAINTS:
Dropsy (flushing & anti-edema)
insect bites
Rheumatism & Gout
tooth ulcers
inflammatory skin diseases

antifungal (against fungi)
blood purifying

The GOLDRUTE was and is also used as a dye plant. When dyeing fabrics and wool and depending on the texture of the fabrics, a beautiful golden yellow shade can be achieved.

Skullcap  Bearded Skullcap(Scutellaria barbata)

Main Applications:
Detox,cancer treatment and prevention
healing effect:


antibacterial, antineoplastic, antiviral, calming, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic, analgesic, 
in hepatitis, liver enlargement. Lymph node inflammation, pharyngitis,  pharyngeal catarrh,

Plant parts used:
Roots, herb, flowering herb

essential oils, bitter substances, flavonoids, tannins, resin, monoterpenes, scutellarin


Leonurus cardiaca

Healing oil, medicinal powder & my hard-working pupils (of which I am very proud😊)

The HEART SPANN is, as the Latin name (Leonurus for lion & Cadiacas for heart) already suggests, a lion heart on a mental and physical level. It has a relaxing effect on both levels

Unlike other soothing plants, motherwort does NOT make you TIRED when dealing with everyday life. 


Again, it helps with falling asleep again.

as a FIRST AID plant (like emergency drops from Bach flowers) in case of shock, accident, test anxiety, grief, events that throw us off balance.

as lady's herb: 
(Best in combination with lady's mantle and sheep's gift)
under birth

thyroid herb
Prostate disease and also prostate cancer (best in combination with propolis)

gall and liver diseases

HERZGESPANN supports the MERCURY PRINCIPLE (rhythmic system: all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep/growth, breathing, metabolism). 
Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with a distinctive leaf and stem system have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system (Mercury principle):

HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove 
LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus
BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary
HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow

hop (Humulus lupulus)
calming, blood purifying, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, nervous stomach complaints, nervous heart complaints, palpitations, nervous restlessness, sleep disorders, migraine, anxiety, menopause symptoms, menstrual disorders

Hop Bitters (Nitrogen Free), Humulone, Humulene, Lupulone, Lupulin, Essential Oil, Tannic Acid, Resins, Campesterol, Stigmasterol, Beta-Sitosterol, Eugenol, Farnesol, Isovaleric Acid,
Phyto-estrogens against menopausal symptoms

Plant parts used: fruit cones or spikes



At DIOSCURIDES, St. John's wort is also available as
called Hartheu. Otherwise names like Herrgottsblut, Fuga Daemonum (Devil's flight) are known to me.
The name St. John's wort can be traced back to St. John the Baptist. 

PARACELSUS calls it a gift from God, the royal medicine and the image of the sun.

DIOSCURIDES, as the emperor's doctor and companion on many campaigns, uses the plant primarily because of its WOUND HEALING and PAIN RELIEF effects, for sciatica and burns. The following can be found in his MATERIA MEDICA:

...Preferably she heals
Sciatica, but you have to drink water after cleaning. Also
The herb heals burns as a cataplasm, finally it stills
the blood...

Otherwise, St. John's wort helps with the following symptoms:
gout, rheumatism
PAIN RELIEF after sprains, neck tension, nerve pain, shingles and cervical spine syndrome
sunburn, burns

Only PARACELSUS, whose favorite plant is St. John's wort, researches its excellent properties on the psyche. He speaks of 4 forces that make the plant a universal remedy:

Against wounds
Against worms
As a balm

PHANTASMATA would nowadays be called mental illnesses or disorders such as depression, personality disorders, psychoses and the like. (From THE HERBAL KNOWLEDGE OF PARACELSUS by Olaf Rippe: There are diseases that force people to kill themselves (III/630)). 
So diseases (if you already knew the person before) where you have the feeling that the person is animated by another spirit.

