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Arzneipulver YARROW
In ❤  and gratitude dedicated to Pedanius DIOSCURIDES

Schafgarbe & dextrose (method according to Paracelsus)

Already Pedanius Dioscurides praised and praised this wonderful plant. It was one of his favorite plants, along with the yam root, which also bears his name in Latin. No wonder, because their healing effects are extensive, amazing and holistic.
It has a CALMING effect. Anyone who has suffered pain or injury knows how stressful such a condition can be. I was allowed to experience their HEMOSTATING, WOUND HEALING & DISINFECTING effect (see comments below). Even with severe injuries, it does amazing things as emergency care. In addition, it is germ-resistant, anti-inflammatory and thus promotes wound healing and can, for example, be used in the household as a DISINFECTION. It has an antispasmodic effect, for example for abdominal pain, back pain, stiff neck and menstrual cramps.
It can be used as a chest compress when you have a cold or flu.
It is BILIFORCULATOR and serves as a DIURETIC.
In addition, it provides excellent service as a LIVER WRAP, which can be further enhanced by putting on a hot-water bottle.
die SCHAFGARBE  is also known as VENUS BROW because its young leaves resemble eyebrows. This signature indicates its healing powers as lady's herb, because die SHAFGARBE is rich in PHYTOHORMONES. In the menopause, it alleviates the symptoms that arise, relieves menstrual cramps (e.g. mit SCHAFGARBE- lady's mantle tea), etc.
SHE relieves headache and migraine symptoms.
In the digestive system, it helps with diarrhea, hemorrhoids and intestinal inflammation.



In ❤ dedicated to Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim PARACELSUS

(Johannis herbs and dextrose), method according to Paracelsus

At DIOSCURIDES, St. John's wort is also called Hartheu. Otherwise names like Herrgottsblut, Fuga Daemonum (Devil's flight) are known to me.
The name St. John's wort can be traced back to St. John the Baptist. 
PARACELSUS calls it a gift from God, the royal medicine and the image of the sun.

DIOSCURIDES, as the emperor's doctor and companion on many campaigns, uses the plant primarily because of its WOUND HEALING and PAIN RELIEF effects, for sciatica and burns. The following can be found in his MATERIA MEDICA:

...Preferably she heals
Sciatica, but you have to drink water after cleaning. Also
The herb heals burns as a cataplasm, finally it stills
the blood...

Otherwise, St. John's wort helps with the following symptoms:
gout, rheumatism
PAIN RELIEF after sprains, neck tension, nerve pain, shingles and cervical spine syndrome
sunburn, burns

Only PARACELSUS, whose favorite plant is St. John's wort, researches its excellent properties on the psyche. He speaks of 4 forces that make the plant a universal remedy:

Against wounds
Against worms
As a balm

PHANTASMATA would nowadays be called mental illnesses or disorders such as depression, personality disorders, psychoses and the like. 
(From THE HERBAL INDUSTRY OF PARACELSUS by Olaf Rippe: ...It is diseases that force people to kill themselves (III/630)....). 
So diseases (if you already knew the person before) where you have the feeling that the person is animated by another spirit.

As its likeness, JOHANNISWORT should be taken in accordance with the course of the sun, i.e. in the morning (not at night and in the afternoon). So it is still prescribed, administered or recommended by knowledgeable people administering it today.

IMPORTANT to know:
Cattle, horses, sheep avoid JOHANNISKRAUT. Because they are light-skinned and sensitive to light. Because the KUH is not as STUPID as it is often called. ST. JOHN'S WORT produces, if you and other light types and races (including HUMAN BEINGS) eat it, high photosensitivity, swelling, sunburn up to necrosis. It is true that the lighter the complexion, the more sensitive the intake of JOHANNISKRAUT.
This is not a freak of nature. PARACELSUS calls the herb "God's gift" to man, since its light and sunny energy has the power to banish darkness. What is meant by this is the strongly positive healing power of St. John's wort on the psyche (especially in the darker half of the year).


In ❤ dedicated to Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim PARACELSUS

(Johannis herbs and dextrose), method according to Paracelsus

At DIOSCURIDES, St. John's wort is also called Hartheu. Otherwise names like Herrgottsblut, Fuga Daemonum (Devil's flight) are known to me.
The name St. John's wort can be traced back to St. John the Baptist. 
PARACELSUS calls it a gift from God, the royal medicine and the image of the sun.

DIOSCURIDES, as the emperor's doctor and companion on many campaigns, uses the plant primarily because of its WOUND HEALING and PAIN RELIEF effects, for sciatica and burns. The following can be found in his MATERIA MEDICA:

...Preferably she heals
Sciatica, but you have to drink water after cleaning. Also
The herb heals burns as a cataplasm, finally it stills
the blood...

