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  EVERYTHING... grows, learns and thrives

For some time now I have been dealing with the cycle illness - healing - health  and am looking for remedies and methods and above all for CAUSES in all countries, times and cultures .

While collecting herbs and observing nature, I've been having strange thoughts lately, which manifest themselves more and more when looking at the starry sky. Plants that indicate through their shapes how they can best help and support (signature theory: walnut - brain, St. John's wort - protection of the psyche; the flower has the shape of a pentagram , kudzu - as a highly invasive plant, as an aid to drug withdrawal, etc.). 
So there is a disturbance in the healthy, and therefore a TASK. The healing option and the SOLUTION  are also included. Humans just have to be willing, clever or desperate enough to find them.

That thought gave me a funny idea. What if we humans were just an experiment in a laboratory. Here and there the conditions are changed, here and there the dose is changed and the reactions are checked. Just as man does with mice, whom he considers fit and inferior enough not to mourn the numerous deaths. Research is a must - dead mice can be calculated. A rapidly reproducing race... So how about if in the whole world structure, in our universe - which is maybe only a microcosm in the macrocosm, we are only the mice....

The question that occupies me is, with all the perfection and coherence of the smallest details from the mitochondria to hair growth, from perfectly coordinated living conditions and environmental conditions - oxygen, photosynthesis, water and so on, why do diseases exist?

Maybe the better question would be:What would we be without the diseases? 

Imagine a clan more primevalPeople in front who are cozy by the firesit and nibble on berries and twigs.Would we still sit there like thisif not, for example, a branch from thetrees fallenand one of these people had smashed a leg, whereupon the others ran to SEARCH for something to straighten the leg or to look for something_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-8dcf58d_bad to SEEK what could ease the pain of the poor screaming human being.

Is it perhaps the pain, the misery, the concern for life and limb - his own life or that of someone else and the despair that drives people forward and has always driven them forward. Push on to FIND something that will make it better, something that will heal and lead back to health and goodness. 
So what if the branch hadn't fallen from the tree? Then  we might be  still  in a comfortable atmosphere with the other members of the clan sitting by the fire and not needing to SEARCH or look for something to move because it would be good and cozy by the warm fire...
The poor man with the broken leg could be helped. The others found solid tree bark and lianas with which to straighten the leg. Someone found an herb that stopped the bleeding and another that relieved the pain, and for better mobilization they also found a suitable stick as a crutch, which made walking easier.




















WHAT makes it necessary to move (for food, shelter and health etc):

The body as an expression, drawing or projection of the creative unity of ALL

WHAT moves us: 

Emotions and thoughts, as an expression of our soul (our very own signature - our essential cell unit in the structure / in the organism of EVERYTHING

WAS shows us the way and shows us where to look:

The Spirit (The voice or organ of speech of EVERYTHING


The other question that concerns me at least as much, why is it inherent in people to kill their neighbors with the crutch that is no longer needed after recovery out of anger and anger in an argument, to notice that it works great and creatively still pointed stones attached to the thing to make the whole thing even more effective....

Here I come back to the explanation from "Everything vibrates" that man is only one race on our planet with a function intended for him with his dispositions. This function within the cognitive possibilities is to SHAPE this planet our world. Shape through its ability to give shape to the all-encompassing spirit of creation.

So what went wrong? Or did something go wrong or are we just in a pubescent learning process. Only the following somehow immer  stand in our way... Ms. Uni Versa and her crew. We do not calculate that everything that we humans use in any way also has a voice. We humans with our spiritual powers and the ability to give shape to CREATION and to bring it to life have lost RESPECT in any form for what we need to implement our visions, with the HUMAN NATURE given to us and according to our ideas should shape.


It is the hunt - of any kind - that makes man his own and the enemy of EVERYTHING!

In his nature, man does not have the anatomy and physiology (physique, strength, speed, bite, etc.) to be a hunter. Originally we ate plants. I assume that because of dead or injured animals and because he copied it from predators, man started eating meat.

The most resourceful and experienced of a clan then probably tinkered with fishing methods and started a momentous process:

WHO hunted and, if not themselves hunted, brought the meat home? Certainly only the bravest and strongest. And the fee was a superior position in the clan and recognition.

Not only was the EGO happy, it was also able to develop well. The NATURE OF HUNT is that there is a WINNER and a LOSER. One who kills and one dead. And WIN is so powerful. But it makes GREED and selfish, you want MORE of it and forget everything around you just for that feeling of VICTORY. The clan is fed up but not the hunter's ego.

One recognized his superior position in his courage and strength when hunting, but led the clan fairly and responsibly through the wilderness. Another, at some point, used the dependency of others for personal gain, felt superior, and exploited it POWERFULLY. After all, he was also dangerous for the weaker... So the hunter became the regent and leader, not only took the life of the wild animal, but perhaps also the NEIGHBOR, who was perhaps also a strong and courageous man, also successfully what he did and was recognized by the clan (whether it was hunting or gathering other food or making a fire) and perhaps had different ideas and ideas. Be it the deposit or the direction of the clan's path. Quarrels and quarrels exist everywhere, even among animals, to explain one's position and to gain respect for one's own individual. But he took the neighbor's LIFE because he saw it as a threat to diminish his glory instead of seeing the other idea as a helpful input and another opportunity. After all, it was he who was ALWAYS MORE successful in hunting and ALWAYS MORE meat, was ALWAYS MORE worshiped and ALWAYS MORE demanding recognition and the EGO grew and grew - up to a terrible tyrant, a clan afraid of him and many more dead animals.

The animal - a wolf, lion or fox - hunts because it is its NATURE and not because it has copied it from someone else. Es needs this TYPE OF FOOD to maintain its life (physiological and anatomical conditions). We humans don't NEED that! And because we don't need it and still took and take ourselves, man has made nature his opponent and his "supposed" inferior hunting partner. In my understanding, anyone who still assumes that nature is the deer and man is the wolf is an idiot.

Because everything that goes wrong on this planet, racism, torture of sentient beings, terror, diseases etc. is ultimately the answer of OUR OWN HUMAN NATURE that we TAKE what we don't need! And we humans are so DUMMY, wanting to save the planet, begging God or Allah to end the injustice and take away the sin from us.

SELF-RESPONSIBILITY is the non-verbal answer of the gods in the form of an ugly view of a destroyed nature, diseases, destroyed people, animals, plants and areas of land through INDUSTRY, WARS and CHEMISTRY.


Here again very clearly the answer of what created us, on our way of DESIGNING the world, to read, hear, see, feel and smell:








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