As its likeness, JOHANNISWORT should be taken in accordance with the course of the sun, i.e. in the morning (not at night and in the afternoon). So it is still prescribed, administered or recommended by knowledgeable people administering it today.

IMPORTANT to know:
Cattle, horses and sheep mostly avoid St. John's Wort. Because they are light-skinned and sensitive to light. The KUH is not as STUPID as it is often called. ST. JOHN'S WORT produces, if you and other light types and races (including HUMAN BEINGS) eat it, high photosensitivity, swelling, sunburn up to necrosis. It is true that the lighter the complexion, the more sensitive the intake of JOHANNISKRAUT.
This is not a freak of nature. PARACELSUS calls the herb "God's gift" to man, since its light and sunny energy has the power to banish darkness. What is meant by this is the strongly positive healing power of St. John's wort on the psyche (especially in the darker half of the year).


an East Asian plant has been used against alcohol cravings for 1000 years. Alcohol is broken down very slowly in the body, which means that you are drunk after just a few glasses and have no desire to continue drinking. In addition, kudzu produces nausea and dizziness when combined with alcohol

Medicinal Plant Catalogue


Herb Directory

LAVENDER (Lavandula angustifolia)

Whether because of its beguiling scent or its versatile uses as a medicinal herb, LAVENDER is an impressive plant.

It was so valuable to the Romans, Egyptians and Greeks that they treated it as a "holy herb". Whether as a fragrance and bath essence, oil, incense, wound healing and sedative on campaigns and much more, the LAVENDER was a highly revered plant in ancient times.


Well-known herbalists and doctors have also used lavender in many ways over the centuries:

PEDANIUS DIOSCURIDES "...It loosens the thick phlegm and flatulence
and drives away side and nerve pain and cold. It is also used with success in epilepsy together with pyrethrum and sagapenum..." (Materia Medica, Book I)
HILDEGARD VON BINGEN described lavender as a warm and dry herb, which she used to treat lung and liver diseases as well as psychological conditions. 
PARACELSUS knew of its calming effect and used the herb as a sedative and to treat heart and digestive problems.
PIETRO ANDREA MATTHIOLI mentioned it for the treatment of numerous internal and external concerns (paralysis, cramps, stomach problems as well as liver and spleen diseases, dental diseases, speech problems and body aches).

Nowadays, lavender is used in medicine primarily because of its calming and relaxing effect on the psyche. Here is a summary of many issues in which lavender can support us in a healing and effective way.

healing effect at:
difficulty falling asleep
Migraines & Tension Headaches
heart trouble
circulatory weakness
low blood pressure 
upper abdominal complaints
Irritable stomach oder 
nervous intestinal problems
stomach cramps
Water accumulations 
Face rose (spray on hydrosol)
Shingles (spray on hydrosol)
Hodgin's Lymphoma
Alzheimer's (reducing the progression of the disease)

Lavender works:
antibacterial (through essential oils)
antifungal (through essential oils)
calming (through essential oils & LINALOOL)
cholagogue (due to tannins)
muscle relaxant (linalool)

essential oil, tanning agent, 
Camphor and cineole (respiratory disease) Monoterpenes (linalool)
Glycoside, flavonoids, phytosterols, saponins, sesquiterpenes, ketones, esters and oxides, among others



lemon balm  (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon balm has been a proven medicinal plant for many centuries and its ability is almost universal in terms of both physical and mental ailments.

For HILDEGARD VON BINGEN, lemon balm was so important as a medicinal plant that she attributed the healing power of 15 herbs to it.
She used them for headaches, dizziness, rheumatic diseases, difficulty falling asleep, stomach problems and to improve mood.

PARACELSUS said the following about lemon balm: "Of all things that the earth produces, lemon balm is the best herb for the HEART."

Healing effect PSYCHE:

in states of anxiety
sleep disorders in states of restlessness
Loss of appetite 
uplifting, calming & relaxing

Lemon Balm ESSENTIAL Oil has powerful sleep-inducing and calming properties.