Otherwise, St. John's wort helps with the following symptoms:
gout, rheumatism
PAIN RELIEF after sprains, neck tension, nerve pain, shingles and cervical spine syndrome
sunburn, burns

Only PARACELSUS, whose favorite plant is St. John's wort, researches its excellent properties on the psyche. He speaks of 4 forces that make the plant a universal remedy:

Against wounds
Against worms
As a balm

PHANTASMATA would nowadays be called mental illnesses or disorders such as depression, personality disorders, psychoses and the like. 
(From THE HERBAL INDUSTRY OF PARACELSUS by Olaf Rippe: ...It is diseases that force people to kill themselves (III/630)....). 
So diseases (if you already knew the person before) where you have the feeling that the person is animated by another spirit.

As its likeness, JOHANNISWORT should be taken in accordance with the course of the sun, i.e. in the morning (not at night and in the afternoon). So it is still prescribed, administered or recommended by knowledgeable people administering it today.

IMPORTANT to know:
Cattle, horses, sheep avoid JOHANNISKRAUT. Because they are light-skinned and sensitive to light. Because the KUH is not as STUPID as it is often called. ST. JOHN'S WORT produces, if you and other light types and races (including HUMAN BEINGS) eat it, high photosensitivity, swelling, sunburn up to necrosis. It is true that the lighter the complexion, the more sensitive the intake of JOHANNISKRAUT.
This is not a freak of nature. PARACELSUS calls the herb "God's gift" to man, since its light and sunny energy has the power to banish darkness. What is meant by this is the strongly positive healing power of St. John's wort on the psyche (especially in the darker half of the year).



Heiloil Psyche No.I

(DEPRESSIONS, restlessness, sleep disorders, fears, etc.)

The healing components of the plants are differently soluble in different media (oil, alcohol, glycerin, etc.). In order to achieve a holistic use of all components and their healing powers, I have prepared individual extracts with oil (base oil is my hay oil) and individual extracts with vegetable organic glycerine from all plants involved here and then combined them accordingly. Jedoch sind sowohl das HeilÖl Psyche als auch die HeilTinktur Psyche alleine auch sehr wirksam.

The plants:
sleep-promoting, calming, analgesic
Relieves Depression, Calms, Helps with Memory Problems, Helps with Mental Fatigue, Antispasmodic, Appetite Stimulant
Tall Skullcap: calming, for fears 
calming, helps against nervousness, relaxing, analgesic, with irritability, 
Real valerian
sleep-inducing, relaxing, for anxiety, calming, concentration-enhancing, antispasmodic, 
Johannis herbs
in depression, 
Common evening primrose
calming, with disturbed libido 
Catuaba: with disturbed libido, relieves depression 
wild lettuce: 
calming, pain relieving

The oil. as well as the tincture are additionally charged with the healing stones black tourmaline and smoky quartz.


Arzneipulver MELISSE
(Balm & Dextrose)

Lemon balm has been a proven medicinal plant for many centuries and its ability is almost universal in terms of both physical and mental ailments.

For HILDEGARD VON BINGEN, lemon balm was so important as a medicinal plant that she attributed the healing power of 15 herbs to it.
She used them for headaches, dizziness, rheumatic diseases, difficulty falling asleep, stomach problems and to improve mood.

PARACELSUS said the following about lemon balm: "Of all things that the earth produces, lemon balm is the best herb for the HEART."

Healing effect PSYCHE:

in states of anxiety
sleep disorders in states of restlessness
Loss of appetite 
uplifting, calming & relaxing

Lemon Balm ESSENTIAL Oil has powerful sleep-inducing and calming properties.

Healing effect BODY:

For colds & bronchitis
Heart problems (e.g. in combination with HERZGESPANN) 
Migraines and Headaches 
Gout & Rheumatism
herpes labialis
Shingles (spray on lemon balm) hydrolate distillate

Stomach cramps & stomach problems 
bile problems

menopausal symptoms
nausea in pregnancy
menstrual cramps

muscle tension
and cramps & sore muscles

antispasmodic (e.g. in combination with cinquefoil) 
antifungal (for athlete's foot)

Lemon balm ESSENTIAL oil has powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ingredients of lemon balm: 
Essential oils (citral, citronellal, linalool, geraniol and aldehydes), tannins, bitter substances, resin, mucilage, glycosides, saponins, thymol and vitamin C.



Procedures from ancient folk medicine

Heileffekt coltsfoot: 
from sore throat, bronchitis to pulmonary tuberculosis, Huflattich helps the respiratory organs

When I was cooking SYRUP last year, it somehow didn't feel right that he had to cook hour after hour. The sensitive vitamins and other ingredients don't tolerate that much heat. 
I'm trying a gentler method from antiquity.
In a sealable jar, layer HUFLATTICH  and sugar (I use cane sugar). Keep refilling in this way for 3 days (because the mass keeps dropping). 
Now you should bury the jar in the ground for 6-8 weeks (I assume because of the constant temperature). Since I am currently in a monastery, I have decided to camp in the outer temple of Padmasambhava. The temperatures are relatively constant there and there are also good vibes.

