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HEU & PETRIFIED WOOD (sunflower oil as base oil)

I made the  Heuöl from alpine hay with about 50 different meadow plants and herbs. It has a very calming effect and helps to fall asleep before bedtime.

Relieves withdrawal symptoms

Petrified Wood

calms anger and overreaction,

helps to see one's own mistakes and learn from them.Strengthens resistance to addictive substances (alcohol, drugs...)alleviates withdrawal symptoms

Dedicated with love to Pedanios Dioscorides



At DIOSCURIDES, St. John's wort is also available as
called Hartheu. Otherwise names like Herrgottsblut, Fuga Daemonum (Devil's flight) are known to me.
The name St. John's wort can be traced back to St. John the Baptist. 
PARACELSUS calls it a gift from God, the royal medicine and the image of the sun.

DIOSCURIDES, as the emperor's doctor and companion on many campaigns, uses the plant primarily for its WOUND HEALING and PAIN RELIEF effects, for sciatica and burns. The following can be found in his MATERIA MEDICA:

...Preferably she heals
Sciatica, but you have to drink water after cleaning. Also
The herb heals burns as a cataplasm, finally it stills
the blood...

Otherwise, St. John's wort helps with the following symptoms:
gout, rheumatism
PAIN RELIEF after sprains, neck tension, nerve pain, shingles and cervical spine syndrome
sunburn, burns

Only PARACELSUS, whose favorite plant is St. John's wort, researches its excellent properties on the psyche. He speaks of 4 forces that make the plant a universal remedy:

Against wounds
Against worms
As a balm

PHANTASMATA would nowadays be called mental illnesses or disorders such as depression, personality disorders, psychoses and the like. (From THE HERBAL KNOWLEDGE OF PARACELSUS by Olaf Rippe: There are diseases that force people to kill themselves (III/630)). 
So diseases (if you already knew the person before) where you have the feeling that the person is animated by another spirit.

As its likeness, JOHANNISWORT should be taken in accordance with the course of the sun, i.e. in the morning (not at night and in the afternoon). So it is still prescribed, administered or recommended by knowledgeable people administering it today.

IMPORTANT to know:
Cattle, horses and sheep mostly avoid St. John's Wort. Because they are light-skinned and sensitive to light. The KUH is not as STUPID as it is often called. ST. JOHN'S WORT produces, if you and other light types and races (including HUMAN BEINGS) eat it, high photosensitivity, swelling, sunburn up to necrosis. It is true that the lighter the complexion, the more sensitive the intake of JOHANNISKRAUT.
This is not a freak of nature. PARACELSUS calls the herb "God's gift" to man, since its light and sunny energy has the power to banish darkness. What is meant by this is the strongly positive healing power of St. John's wort on the psyche (especially in the darker half of the year).

KUDZU & KUNZIT (sunflower oil as base oil)

Kudzu - an East Asian plant has been used for 1000 years against alcohol cravings. Alcohol is broken down very slowly in the body, which means that you are drunk after just a few glasses and have no desire to continue drinking. In addition, kudzu produces nausea and dizziness when combined with alcohol


Kunzite is a specialist when it comes to alcohol and drugs. Whoever has the desire and the will to work on their problems and  their symptomatic  ailments: 



Depressionen,  Sucht, Ängste usw zu arbeiten,  findet im Kunzit, neben dem Rauchquarz, den besten Begleiter , supporter and strong-willed.

Dedicated with love  to my father and brave friends & comrades



Heiloil Psyche No.I

(DEPRESSIONS, restlessness, sleep disorders, fears, etc.)

The healing components of the plants are differently soluble in different media (oil, alcohol, glycerin, etc.). In order to achieve a holistic use of all components and their healing powers, I have prepared individual extracts with oil (base oil is my hay oil) and individual extracts with vegetable organic glycerine from all plants involved here and then combined them accordingly. Jedoch sind sowohl das HeilÖl Psyche als auch die HeilTinktur Psyche alleine auch sehr wirksam.