Healing effect BODY:

For colds & bronchitis
Heart problems (e.g. in combination with HERZGESPANN) 
Migraines and Headaches 
Gout & Rheumatism
herpes labialis
Shingles (spray on lemon balm) hydrolate distillate

Stomach cramps & stomach problems 
bile problems

menopausal symptoms
nausea in pregnancy
menstrual cramps

muscle tension
and cramps & sore muscles

antispasmodic (e.g. in combination with cinquefoil) 
antifungal (for athlete's foot)

Lemon balm ESSENTIAL oil has powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ingredients of lemon balm: 
Essential oils (citral, citronellal, linalool, geraniol and aldehydes) tannins, bitter substances, resin, mucilage, glycosides, saponins, thymol and vitamin C.



Already Pedanius Dioscurides praised and praised this wonderful plant. It was one of his favorite plants, along with the yam root, which also bears his name in Latin. No wonder, because their healing effects are extensive, amazing and holistic.

It has a CALMING effect. Anyone who has suffered pain or injury knows how stressful such a condition can be.


I was able to experience for myself its BLOODSTATIC, WOUND HEALING & DISINFECTING effect. Even with severe injuries, it does amazing things as emergency care. In addition, it is germ-resistant, anti-inflammatory and thus promotes wound healing and can, for example, be used in the household as a DISINFECTION. It has an antispasmodic effect, for example for abdominal pain, back pain, stiff neck and menstrual cramps.
It can be used as a chest compress when you have a cold or flu.
It is BILIFORCULATOR and serves as a DIURETIC.
In addition, it provides excellent service as a LIVER WRAP, which can be further enhanced by putting on a hot-water bottle.
YARROW is also known as VENUS BROW because its young leaves resemble eyebrows. This signature indicates its healing powers as lady's herb, because Yarrow is rich in PHYTOHORMONES. In the menopause, it alleviates the symptoms that arise, relieves menstrual cramps (e.g. with YARROW lady's mantle tea), etc.
SHE relieves headache and migraine symptoms.
In the digestive system, it helps with diarrhea, hemorrhoids and intestinal inflammation.


Heracleum sphondylium

Already used as a medicinal plant by DIOSKURIDES in the 1st century, the meadow hogweed has a wide range of healing effects and can support our health and vitality in a similar way to the STINGING NETTLE with its high vitamin and mineral content. It is particularly rich in iron and protein (therefore particularly recommended for vegetarians and vegans),


Potassium, calcium, linoleic acid, MAGNESIUM, vitamin C (291mg/100g), Vitamin A (390ng/100g), sugar, essential oils, bitter substances

From the MATERIA MEDICA by Dioscurides:
.... further she heals, drunk, liver trouble, jaundice, 
...The root is also given to those suffering from jaundice and the liver.
Orthopnea (shortness of breath when lying down), epilepsy and convulsions. 
...Smeared on the head with oil, it is a good remedy for those suffering from brain disease, lethargy and headaches,
with a rhombus as an envelope, it heals snake bites. 
The juice of the fresh flowers is a good remedy for ulcerated and suppurative ears.

#MarensHeilArt Tip:
Meadow hogweed is one of the herbs in my MORNING infuse, which I prepare the night before and drink daily throughout the morning. 
The INFUSE currently includes:


(If someone would like to try this and needs support with the individual selection of herbs, just write a small mail and we'll see together🌼)
In principle, an INFUSE is a very concentrated tea for strengthening and maintaining health, but also for healing purposes.
The increase to this is the DEKOKT, which I actually only use for illness and for healing. DEKOKT is a heavily reduced and concentrated INFUSE (cooking time approx. 3-4 hours, gently on a low flame)


healing at:
restlessness and nervousness 
bad memory
Loss or reduced libido

General and immune deficiency &
Magnesium deficiency (high mineral and vitamin content of the meadow bear claw)
high blood pressure
Colds, bronchitis and cough