Additionally charged with the AZURIT -MALACHIT 
& the recitation MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA (Sanskrit)

And I'm really excited. Unlike the SYRUP cooking method, the ancient fermentation method makes me feel really good to see, taste and feel. 
The SYRUP has a beautiful colour, a very intense taste and, in a subtle sense, "a lot of bang". I'm happy. 

It shows me again what it means and what you get when you give things time and treat them sensitively and with respect. As they deserve.


Procedures from ancient folk medicine

Heileffekt coltsfoot: 
from sore throat, bronchitis to pulmonary tuberculosis, Huflattich helps the respiratory organs

When I was cooking SYRUP last year, it somehow didn't feel right that he had to cook hour after hour. The sensitive vitamins and other ingredients don't tolerate that much heat. 
I'm trying a gentler method from antiquity.
In a sealable jar, layer HUFLATTICH  and sugar (I use cane sugar). Keep refilling in this way for 3 days (because the mass keeps dropping). 
Now you should bury the jar in the ground for 6-8 weeks (I assume because of the constant temperature). Since I am currently in a monastery, I have decided to camp in the outer temple of Padmasambhava. The temperatures are relatively constant there and there are also good vibes.

Additionally charged with the AZURIT -MALACHIT 
& the recitation MEDICINE BUDDHA MANTRA (Sanskrit)

And I'm really excited. Unlike the SYRUP cooking method, the ancient fermentation method makes me feel really good to see, taste and feel. 
The SYRUP has a beautiful colour, a very intense taste and, in a subtle sense, "a lot of bang". I'm happy. 

It shows me again what it means and what you get when you give things time and treat them sensitively and with respect. As they deserve.

Arzneipulver HERZGESPANN ❤
(Motherwort and Dextrose)
Process according to PARACELSUS

Lonora cadiacas

The lion heart on a mental and physical level. It has a relaxing effect on both levels

Unlike other soothing plants, motherwort does NOT make you TIRED when dealing with everyday life. 
Again, it helps with falling asleep again.

as a FIRST AID plant (like emergency drops from Bach flowers) in case of shock, accident, test anxiety, grief, events that throw us off balance.

as lady's herb: 
(Best in combination with lady's mantle and sheep's gift)
under birth

thyroid herb
Prostate disease and also prostate cancer (best in combination with propolis)

gall and liver diseases

HERZGESPANN supports the MERCURY PRINCIPLE (rhythmic system: all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep/growth, breathing, metabolism). 
Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with a distinctive leaf and stem system have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system (Mercury principle):

HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove 
LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus
BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary
HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow

Arzneipulver HERZGESPANN ❤
(Motherwort and Dextrose)
Process according to PARACELSUS

Lonora cadiacas

The lion heart on a mental and physical level. It has a relaxing effect on both levels

Unlike other soothing plants, motherwort does NOT make you TIRED when dealing with everyday life. 
Again, it helps with falling asleep again.

as a FIRST AID plant (like emergency drops from Bach flowers) in case of shock, accident, test anxiety, grief, events that throw us off balance.

as lady's herb: 
(Best in combination with lady's mantle and sheep's gift)
under birth

thyroid herb
Prostate disease and also prostate cancer (best in combination with propolis)

gall and liver diseases

HERZGESPANN supports the MERCURY PRINCIPLE (rhythmic system: all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep/growth, breathing, metabolism). 
Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with a distinctive leaf and stem system have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system (Mercury principle):

HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove 
LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus
BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary
HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow

Arzneipulver WILD HERBS
In ❤ dedicated to PLANTS

With daisies, plantain, borage, yarrow, dandelion, nettle with seeds, plantain, wild dill, mugwort, valerian blossoms, chickweed, horsetail, columbine, red clover

(with dextrose) Process according to Paracelsus

For the time when nature goes into the winter break, I created this herbal powder in order to be sufficiently supplied with vitamins and minerals even when nature is at rest.
What makes WILD HERBS so powerful and nutrient-rich, in contrast to cultivated vegetables, is that they only grow where they find living conditions they can cope with. Seeds will sprout in one place but not in another. They are relentlessly exposed to heat, drought, moisture, etc. and yet THEY grow...
I believe that there is no more powerful and energetic plant than a DAISY fighting its way through the asphalt. What it has to do and how long it takes to find the one spot that makes it possible to grow into the light, I think only the DAISIES know 🌼 alone...