The plants:
sleep-promoting, calming, analgesic

Relieves Depression, Calms, Helps with Memory Problems, Helps with Mental Fatigue, Antispasmodic, Appetite Stimulant
Tall Skullcap: calming, for fears 
calming, helps against nervousness, relaxing, analgesic, with irritability, 


Real valerian
sleep-inducing, relaxing, for anxiety, calming, concentration-enhancing, antispasmodic, 
Johannis herbs
in depression, 
Common evening primrose
calming, with disturbed libido 
Catuaba: with disturbed libido, relieves depression 
wild lettuce: 
calming, pain relieving

The oil. as well as the tincture are additionally charged with the healing stones black tourmaline and smoky quartz.


HERZGESPANN 💞Healing oil
Leonurus cardiaca

The HEART SPANN is, as the Latin name (Leonurus for lion & Cadiacas for heart) already suggests, a lion heart on a mental and physical level. It has a relaxing effect on both levels

Unlike other soothing plants, motherwort does NOT make you TIRED when dealing with everyday life. 
Again, it helps with falling asleep again.

as a FIRST AID plant (like emergency drops from Bach flowers) in case of shock, accident, test anxiety, grief, events that throw us off balance.

as lady's herb: 
(Best in combination with lady's mantle and sheep's gift)
under birth

thyroid herb
Prostate disease and also prostate cancer (best in combination with propolis)

gall and liver diseases

HERZGESPANN supports the MERCURY PRINCIPLE (rhythmic system: all balancing processes such as heart function, blood pressure, sleep/growth, breathing, metabolism). 
Since these processes take place continuously, they should also be supported regularly, e.g. with herbal medicines that support the MERCURY PRINCIPLE. Plants with a distinctive leaf and stem system have a particularly beneficial effect on our rhythmic system (Mercury principle):

HEART: Motherwort, lemon balm, foxglove 
LUNG: Lungwort, Eucalyptus
BLOOD SYSTEM: nettle, rosemary
HORMONAL SYSTEM: mugwort, lady's mantle, yarrow


According to many studies, ST. JOHN'S WORT works better but slower than chemical antidepressants, since these often only act on the serotonin receptors. The hyperforin and other ingredients in ST. JOHN'S WORT ensure that important neurotransmitters, messenger substances and hormones are better metabolized and are therefore increasingly available to the brain. Thus, it helps to eliminate the causes of depression more sustainably.
ST. JOHN'S WORT supports the root and sacral chakra.

BLACK TOURMALINE (Schörl) is one of the strongest protective and healing stones. For me it is an ideal companion for HSPs and empaths, as it acts as a protective shield against negative influences (e.g. computer radiation). Because of its mineral wealth (sodium, silicon, iron, manganese, calcium, etc.), tourmaline is a dynamic, uplifting, and invigorating healing stone. Its wealth of iron has a strong stimulating effect on the flow of energy. 
Mentally, Schorl enables you to adopt a relaxed, neutral attitude. It reduces negative thoughts and helps with stress and strain
BLACK TOURMALINE supports the root chakra.

GÄNSEBLÜMCHEN       LARIMAR ÖL (sunflower oil as base oil)

The daisy makes you lovely and tender and it delights the heart. It enchants with smiles and comforts with sadness. It is carefree and innocent like a child. Also helps with morning fatigue 

The gentle Larimar lovingly helps to increase self-confidence and self-realization. Nonetheless, it is a highly effective protective stone, for its light is so pure it cannot be dimmed.


Dedicated with love to Mr


HOPFEN & OPALITH  (hay oil as base oil)
calming, relaxing, concentration-enhancing, antispasmodic, sleep-inducing,
Can be used in all states of nervousness, insomnia, anxiety (exam anxiety) and many psychosomatic illnesses.

Essential oils, valerenic acid, valerianic acid, sesquiterpenes, arnica flavone, hydrophilic lignans, bitter substances, tannins, resin, alkaloids

Plant parts used: roots (flowers

opalitehelps with sleep disorders of all kinds   and can even eliminate them completely, since it has a direct effect on the sleep center  and thus influence the sleep rhythm can.

It counteracts the symptoms of depression, as well as the effects of stress, noise, shift work.

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