Bladder infections (goldenrod)
Kidney Stones (Goldenrod)

The meadow hogweed can cause skin reactions when touching the plant, similar to the stinging nettle. Sensitive people should wear gloves when harvesting and processing.

wild lettuce Lactuca virosa

For whooping cough, dry cough, dysmenorrhea and nymphomania, for insomnia, restlessness and excitability 
Lactucarium has sedative and analgesic effects

The plant was used medicinally in ancient times. Towards the end of the 18th century more and more doctors are said to be using the dried milky juice of poison lettuce (lactucarium) as an opium substitute


have. Around 1847 the plant was cultivated extensively in the Moselle region and the lactucarium obtained was shipped from Zell to the United States via England. There was also an increase in the cultivation of wild lettuce in other European countries at the same time.
Either because of the laborious harvest or because of the lack of scientific proof of the effect, poison lettuce preparations were eventually replaced by opium from Asia.

Sesquiterpene lactones: lactucin and lactucopicrin in aerial parts of plants; the melampolide lactusid A was detected in annual and biennial plants. 
Triterpenes: α-Lactucerol and β-Lactucerol (= mixture of triterpenes and sterols), β-Lactucerol mainly as an ester with acetic acid and higher fatty acids (= Lactucon or Lactucerin) 
in the milky sap: β-amyrin, gennanicol and taraxasterol


ROCK ROSE (Cistus incanus) 
also called Greek mountain rose, ladanum, labdanum, ladan or myrrh.

Rockrose (Cistus incanus) is a plant native to the Mediterranean. It has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. In Greek folk medicine, Cistus was used for ITCHING and DISINFECTION of wounds. Cistus or Cystus is one of the most POLYPHENOL-rich plants in Europe.


Today, their highly antioxidant compounds are used to treat FLU AND COLDS. 


are widespread phytamines with STRONG ANTIOXIDATIVE effects. Polyphenols have large molecules. They are therefore able to envelop viruses and bacteria and then eject them via certain physical routes, so that the disease-causing substances can no longer damage the body. 
They are found in almost all plants and are mainly divided into phenolic acids and flavonoids. Phenolic acids are mostly contained in plants as tannic acids, they give some of them the tart taste, e.g. black tea. 
Flavonoids are mostly found as colorants (pigments) in fruits and vegetables. For example, they give cherries, grapes, apricots and medlars their red, blue and yellow colors.


stimulates the immune system
strengthens the mucous membranes
against colds,
against skin diseases (e.g. acne, neurodermatitis) 
for gastrointestinal complaints (e.g. intestinal flu)
in inflammation of the urinary tract
as incense for disinfection
(it was even used against the plague)

SHE acts:
detoxifying (e.g. for heavy metal pollution and poisoning)

=126. boxes.

... It has contracting power; hence the crushed leaves, twice a day
drunk in bitter wine, a good remedy for dysentery. For themselves
as a poultice, they stop eating ulcers. Heal with wax ointment
her burn and aged wounds...

=128. ladanum.
... The power of the leaves of the same proves to be astringent, healing against what the kistos also works against. From him that is sucked. Ladanum (Cistus resin) obtained. It has astringent, warming, emollient power. Mixed with wine, myrrh and myrtle, it prevents hair loss
Coated with wine, it makes the wound scars beautiful, with honey mead or
Dropped in rose oil, it cures earache, and it is used as incense
for throwing out the afterbirth, mixed with the suppository it cures
hardening in the uterus; it will also successfully
added to sedative medicines and cough medicines. With old wine
drunk it causes diarrhea. But it's also diuretic...

PLINUS THE ELDER also described in the 1st century AD the extraction of LADANUM resin with the help of goats. These were driven through the dense cistus bushes. The sticky resin of the cistus stuck to the goat hair, which was then cut off and boiled. The valuable resin could be skimmed off in the cooled supernatant.


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