Arzneipulver WILD HERBS
In ❤ dedicated to PLANTS

With daisies, plantain, borage, yarrow, dandelion, nettle with seeds, plantain, wild dill, mugwort, valerian blossoms, chickweed, horsetail, columbine, red clover

(with dextrose) Process according to Paracelsus

For the time when nature goes into the winter break, I created this herbal powder in order to be sufficiently supplied with vitamins and minerals even when nature is at rest.
What makes WILD HERBS so powerful and nutrient-rich, in contrast to cultivated vegetables, is that they only grow where they find living conditions they can cope with. Seeds will sprout in one place but not in another. They are relentlessly exposed to heat, drought, moisture, etc. and yet THEY grow...
I believe that there is no more powerful and energetic plant than a DAISY fighting its way through the asphalt. What it has to do and how long it takes to find the one spot that makes it possible to grow into the light, I think only the DAISIES know 🌼 alone...

Medicinal powder CISTROSE 
Croatian cistus & dextrose (Procedure according to Paracelsus)

Rockrose (Cistus incanus) is a plant native to the Mediterranean. It has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. In Greek folk medicine, Cistus was used for ITCHING and DISINFECTION of wounds. Cistus or Cystus is one of the most POLYPHENOL-rich plants in Europe. Today, their highly antioxidant compounds are used to treat FLU AND COLDS. 


stimulates the immune system
strengthens the mucous membranes
against colds,
against skin diseases (e.g. acne, neurodermatitis) 
for gastrointestinal complaints (e.g. intestinal flu)
in inflammation of the urinary tract
as incense for disinfection
(it was even used against the plague)

SHE acts:
detoxifying (e.g. for heavy metal pollution and poisoning)

=126. boxes.

... It has contracting power; hence the crushed leaves, twice a day
drunk in bitter wine, a good remedy for dysentery. For themselves
as a poultice, they stop eating ulcers. Heal with wax ointment
her burn and aged wounds...

=128. ladanum.
... The power of the leaves of the same proves to be astringent, healing against what the kistos also works against. From him that is sucked. Ladanum (Cistus resin) obtained. It has astringent, warming, emollient power. Mixed with wine, myrrh and myrtle, it prevents hair loss
Coated with wine, it makes the wound scars beautiful, with honey mead or
Dropped in rose oil, it cures earache, and it is used as incense
for throwing out the afterbirth, mixed with the suppository it cures
hardening in the uterus; it will also successfully
added to sedative medicines and cough medicines. With old wine
drunk it causes diarrhea. But it's also diuretic...

PLINUS THE ELDER also described in the 1st century AD the extraction of LADANUM resin with the help of goats. These were driven through the dense cistus bushes. The sticky resin of the cistus stuck to the goat hair, which was then cut off and boiled. The valuable resin could be skimmed off in the cooled supernatant.



Medicinal powder STICKY ALANT 
from the ALANTE family (Dittrichia viscosa or Inula viscosa)
Croatian elecampane & dextrose 
(Method according to Paracelsus)

The elecampane is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. 
Elecampane is mainly used for FLU PAL INFECTION with a strong COUGH and chronic lung problems. Elecampane is rich in essential oils and other ingredients such as phytosterols and others that have a very beneficial effect on diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The plant is even recommended for the smoker's disease COPD because of its lung-cleansing effect.
The roots of elecampane, which are harvested in late summer and autumn, are particularly effective, but the herb is also an effective remedy.

The oil of the sticky elecampane is very effective for respiratory diseases. It is obtained from the whole flowering plant and has a cough-suppressing, expectorant and antispasmodic effect. I will present you the result in about 6 weeks 😊.

Healing effect of ALANT on:
Upper respiratory tract colds
dry tickly cough z. B. Sarcoidosis 
chronic cough conditions 
protracted bronchial catarrh
strong mucus
In general, remedies with elecampane make breathing easier and can therefore also be used for people in need of care or for lung tumors and metastases.

ALANT works:

A particularly effective remedy with elecampane for respiratory diseases is the preparation of an infusion (both root and herb). The parts of the plant are poured over with hot water and soaked for 4-8 hours. The drink can then be briefly warmed up again and then drunk.

Already DIOSKURIDES pointed out that itching can occur when collecting the plant. If you are very sensitive, you should wear gloves. The following is found about ALANT in its Materia Medica:

=27. elecampane.
...The roots are dug in the summer and cut up and dried. The decoction of it
drunk drives the urine and menstruation. The root itself with
Lycium and honey helps against cough, chest congestion (ortho-
pnea), internal ruptures, spasms, flatulence, against the bite of poisonous animals,
by proving to be warming at all. Its leaves boiled with wine have been successfully applied to sufferers of sciatica. In sweet wine
submitted it (the root) is palatable. ..Crushed and enjoyed, it helps those who suffer from hemorrhage.


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